Posts by Shyam

    I would think that once the KPA can send and receive MIDI all should be fine with EVERY foot controller out there. The problem with many 'consumer' foot boards vs the pro boards is the ruggedness. The Moving parts just don't hold for example the volume threadles.. They more often fall apart. With pro boards expression pedals are left up to the user.. THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. Some of us want certain things.. Eg spring loaded pedals..or pedals of a certain size and even weight.. Sometimes we want a toe switch.. Sometimes not.. Some of us really want a shiny button that goes CLICK.. it's about customizing to suit personal needs.. And I think Kemper realizes that.. After all YOU ARE THE ARTIST! I would really like to use what feels good stepping on... I want to sometimes lean into the button or the pedal... It happens when you play live. I really just want the toughest most customizable pedal board to work with the Kemper.. And if it gets lost I should be able to just pop a cheapie and set it up in a few minutes. PLAY HARD :D:cursing::D

    Hi so I finally got time to figure out the lexicon mpx r1 everything going (one way midi so no syncing of LEDs) except the wah seems in reversed.. The volume pedal set as wah booster is correct.. The wah however is reversed.. Any help?? Here's a idea make the kemper receive midi through a USB stick and make the kemper FC when it does come out connect wireless as a option. 8)