Posts by StratUS90


    I used my kemper two ways:

    - with a GT1000Fx matrix Amp and a cab and this sounds really great

    - with headphones directly (kemper alone)

    With the second use case sound is really overcompressed and this is far from what Kemper can offer. Do tou have the same issue or something similar and last but not least a solution for that ?

    Thanks in advance


    PS: Of course in the second use case Im activating again the cab smulation and this makes a big difference but ... still sounds bad

    Hi Uwe,
    Did you solve this issue ? I have it also ! How ?
    The noise disappears with no gain profiles and comes back with hi gain ones. Specialy with high level profiles. It looks like a storm or like if somebody was cooking there. It increases alone without any action. The gates are all able to cover it but not completely. It is noticeable in the background. Anyway I have to put the noise gate to 80% and this has effect on the tone.
    I can play hours withourt having it and then it is there again. When it is at the top level it looks like wind plus cracks like a very bas quality cable or someting like that. Never heard such noise on any amp or simulator. I thought that it could be a piece overheating inside but in fact I can play hours without any and sometimes it is there just after booting. It is clearly linked to the level of gain.
    Please all of you help me !


    I'm interested in sharing with you which power amp solution are you using with your KPA ? Which amp and also Which cab solution ? As everybody would say that is solution is nice, I would like to have the pros and cons you would mention? Don't forget, the focu is the amp solution not the kemper versus another preamp.

    Personnaly Im currently usind the following mounting:

    Guitar =>Gsystem (insert loop send)=>Kemper=> back in the Gsystem(insert loop return) => Gsystem Left Output=> Loop Return of my H&K switchblade (4xEL34)=>4xV30S Engl cab

    The pros:
    Real tube feeling (dynamics, sustain, ...)
    Can get better sounding on some profiles that the original amp even if I like it also (I bought it)
    The cab sounds great, no awful and uncontrolled bass frequencies

    The cons:
    really reduces sound/grain difference from the different Kemper profiles
    still needs to move this big baby of 35Kg or even more => definitively not a even mid or long term solution
    Tha cab itself adds its colour (no more capability to play wityh cabs

    I foresee to go to Matrix GT1000 fx solution. Didi some of you used such solution ? If yes satified ? what was your previous conf ?

    So a lot of borring questions: really thanks in advance ?

    Can you give us the different global levels you positionned in the GSystem Input/loop/haedroom/output volme position/output level in der to have the best result (without any clipping.
    Thanks in advance