Posts by ReinoutV
Without answering your first question: this is not the way to connect an expression pedal. The guitar goes straight to the input, there is a dedicated input for expression pedals in the back. I don’t know your exact pedal, so I can’t tell you what cable you need. The manual will tell you more about this.
Thank you for your input!
This is exactly what I'm trying to do (RME as slave) but it doesn't seem to be syncing. I will have to check back page 6 of the kpa (in lockown now but I should be able to by tom or saturday - thank you for your suggesting
As to the kpa, I have a toaster which I purchased in 2012. May I ask what the deal is with pre 2019 units vs recent builts?
So, the problem is, that there is no sync? Could it be, you connected the cables the wrong way around, input to input? In the settings in your first post it shows, the RME should get its clock from S/PDIF, but after that it says “master”. The settings on the Kemper are correct.
When you set the RME to master (clock source internal) you should get signal, but with nasty pops and clicks. If that’s not the case, you could check the output settings (master button), to see what the KPA is sending over S/PDIF.
I believe the older Kempers can only act as a master clock and not as a slave Rispsira.
This is correct!
And this for every knob on the amp. And we’re forgetting interactive tone controls! But yes, it’s nice to dream once in a while.
Yes, I do have the same delay for all 5 of the slots but when I go from slot 1 to slot 2 the delay turns off unless I have it locked. I know I can store the delay to all slots as saved but I don’t want that. What I want is to engage delay at will on any slot, and when it’s on, it’s on for all 5 slots and when it’s off, it’s off on all 5 slots. Then if I bank up/down to another Performance, I want to have the option of completely different effects. I can do that now but NOT with but only if effects are locked.
What you propose here is not possible right now. What you could do, is for example program slot 1 with the delay off. Then during the song you switch the delay on. If you want to keep that delay, program slot 2 with the delay on. Repeat this workflow for all the slots you use during a song.
Locking is global for all performances, and not what you want in your situation. Programming the slots in the way you’ll be using them is the best solution, I think. -
And do you have a proper S/PDIF cable? Normal RCA (phono) cables often don’t function as expected.
Have you tried another USB port on your computer, or a different usb cable?
I'm sorry, I don't know your interface that well to help you any further. When you play something on the KPA, the test lights light up? And unmuting the input doesn't work?
I would really like a powered Kabinet. I thought they spoke about this product before, and said it was on the way?
- This could be, but I don't now how much production they have at the moment. Maybe they are struggling to deliver enough Kones and passive Kabinets, that the production of an active Kabinet is delayed?
- This confusion is already there, for example on the Stage through a power amp and Kone
- This is quite the pricey Kombination (pun intended), I doubt if there is a market for this. Most of use (at least me) use the Kemper not only with a speaker, but a lot to record with. With a powered Kabinet attached, this would be quite the hassle.
The KPA does not function as an audio interface. It has usb, but this is only there to communicate with Rig Manager.
So, what you do is as follows:
1. You connect the outputs of your Kemper into your audio interface (Quad Capture input 1 (and 2))
2. You select this interface as the input for MIKKO Player
3. You connect a monitoring system (headphones, active speakers) to the outputs of the Quad Capture
4. You select this interface as the output for MIKKO Player (Output 1 and 2)
5. Disable the cabinet section on the KPA, or use direct profiles
6. Make some noise!
Hope this helps.
It would be a major issue, if you can’t see sharp.
But the problem with a flat minor, is the question of to be or not to be. See? Don’t ask me what a flat minor is, or who... -
If tone is indeed a 0 to 10 scale, and it is set at 1, then there is a lot of hi-cutting involved. This could also explain the loss in volume. So if the Green Scream is lowering the volume of the rig, raise it until you get unity gain again, as is suggested in the post above. You could also raise the tone, but this would (of course) alter... the tone. A pure booster would be another solution, but this would cost you an extra slot.
I don't have my Kemper with me right now (which is a shame, of course). Wat are the scales of these parameters, are they all from 0 to 10, or are there a few which are -5 to +5?
What are the settings of the Green Scream? We need this information before we can make any suggestion to you.
As I said in the post above: internal is master. And for everything else, check the manual.
Internal is master, same as on the Focusrite.
When you have a new Kemper, you have two options. I have an old one, which only functions as slave: Kemper is master, the Focusrite clock is synced via SPDIF. You could also choose the other option, where the Kemper is slave (auto?) and the Focusrite clock is internal.
Make sure the frequencies match (for example both are 44.1 kHz) and you should be good to go! Check the output settings to see what the Kemper is sending over SPDIF, there are a lot of options there. -
Yes, it's about the position, not the effect itself. Now look at your KPA to see how these positions are called: yes indeed: delay and reverb. Can we let it go, please? The forum is a nice place with nice people. You made your point, in that there is a difference between the effect reverb and the position reverb. Can everybody now go on with their lives and have a happy new year?