G-system limited

  • I have used a g-system for the past 5 years with my Hughes & Ketnner Triamp MKII. I profiled all 7 channels of the head. I then assigned each profiled channel to MIDI 1 thru 7 in the KPA. Then you can just creat effect patches on the g-system and assign the amp that you want by assigning it to the corresponding midi channel. Works perfect for me. I use the the pitch and compression effects from the g-system and the delays and verbs on the KPA (bc I want to run stereo)

    Hope that helps. I think they are a perfect fit for each other.

  • No I do use the g-system in stereo as well but the delays and verbs are in mono on it. Except for the ping pong delay. The mods and pitch are in stereo on the g-sys.

  • 4 cable method thru return send. To make stereo you use a 5th cable out the L send of the G-sys into the alt input of the KPA and sets that rig "x" effect to "stereo loop".

  • Here is my tips to setup Kemper and G-System ( Axe , Pod , Boss , Korg .......... ) 8)

    1. Guitar IN G-S
    2. G-S Insert send ------ Kemper IN
    3. G-S Return ------ Kemper Direct OUT/ Send
    4. G-S OUTPUT Left / mono ------ Kemper Return Input
    5. G-S OUTPUT Right ------ Kemper Alternative Input .

    Lock up " Stereo Loop " f.ex. on a " X " effect section

    and vua la . You have all G-System and Kemper effects in stereo .


    Kemper Profile Amp - Kemper remote , Kemper Stage

    2 beer or not 2 beer :thumbup:
    Mr. Serge

    Edited once, last by mrserge (October 8, 2012 at 2:05 PM).

  • Hello,
    Can you give us the different global levels you positionned in the GSystem Input/loop/haedroom/output volme position/output level in der to have the best result (without any clipping.
    Thanks in advance