Posts by moskito42

    I have the Rigmanager Android version 1.6.10 in a Pixel 6a. I am trying to connect to a Kemper Stage 10.2.2.

    Because the Home Network did not work, I put the Stage in AP mode and used the QR code for connection.

    The WLAN could connect sucessfully. The App finds the profiler.

    But upon selecting "Connect" the UI switches to "Connecting..." and stays like this for minutes, before I closed the app.

    While there could be some specialty IR's that might benefit from slot position, I'd completely disagree for Acoustic guitar. The 3Sigma IR's and all other acoustic IR's I've used work perfectly in the Cab slot. No need at all for them to be in a stomp slot.

    But nothing wrong in asking for new feature. I'd requested this same thing years ago.

    As you are having the setup anyway, just use my example with the compressor. Put it once in slot D and once in slot X. You need to use a stronger compression however. Play chords high and low on the fretboard.

    Can't you hear the difference?

    I absolutely agree your workaround is a possibility. But I hope there is an easy way to improve.

    moskito42 IR rely on convolution which is very processor intensive compared to modelling effects. CK has said several times over the years that the hardware can only run one profile so I would assume the same is true of any convolution effects.

    I agree that could be a good reason. But the Kemper somehow processes the IRs, As far as I have understood the time factor is actually removed, just the frequency spectrum stays. I just hope that this would ease things up.

    For some time now I've used a MIDI capable pedal switcher to control outboard gear with just the Remote.

    Could be done with a midi enabled cab pedal, like the Joyo R08. However I prefer an integrated solution.

    I guess the main code is already there...

    Not sure what you mean by that. You can always use any amp and cab combination you want with all Stmp and Effect slots available.

    I mean that the stomps A-D as well as the amp are in this case in front of your IR. Which means that they behave completely different.

    If you e.g. put a compressor in stomp D or stomp X will make a huge difference in your case. Just try it out.

    You told by yourself to turn the amp off, so you can't simulate e.g. warmth of a preamp after the mic. I am usind a MBritt Preamp Model for this.

    If you still want to use a cab IR, you would need to fold the two IRs together.

    The 3Sigma IRs are great. But actually they are correct as first effect in the line. So you have it as extra device in front of the Kemper and than it is hard to change it with the profile.

    So it is not about being useable but about doing the correct thing. Effect order is very important. Sorry, if I was hard to understand.

    you can already put acoustic guitar IRs in the cabinet slot, works quiet well but don´t forget to turn off the amp.

    you can use the loop fx to switch with profiles

    That's true, but the ABCD stomps get unusable and you can not chose a cab for your favourite acoustic guitar amp. Also the amp gets unusable, as you already stated. Or do I see this wrong?

    But it is a hack to reach the goal with limitations.

    The Kemper can already import IRs for use as cabinets.

    However, I do see another use for IR in guitar. You can also change the tone of your guitar. If e.g. you have an acoustic guitar with a Piezo Pickup, there are IRs which allow you to transfer the sound into miced famous acoustic guitars. This works quite good!

    Why not have the possibility to put one IR stomp (most probably on A)?

    The problem with an external device is, I can not switch it with the profiles, it remains always an additional step.

    Currently, there is one option, to set stomp A and B in a parallel path, mainly for bass.

    However, especially with external effects in the parallel path (e.g. Boss SY-200), there would also be many more possible options.

    Why not offer these two options:

    1. Which stomps are in parallel path

    none, A, AB, ABC, ABCD

    2. Where does the parallel return before

    output, REV, DLY, X, stack

    1 would allow to assign different number of stomps, which has been asked before. 2 would allow to reuse post effects for free for both paths.

    I guess this would offer maximum flexibility (what Kemper is always longing for) maintaining easy understandibility.

    I do see lots of possible usages for the parallel path.

    Der Kemper unterstützt meines Wissens (noch?) keine Synth Sounds. Das würde ich auch nicht erwarten.

    Das SY-200 sollte sich aber ideal als Ergänzung des Kempers verwenden lassen:

    - Einbettung im Effektweg

    - Anschluss über Midi

    In diesem Fall kann man z.B.:

    - Presets vom Kemper aus umschalten

    - Synth parallel zu Gitarren Klängen legen

    - den Synth Klang mit Effekten aus dem Kemper anreichern

    und das alles vom Kemper aus steuern.

    Oder übersehe ich da etwas?

    In einer Band mit 1xKeys und 2xGitarre sollten sich dadurch etliches mehr an Liedmaterial anbieten.

    Einziger Nachteil: Die Klänge vom SY-200 sind alles analoge Synthesizer Klänge. Z.B ein Piano bekommt man damit nicht hin.

    Dafür passen Latenz und Tracking.

    My fishmans would need a recharge everytime I want to play them... but thats my personal problem:

    • Either I stop playing middle of the night, when playing with fellows
    • Or I only stop because my wife or kids cry for me

    So either I am to tired or to fast away to recharge or pull out cable. ;)

    I really wanted to use that active bass, but I am using two passives instead, now.

    So if a difference up to 40% might be ok, that would really ease selection. I am typically playing lower output PUs and they often suffer quite a lot in tone from wrong string distance, thus I was looking lots also in matching outputs. But to put the Humbucker lower would be the easiest task.

    I have an active base and I have to admit... I hate it. I always forget to pull out the cable and empty the two 9V blocks inside and it is only passiv useable, when I need it. 3 years didn't cure me from this mistake. Soundwise I like the Fishmans and pricewise would still be an option.

    I actually started searching with DiMarzio. My ideas were like:

    FRED - Satch Track - Pro Track
    PAF 36th Anni - Chopper - Fast Track 1

    I really like DiMarzios single coil sounds, especially the Area series and VV54 Pro, but also the Injector. Nevertheless with the humbuckers I have my selection problems (too many options for me ;-)). Tone Zone (sounds interesting) and AT-1 (higher output PAF 36th) are close to the Gravity Storm or Dominion which the DiMarzio Tech said are good to split. But aren't those too much output, compared to the single coil sized PUs?

    From all of the big sellers, you'll find some for free. I just used the preinstalled and some free downloads and than started playing, walking through the profiles sorted by gain.

    For the profiles you love, just check the seller. For me it was like 90% of the profiles I stayed with and started tweaking were MBritt ones, so I bought some packs, when they were cheap.

    One additional note: There is no need for thousands of profiles, I guess most people stick to max 10 profiles at a time, which they repeatedly use. Even only trying and tweaking profiles can take lots of time.