Posts by Blackbird

    Hi All,

    Lately I've been on a hunt for the best JCM800 profiles. Following the suggestions on this forum, I've found a few packs I would like to purchase, but seemingly unable to do so. For example vradstudios has a soundcloud site with some great clips, but doesn't seem to be alive anymore. Also Premier Profiles was recommended for great JCM800 profiles, their site is still up, but when I put the item in my cart and go to checkout, it says they aren't setup to take payments at this time.

    This made me think, what are the terms of ownership after a commercial provider leaves the space? Could someone who owns those profiles sell to me, could they be given to me or provided to all on the RigExchange? Has anyone encountered a similar situation where you wanted some commercial profiles but they could no longer be purchased, what did you do?

    For muffled, dark, and/or blanketed tones I almost always reach for the Treble and/or Presence control, because while the Clarity and Definition parameters will improve clarity and definition, they aren't necessarily suited for making dark tones brighter.

    Actually, for modern rock and high-gain amps, they are well suited for helping improve muffled/dark profiles. :thumbup:

    As a long time Kemper user, I don't generally reach for Tube Bias, Tube Shape, Power Sagging, or even Clarity and Definition when shaping profiles. I almost always reach for Gain and/or BMTP. To be honest, the advanced amp parameters don't usually shape the tone in ways that suit my needs, but that's me.

    Not sure what kind of music you play. But for rock/high gain amps, Clarity and Definition are incredibly useful and typically yield significant results. Particularly on amps sounding dull/muffled/dark.

    James Hetfield for example also uses a Klon since he switched to Mesa Rectifiers and Diezel VH4s. And I'm quite sure he has a very different goal what he wants to achieve because he has a very different tone and genre compared to all the other guys above. Maybe he's just using it to tighten the low end, which would feel a bit weird to us mere mortals who would rather use a Tubescreamer kind of pedal for this purpose. Maybe he uses it to push his amps, maybe not. We just don't know and he keeps it a secret. But still, he will surely have his own "preferred setting" for this pedal. :)

    Metallica has been using AxeFx for several years now.

    I´m just waiting for the Klon Centaur owners (and other exclusive pedals) to start "cloning" their Klons inside the Kemper with lists of presets the same way we have lists of profiles so we have a wide range of tones. That is going to happen. If not for free, some comercial vendor will do it for a small fee.

    Users have been doing this for years. There are already some Klon boosted profiles on RE.

    Profiling pedals yields mixed results and doesn't provide much flexibility to tweak the profile.

    Hi All,

    I have come to realize that for me, cab choice is the most important factor in achieving the sound I want. Questionable or mediocre sounding profiles usually sound much better suited for my taste, when paired with one of my 'go-to' cabs.

    Over the years we've had some great cab contributions, both paid and free.

    My typical favorites have been a few of Till's old Rectos(002), Mesa 4x12's from Reampzone and LRS, an Orange 1x12 from LRS, and a few of the Kemper choices from 2018 (mainly the greenback 2x12s).

    My primary musical interest is high gain, rock - metal. Also, I'm mainly looking for cab profiles that sound good at live volume levels. I've played some profiles that sounded great at low volumes but when cranked through a PA the cab didn't sound as good.

    With the KPA being so mature now, with such a wide selection of choices, I'm certain I've yet to come across the holy grail of cabs. Rather than sample every profile on the Rig Exchange and purchase every profile pack in existence, I thought it would be easier to inquire with the fine users of this forum.

    I know you all probably have a similar bucket of go-to cabs that you can rely on to give you a good sound. Anyone willing to share their top choices?

    Paid or free, doesn't matter. Thanks in advance!

    I was having a similar issue, when Rig Manager opened, the KPA and profiles were not being recognized and loaded.

    I unplugged and re-plugged the USB-C into my MacBook a few times, trying to trigger the Mac and Rig Manager to see the KPA. Was not working.

    After several tries, I decided to try the same thing, except leave the USB-C end plugged into the Mac, but unplug the other end of the cord from the KPA, re-plugged the cord into KPA and it loaded the profiles as expected. Never dropped connection on me, as some are describing. Just the initial failure to load and recognize, is all I have experienced.

    Using Mojave 10.14.6 on a Macbook Pro, using a USB to USB-C adapter.

    Hope this helps someone.

    Didn't want to start a new thread, but have similar interest, and checking to see if any new feedback from those recently trying new solutions.

    I am trying to decide between a dedicated "neutral" power amp like a matrix or fryette, vs. getting something like a 20w 6505 and just using the power section to drive my 2x12 cab. That way I can have more than just a power amp, but a cool little backup rig just in case.

    For many years I have primarily used a DXR10 and I miss the feeling/sound of the amp cab combo.

    Does anyone have experience using the power section of one these lunchbox size amps? I've used the power section in previous amps, but they were 50/100w.

    Unless you're looking for a Les Paul or Fender sound. Most people don't get that a PRS is all it's own - the way it should be. This is not meant as praise for PRS, just a fact that many people don't get - and then they get burned by their own false expectations..

    Not to mention, you can get F and G tones from PRS models too.

    Hi lasvideo,
    Welcome to the forum. It has been said that the unit will support CC/PC messages. Midi-out has not been specifically mentioned, but is a relatively standard feature within this paradigm, so it's a logical assumption, but we'll see. I am not going to provide links for you, you can use google yourself.

    I have been using the HD500 as my live midi controller for 2 years now. The rugged construction and mechanical feedback of the buttons are far easier to operate in a live situation than the odd spacing and silent plastic switches of the FCB(especially critical when singing/playing). I've also auditioned a midi-mate and liquidfoot mini+, so I'm quite familiar with the current offerings, as I've had my KPA for a long while now. Not sure why you think the HD500 is a "PITA" to program. The GUI is pretty simple to operate.

    You seem relatively new, so it may be hard for you to fully appreciate the KPA foot controller saga, but it's been continuously delayed for some time now. For long time users it can certainly be frustrating when Axe comes out with several new products, one of them being something that could fill that need.

    Perhaps you assume too much as well.

    Wow. Kemper dragging their feet with the foot controller seems like a mistake, now the competition beat them to it. Irrespective of price, it will now be hard to justify waiting (potentially forever) on a KPA-branded foot controller, when you can now get a foot controller that has Axe effects and routing capabilities.

    First quarter, second quarter,...will there ever be a KPA foot controller? It's becoming a comedy now.

    I purchased the Fireball and Retrotube packs. They are quite amazing.
    There have been ENGL profiles on the exchange, as well as TAF and Sinmix, which have all been impressive and very usable. I was very happy with my ENGL collection.
    But it is very obvious, to my ears, that these Vicious profiles are a new level of quality. The note character and definition is so articulate, while still being brutal enough to crush you. Whatever method was used to capture the profile, is a successfull formula.

    Thanks for your hard work, ArthurD! Hope you can offer some Diezel's in the future.