Posts by TorstenS

    TorstenS -

    i had a look at your screenshots etc. The reason why you a device called PROFILER and later one called KEMPER PROFILER is that later, the driver was loaded and earlier on, something didn't work out. switching OS versions on the profiler will not help, you found that out yourself. one thing it does though is to disconnect the profiler from USB by rebooting. that's probably the reason why you saw a sudden change.
    best, gs

    Thank you GS,

    if I did understand you right, your description of my problem was only an atempt to declare me what happend, not a hint for a workaround? Of course there was no change after the update to the new beta version (2.3.1) Would it be helpful to generate a debug info with the provided prog for helping me to solve my driver installation problem?

    Thank you anyway for your reaction, with kind regards, Torsten

    I've already tried everything you've suggested except that! How did you get back to 2.2.1? Never did a downgrade...

    Hopefully this will do the trick :) I'll report back...

    Hi AHChris,

    to downgrade the firmware is an easy thing: just copy the kaos-file of the 2.2.1 firmware release to your USB stick (to folder "OS update") and than put it into its dedicated slot. Your KPA will show you, that there is an update available ... and so on. Here this procedure didn't change anything. I think it's a driver problem, like I did show you in my last post :( .

    with kind regards, Torsten

    Hi everybody,

    glad to see, I'm not alone, but never the less there is still no chance to be part of the getting always bigger crowd of RM users who can use it with their profilers. What I tried instead? Unistalled and reinstalled a fresh downloaded RM, changed the firmware of my profiler back to 2.2.1. and then back to a fresh downloaded 2.3 beta (I think, it's not a problem of this, but with a computer you always can't be sure absolutely... :) ), now I also tried another method of getting an influence what driver the PC uses with the profiler:

    I went to the hardwaremager first, had my KPA connected:
    [Blocked Image:]

    than I rightclicked on it:
    [Blocked Image:]

    now I did a left click:
    [Blocked Image:]

    at this point I disconnected my profiler and after that I left clicked again:
    [Blocked Image:]

    and pointed on the driver subdirectory of the Kemper Amps folder. I got the following message afterwards:
    [Blocked Image:]

    As you see, there was a change from "Profiler" to "Kemper Profiler", but if I connected my KPA now again to the USB port, the well known picture one (see above, that one with the red arrow) came up. The behaviour stayed always the same: Connect and reconnect the profiler gave an announcement sound on Windows, but in the hardwaremanager there was always only a profiler that had no driver in use.
    [Blocked Image:] [Blocked Image:]

    So I gave you all the information I collected up to now. Maybe someone has a good idea to solve the way my computer (and obvious not only my one!) handles wrong with the Kemper driver.
    I will be back this evening and I thank you all in advance for take notice of my problem.

    with best regards, Torsten

    Thank you anyway,

    DonPetersen gave me the hint to look again and more carefully for the RM-entry in the list of the uninstallable programs and I did found it, tried again the unistall - reinstall - reconnect - procedure with the same result: no connection of the RM with my KPA. We encircled the problem in an incorrect driver installation on both my computers. How to solve this is still open, but I think I should play a few minutes on my Strat than sit anylonger infront of my monitor...

    There will be a turnaround anyhow, we still not know it.

    Thank you again, Torsten :)

    Hi again,

    tried to uninstall RM and removed all drivers, restarted the maschine and reinstalled a fresh downloaded RM for 64bit Windows. The result was the same like before. In the hardwaremanager is still showing a "Profiler" under "Audio-, Video- und Gamecontroller" when the profiler is plugged in. Additionally I did a fresh install procedure on my laptop (also Win7 64bit) and here it is the same: no "MyProfiler" in the RM, no chance to use the RM together with my KPA.
    Btw. it is not easy to uninstall the RM and his drivers, because there is no uninstall file.

    Thank you for your solicitousness, (I only did want to play guitar), Torsten

    Thank you again! The driver should be installed in the main installation of RM?! But it seems there went something wrong with it. I tried to uninstall the driver in the hardwaremanager and than to install a new driver out of the driver folder in the Kemper Amps folder.
    [Blocked Image:]

    After that the following message appeared:
    [Blocked Image:]

    I tried another method to reinstall the driver direct out of the subfolder with a right-klick on the kemper.inf-file and "install", but another negative message poped up:
    [Blocked Image:]

    So are there any other ways to get the Kemper profiler driver installed in the right way?

    Thank you again! Kind regards, Torsten

    Thank you all for your fast replies!

    No, there is no such "MyProfiler" folder in my RM. Like you can see in the small green image, there are only two entries under "all rigs": [local library(0) and rig exchange(3816)] Seems, that there is no good linking between the RM and my profiler here! But why?


    Edit: And I did use a standard USB printer cable of course.


    at first I have to say Thank you for fullfilling a long cherished dream with the Rig Manager for your profiler! Unfortunately all is working fine here instead of the linking of my PC (Win7 64bit) and my profiler (KPA-OS The Rig Manager loads the huge amount of rigs from the cloud but nothing appears at the local library :( .
    [Blocked Image:]

    The computer itself recognizes the profiler.
    [Blocked Image:]

    The profiler is connected with a standard USB cable to an USB 2 Port.
    Have I missed anything?

    Thank you in advance for any useful hint! After a long time of waiting surely a short delay in accessibility...

    Kind regards, Torsten