Posts by cmbrowns

    Another way you can quickly try pretty much any AMP without having to save them all as presets is to use Lock all but amp. You get this with a right click on the Amplifier module. Then any rig you load will change only the Amp. If you find one you like, you can always save a Preset of that amp.

    Sounds like maybe you're mixing up some of the terminology.

    A Rig is not an Amp. A Rig is all of the components (Presets) that make up that complete Rig. (AMP/Cab/any Effects, input and output settings, etc.)

    Presets are the components that make up a Rig. And you should understand the Rig Manager tree view sections. MY PROFILER, LOCAL LIBRARY sections appear under ALL RIGS, ALL PRESETS and ALL PERFORMANCES.

    Anything under MY PROFILER would be anything physically saved on your Kemper (any RIGS on the Kemper and any PRESETS, which are the components used in those RIGS.)

    Anything under LOCAL LIBRARY are RIGS, PRESETS or PEFORMANCES you've stored on your computer. They are not on your Kemper until you load and save them there.

    Keep in mind that under any LOCAL LIBRARY section you can create folders and sub-folders to help organize things. There are no folders under MY PROFILER sections.

    One thing about the AMP presets - they only appear in the MY PROFILER/PRESETS if the AMP MODEL tag has a value. If the AMP MODEL tag is blank, you still hear the amp, but there would be no visible Preset for that amp. If it seems you're missing some under ALL PRESETS, maybe look at that AMP MODEL tag when you load a rig to make sure it has a name there.

    It sounds like you're also trying to save Rigs, so you'd Save them on your ALL RIGS/MY PROFILER or under ALL RIGS/LOCAL LIBRARY.

    Hope that helps.

    Seems like a bit of both velocity and fade. Try it to hear how it's working. Add a Vintage Chorus in MOD with the default settings for the effect. Bring Rate up to 10 to make it really obvious.

    With Ducking at 0, it's always there no matter how hard or soft you pick, or how long you let it fade. Ducking at positive 3, pick hard and there is no chorus. But hold a note and after a few seconds it fades and you'll hear the chorusing start to fade in. Ducking at minus 3, picking very softly there is no chorus, Pick hard and there is chorus, but it will fade to no chorus.

    I never used those two controls, but from your question I thought I'd give them a try.

    For me with an older Profiler head and latest OS, I can't hear any effect at all from the Crossover. Full sweep and I tried various settings. Didn't seem to do anything for me.

    On the ducking - I find that with positive settings a strum will at first sound unaffected, but the trail of will build up the chorusing. Just the opposite for negative settings. A strum will start with chorusing but then fade to unaffected.

    Be interesting to hear if others get the same result. Hope that helps.

    Let me add to that - I was describing the Vintage Chorus as in the title. On the Hyper Chorus the Crossover seems to work as expected.

    Hello PNKSTR24.

    Let me try to answer with some ideas. First, PRESETS are any component making up a rig. Any amp, cab effect, input setting, output setting, etc. can be a Preset. Such as all of the things you see when adding or changing stomps or effects on your Profiler. So, you could think of a Rig as a combination of various presets. I hope that helps.

    If the goal is to review the AMPS or AMPS plus the CAB for the rigs currently on your Profiler, you could lock each of the Stomp and Effect slots (A-D, X, Mod, Delay and Reverb) while they are all OFF. Then as you open various rigs only the unlocked AMP or AMP and CAB would change. Then you could add any stomp or effect settings that you like. When you create something you like, save it under a new Rig name. But remember to UNLOCK slots, otherwise anything still locked will remain as you change Rigs.

    But the set of rigs on your Profiler only represent a pretty small set of what is available to you. If you can use the Rig Manager program, you would have an easier way to try things out, make changes and organize your own rigs and presets. For example, there are currently over 20,000 rigs on the Rig Exchange, and there are over 1500 in the free Rig Packs.

    In the Rig Manager, there are sections for everything already on the Profiler, but also "Local Library" sections where you can store anything you like. Such as customized Rigs that you may have edited. Your own favorite Cabs/Stomps/Effects, etc. that you can then add to any rig that you want. You can add folders with names you find useful under the Local Library sections to keep things organized.

    Obviously, you'll have many things to learn, but I hope this helps get you started.

    As long as your Inputs to outputs are right (Kemper outputs to interface inputs, Interface outputs to powered monitor inputs) then you are connected correctly.

    Try headphones from the Kemper just to make sure you are hearing your Kemper rigs. You could even try the Kemper Outputs directly to the Monitor inputs (bypassing the interface altogether) just to see if the Kemper and Monitors are both working normally. Keep the monitor volumes down at first in case you might have them full up.

    If all that worked, maybe try interface headphones to see if that gets there. If not, you should be contacting Behringer support/looking in the User Guide for the interface to see if there are some specific settings you need to make there.

    Would it be possible to increase the size available for importing IR files into Rig Manager? It seems to currently be 19 characters, but typical IR file names can be much longer.

    For example V30 212 O Hi-Gn All+Room Stereo Celestion.wav from Celestion and just about anything from Ownhammer, etc.

    If there are many to import, renaming them all in advance can be a bit of work. If not renamed, it seems that the imports will fail if the first 19 characters overlap.

    Hello MagnusJon,

    It may be the file names causing your issue. Kemper only has (I think) 19 characters. Try renaming your IR's removing some of the duplicated text in the names (like the YA HWAT or more), then try your import again. It's a pain to rename a lot of files first, but you could always first create folders in the PRESETS\Local Library section to put import the IR's into. For example, maybe create a folder named IRs, then YA HWAT beneath that to keep them organized. Then the file names can be much shorter and will probably import as expected.

    Just to point out - your initial post says this refers to the Profiler Head or Rack, but your screen shot indicates the Player. Hard to tell which version of Rig Manager your screen shot is from, but have you tried just enlarging the folder area of the window, stretching it to the right?

    And you might want to open a support ticket and let the Kemper folks help you figure it out.

    May have something to do with the way Kemper converts the IR to cab. A while back I had put in a feature request for an IR loader effect, to use any IR but not in the Cab module. But it didn't get a lot of traction.

    I can suggest one thing that I find using 3Sigma acoustic IR's with a few piezo guitars - on the cab module set the Pure Cabinet to 10 and the Character to +5. For me, they seem to lose the phasey quality and bring back some brightness that seemed missing.

    I just tried it to make sure it works. I first saved a preset (a compressor in this case) directly on the Kemper giving it no name as I saved it. I could see it in the My Profiler section of RM. I copied that to the Local Library and it is there with no name as in your screen shots. Then I can click the right area beside "Name' and edit the name. Nothing to save, it just keeps the new name. From there I can edit the name however I want, except I can't make it blank again in RM. So, it seems to be working normally here.

    Looking closer, RM won't let you clear the name to begin with It needs to be at least 1 character or it just reverts to whatever it was. I'm guessing that however you managed to create the EQ's with no name, that is probably the problem.

    Maybe try editing the name of a preset in Local Library that already has a name to see if it's really working. If that works, you may need to recreate your EQ's saving them properly with a name as you create them.

    Maybe something to do with yours having no name to begin with. When you go to click on the blank name, you need to make sure to click far enough over to the right, where the name would show if it existed. If you just click the "Name" header, it doesn't select the editable name. When selected for editing ot should look like this. Then you should be able to edit and save.


    Yes, I'd agree.

    It's a little less ambitious than what I was describing, but still with a lot of benefit. It still has the potential to free some slots for real effects while upgrading the amp and output EQ tuning. Many of the Tone Junkie profiles have a Pre and Post EQ (but taking up two slots) and they really help in polishing the amp tone, which is the real strength of the Kemper to begin with.

    Hopefully the Kemper folks see the value as well.