Posts by Eventech

    Have you tried turning down the level for the Return Input? The factory default for profiling level is probably set for a microphone plugged into the XLR. Your Line Level input may be clipping.

    Yes, the distortion seems not to be level-dependent and does not sound like your typical input overdrive, but rather like a clocking issue or other converter-related distortion.


    Just trying to do a profiling with the device for the first time, and connecting mic pre output to Profiler Return Input and listening to the Reference amp in Profiler mode results in signal with a lot of high frequency distortion. First I thought there is something wrong with the mic or mic pre, but when I replaced everything and finally tried to send a direct signal from Direct Output straight to Return Input and got the same distorted result I'm thinking the Return Input might be faulty. Anyone seen this before? How to be sure it's not the settings or user error before I send the unit in?



    Hello all,

    I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to include ability to do a search with no amps selected but get the profiles up with the highest votes?

    I'm looking to find some best tones among all amps that are available there in the Rig Exchange area and it's not easy when there are so many, some good, some better.

    Actually, we have a reseller in Finland too:
    Custom-Sounds ( in Helsinki. They ship around the globe too.

    NIce, well I did not know that! Are they official resellers? I'm not sure as Kemper site does not indicate a dealer for Finland and they are pretty strict about the dealer network. Anyway, feel free to ask for a quote from us, no matter where you are from, but it would make sense to try to keep the shipping costs low :)


    We have considered many of your opinions from the previous Foot Controller thread.
    But it is hard to condense an optimal and (at the same time) compact design.
    Here are two proposals again. The upper design is identical to the previous one, but includes a Looper knob (which was always considered to be on the board).

    The upper is more logical, the lower more compact. Which one do you like?

    [Blocked Image:]


    Looking at the drawings, I get the feeling you are planning a design where all switches are on the same height level. I would kindly suggest to create a pedal in a way so that all the rows would be on different height. That way there would be smaller risk of accidental switching of wrong buttons. Mis-aligning the switches would also be a good idea, again for making it easier to hit the right switch. How Behringer foot pedal is designed supports this idea, although the build quality and programming difficulty makes this pedal not that great. Yamaha MFC10 is also similar by design, G Lab GSC-3, Roland FC300 too... Fractal MFC 101 looks very good and robust, but could made better by mis-aligning the switches. I'm new here, so pardon me if the topic has been previously beaten to death. I'm sure whatever you release will be great with KPA!

    EDIT: One more important thing, please don't share functions of the tuner switch! Tuner must be accessible very fast. Sharing a function, holding and waiting while it activates is not good at all, often we only have 2 seconds on stage to check the tuning and if that time is lost while waiting for the tuner to start we can't use it and need to rely on another device. Thanks!

    Another EDIT: Any midi controller would work with KPA, but Tuner function would make this device a must-have for every KPA user, so... please, make it very good ;)