Posts by tenderboy

    I use the same sounds I used on our album for live gigs as well. The only thing I change is dial down the gain a bit (about - 0.5 to -1) and also dial down treble and presence a bit (- 1 to -2) due to a lot of PAs in metal clubs working at their limit and that is when the loudspeakers get shrill.

    Otherwise they sound as good live as they do in the studio. But I tune the presets at my homestudio on good monitors in a treated room and they have to sound good really loud AND quite as well.

    (regarding the problem the OP had: I guess the main problem here was a bad PA (too much bass and treble sounds like prosumer 15 inch speakers like JBL 835) in combination with a bad sound guy.

    The take away here is: hire a good soundguy. At least ONE time for a gig where you have some time for soundcheck to help you find a good tone for future gigs)

    Depending on budget I'd recommend buying a poweramp like the Ritter Camplifier SHT (that fits perfectly in the back of your toaster) .

    That way you can use whatever guitar cabinet is standing around. Either use one that you already have or that's available in the rehearsal room or buy a Kabinet or use a cabinet that the venue can provide as backline.

    If you just rehearse and only play some few gigs, you might just be OK with buying a powered Kabinet and use that.

    But with the power amp you are much more flexible by using whatever guitar cab that is available.

    That way you are never dependent in the PA and always have a suitable monitor for you.

    You can plug into a PA and a poweramp + cabinet at the same time with different volumes on each.

    I bet if I had four DXR10 cabs it would still be flat, but louder than one DXR10.

    You can have 1 fender Deluxe Reverb with 12" Jensen speaker and have amp in the room. You can have 4x DXR12 and still sound flat, but "louder" than Deluxe Reverb.

    Of course. Because they have completely different dispersion characteristics. And by that they interact differently with your room.

    The "beam" is different on both speakers. The felt lowmid bump is different because of that too.

    The highs from about 2khz on the DXR are played by the tweeter.

    The 12" Jensen plays all frequencies from his one cone.

    I don't agree somehow. I could put DXR10 on high volume, with sound filling rehearsal room around, it had 130dB SPL, but it had zero Amp In The Room.

    I remember once being in music store, someone had Epiphone LP plugged into some 50W Marshall tube head connected to 4x12 cab. It was not loud in terms of decibels, but there was this missing piece in the sound, Amp In The Room.

    The difference between one small 10 inch speaker versus four bigger 12 inch speakers .... thats almost 6 times more vibrating and air moving surface.

    Hey all, I have the powered toaster, remote, and Kabinet. I have my first live show Saturday after playing tube amps for years. Anyone got any tips?

    I want to essentially run the Kabinet as a stage monitor along with other monitors. Do I just plug the kab into the Kemper at the same spot? And where do I tell my sound guy to plug in for DI?

    Any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks!!

    Honestly, with your quite basic questions it seems like you didn't spend a lot of time with your (new) setup.

    And I fear you bring yourself into some stressful or unpleasant situation if you have no time to try out everything in a rehearsal or 2.

    Like find out where to plug everything, including speaker and FOH feed. Like finding where in the menu you can separately change the master volume for FOH and you Kabinet. (You might want to change the level for the cabinet more often so its good idea to assign it to the Master Volume poti on the Kemper).

    Also find some sounds that work in your rehearsals, that work with your arrangements and that work in the bandcontext AND are fun to play.

    I don't know the Scarlett, but it should be possible to directly listening to the Kemper from the soundcard instead of listening through Ableton.

    To monitor through Ableton you have to go through the ASIO driver, and this brings you latency. In your case almost 25ms. Which is way to high.

    Instead of the Asio4All driver, there should be a driver directly from Focusrite that could give you a lower latency.

    To listen to the Kemper directly without going through Ableton (just don't activate the monitor button in Ableton when recording) there is something like "direct monitoring" you need to turn ON on the inputs where your Kemper is connected.

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    Depends a bit on the riffs.

    With some I just can't do it. But most of the time it is doable.

    With songs where its hard but doable:

    I normally loop one verse or just 4 bars with the playback and recorded vocals separately.

    Then I practice the guitar part and mumble along the vocals with trying to go into singing more and more.

    Sometimes it helps to write the chords over the lyrics in place where there is a change (see picture)

    A Kemper Powered Kabinet sounds really good and can sound like a guitar cab as well.

    With the imprint technology it can even sound like several different speakers.

    But if you play life more often in venues that already have some cabs as backline, I would go for a poweramp like the Ritter Camplifier SHP and the unpowered Kabinet.

    This way you can use the Kabinet with the imprints at home or at gigs where there is no backline and use your Kemper with normal guitar cabs as well in case a venue has some.

    Sync source set to SPDIF.

    Using a focusrite saffire pro 24 dsp with logic and mix control software.

    Can't hear the crackle when playing through my cab. Crackle appears on recorded audio as well as when monitoring. tried DAW monitoring and Direct Monitoring and still getting a slight crackle.

    Gave the SPDIF cables a push to make sure they were connected properly, Seems like they are.

    Any other suggestions? Thanks for taking the time to read.

    Spdif out in Kemper is set to "Master"?

    Also: set output level of spdif out in Kemper to - 0,3db or something like that to just give your soundcard a bit more headroom

    I have the same issue with both kemper stage and AxeFx 3 connected to my Presonus Studio 192 mobile via spdif. I constantly hear random pops & clicks which sound similar to the sound of an old record playing.

    Im kind of new to audio stuff. Obviously Presonus my main recording device. Does switching presonus Clock Source from "internal" to "spdif" can effect me any negative way? Thank you in advance.

    Yes, your Kemper has to be the clock master and your soundcard has to be the slave.

    So in your Presonus you have to switch clock source to spdif.

    You can use the 290 with the Kabinet. But as the Kabinet is 4 Ohms, you can only use it with the 90 Watt @ 4 Ohm output.

    From Tilman Ritter :

    Camplifier 290 2x90 watts stereo + 1 x 180 watts mono : YES ! The 290 can handle 4 ohms loads on each of its stereo speaker channels and will deliver more than enough power for very loud Rock/Metal bands and loud drummers. You can not use the bridged output on a single Kemper Kone speaker though.

    If you have to have the full 180 watts, we recommend going the 2x12" route as mentioned above"

    And as DMathews wrote above: for the Kabinet use the monitor output of the Kemper and activate the imprint function (see manual)

    Have you tried the "MW - Rand L. Bogus" profile frome the Michael Wagener rig pack?

    Fantastic Marshall crunch sound!

    A friend of mine, professional guitarist who also builds his own pedals, bought the Kemper and immediately used it to record an album after he borrowed my Kemper and found that sound.

    We are playing live more now, and i n a lot of clubs there are already cabs we can use (if we have powerampa) so we do have to bring our own.

    Just yesterday we used the 4x12 cabs provided by the venue.

    (and for our downtuned doom, the 1x12 Kabinet is super for rehearsal and amp in the room sound at home but not really air pushing enough for a metal stage)

    I bought the Ritter SHP Camplifier