Posts by metalhead

    which one do you prefer, if any? you have the choice which version to record with. im in a similar situation laying down a verse with both 1.54 and 1.6 and though not reamped, they have a character when flcking between both tracks during playback

    I haven't yet had a chance to try it myself as I'm currently away from home, so I'm only judging according to the samples I heard here. I can BARELY feel a very SLIGHT difference in presence, as mentioned, but I can't really tell which one I prefer better. Then again, maybe I'm just imagining it? I'm just concerned not to have two different sounds on the same recording, even if its only a small difference.

    I sure hope I'm only imagining it tho. Can't wait to see those test results :)

    Sorry to change the subject slightly, but all I'd like to know right now is are we staying with how it is right now, or will there be any changes in future firmwares, cos I have a song to record :) And now I don't know weather I should stick to the apparently new and (to me, barely noticeably) changed tone, or will there be an attempt to "fix" it and make it sound like 1.5.4 did, in which case I should use that one?

    I know beta is not exactly to be used for recording, but if this is the tone we will stay with, i'll use the 1.6 one. Or if not, i'll use the old 1.5.4 one... so, what to do? should I just wait?

    No offense, but I don't like it at all. In your example, the pick sounds waaay too loud when you palm mute (or play dead notes). It feels like it's slamming your ears every time you hit the strings.

    Everything also sounds way too scooped and thin. The part with basic EQ however, sounded good. Even the original sound would sound pretty good if you only threw a low cut with EQ around 70hz or so.

    I think this compares it to the last 'release' version which was back at 1.1.0. The recent updates have all been betas. Here's hoping that now they have a stable release version they will hit us with some crazy experimental new a little animated Xmas tree on boot up along with the message, 'all available dsp now used, have a nice day.'

    That would be epic :D


    I'm trying to set my recording with Spdif - Git/Stack setting, however, the clean signal on the left is WAY too loud. Same thing when I switch to Git Studio... I tried messing with Clean Sense and Distortion Sense, but it didn't help much - even with minimal settings, its still way too loud.

    What am I doing wrong? Could it be because of the tact that I'm using active pickups (SD blackouts)?

    Just been reading though all whats happening.. hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it looks so oblivious to me that Cliff and Scott are deeply in love with each other :D

    could be some sort of endorsement in question or whatever, in order to "subtly" set the forums public focus towards the specific company. Quite entertaining how thats working out though.

    We have a large headroom of calculation power left, that I was planning to keep for future features and improvements for upcoming firmwares.
    However, it takes only three seconds for me to speed up our algorithms for the next firmware.
    But this would eat up some of the headroom for the future.
    Still we don't know how much headroom we will use in the future.

    What do you think?

    Why not just make it optional? Why not make the user be able to choose the right balance that suites their need, and let them choose where to focus the available power? So if you throw most of it on antialiasing, you would not be able for example to use as many effects... which you may not be using at all in the first place.

    Another possibility could be (if doable) to make the power consumption dynamic, and always utilized. So whenever there is some free headroom, it simply gets utilized to deal with antialiasing, so nothing is wasted, and whole potential is utilized.

    Thanks guys, but would anyone be willing to do the following:

    1. check the recording and the exported rig and check if it's really sounding that digitial (both on my recording and played on your own, to figure out if its really the EMI causing the trouble or not)

    2. If it really is sounding digital, fix it OR make and upload a new patch that sounds kind of like what I'm after? Not just the profiled amp, but fully set up patch.

    It's the tweaking part that I'm not to confident yet to do on my own :D

    ... because I don't think I'm good enough to get something recording worthy, since this is what I plan to do soon. I have come up with a tone that I like, but my friend who is a good sound engineer (and who initially suggested I buy KPA) claims that what I got sounds too digital when I play on high notes. He doesn't live near by and doesn't own a KPA so I can't have him tweak it. This is why I'm asking for your help here.

    Now, one other thing that MAY be the actual problem, is the fact that where I live at the moment I have a lot of electromagnetic interference, and it really annoys me, but luckily I'll be moving soon away from here. I still want to be sure if its really me overdoing some settings, or if its really something else.

    Here is the recording of the tone I made. It's just some power chords from lower to higher notes, to give you the idea..

    And this is the actual Rig (it's called Californication because I took the cabinet of that rig :) )

    Also, if anyone can come up with something similar, but better and RECORDING worthy, I would be willing to give away $50 for the trouble.

    Some other info that may help: It is a custom guitar, bolt on alder with quilted maple top, 3 piece maple/mahogany/maple neck, 7 string, seymour duncan blackouts (both neck version) pickups.

    This is the tone I was trying to get:

    The gear used on that concert was Mesa/Boogie Triaxis, 2:90 and Mesa cabinet, recorded with Shure SM57. Of course, I don't ask for this EXACT rig, but something that sounds similar.

    So help me out guys, will ya ? :)