Posts by SteelEdge

    Very nice indeed, I've saved it in case I end up going with the Axe as my backup unit. I'm using a GSP1101 now, very transparent but I didn't like the Kemper in the loop, the sound seemed to lose some life. Maybe it was all in my head who knows.

    Happened the same to me the first time I connected the Kemper into the Axe Fx LOoP, but if you follow my indications, the Kemper will sound exactly the same as if you go direct.

    And I use the alt input because is more comfortable and never found it noisier...., and also I can use the front input if I want to go direct, wich desactivates the Alt input.

    I explained this before in my older post ( Axe FX II + Kemper together (Kemper in the Axe FX II FXLOOP), the ULTIMATE TONE RIG!!!!!! ), but I've been asked to do it in a specific post so people can reach and look for it easily in the forum.Here it goes:

    OK, after a lot of hard tweaking and testing, I finally solved it!!!! There was a problem with the volumes/ signal outputs / inputs of each unit, producing lack of dynamics/clipping/difference in sound.But I finally got it!!!!.Now the Kemper sounds and feel EXACTLY the same as it always have when connected alone as a single unit.....but now hooked inside the Axe Fx II FXLOOP. are the ultimate settings for hooking the Kemper inside the Axe FX II FXLOOP and having the Kemper signal just as it goes out of the Kemper, no coloration, no lose of dynamics, no clipping, EXACTLY the same signal you'd get from the Kemper without going thru the Axe, so you can have the Kemper as a FXLOOP in the Axe and do whatever you want with it, enjoy both units tones and even mis them.

    I call this "SteelEdge's Tone Collusion" !!!!! XDDD

    1 - Guitar into the Axe FX II front INSTRUMENT INPUT

    2 - Axe FX II Output 2 (L unbalanced) into the the Kemper Alternative Input ---> (That takes the MONO signal of the guitar to the Kemper for processing)

    3 - Kemper Main Outputs (L and R unbalanced) into the Axe2 FX Return (Input 2)----> Kemper signal procesed back to the Axe FX II in STEREO, so you can use some of the Stereo posibilities of the Kemper.

    4 - Axe FX II Output 1 (L and R Balanced or TRS Unbalanced, your choice) into the M-Audio Card or the Poweramp Stereo Inputs.

    Kemper Settings:

    INPUT--> Alternative Input.
    OUTPUT MAIN Volume : -17
    SPDIF Volume: -6 (this matches the spdif volume to the output volume of the Axe, so you can compare both signals are exactly the same)

    Axe Settings:

    - OUTPUT 1 Knob: 9 o'clock (this matches the Axe preset average volume output to the Kemper profiles average volume output, so no significant volume changes when going from an Axe FX preset to the FXLOOP with the Kemper profile)

    - OUTPUT 2 : Maximum, 5 o'clock (this makes the guitar signal coming from the Axe match the guitar signal that you'd obtain connecting the same guitar to the Kemper Input)

    I/O Settings Axe FX II in the Audio Menu:

    INPUT 1 : Indiferent
    INPUT 2 : 2,4%

    Main Input Source- Analog (In 1)
    Input 1 Left Select- FRONT
    Input 1 Mode- LEFT
    Input 2 Mode- STEREO
    Output 1 Mode- STEREO
    Output 2 Mode- L+R SUM

    And...the secret ingredient: You have to set the Level in the Axe FX LOOP FX block to 20.Save that as a block preset (I name it Kemper) and you just recall that block everytime you want to put the Kemper as the amp in the Axe layout.

    I've been messing with this quite a bit lately and think I've found what works best.
    I found another post mentioning that the level in the effects loop block of the AxeFX should be set to +20; but I've found that this does NOT work well and causes the signal to be far too hot.
    Bringing this loop block level up can help a little if you want more volume, but setting it too high can cause some seriously hot levels.
    What seems to be working best for me so far is leaving the effects loop block on the AxeFX set to -0-, then setting Input2 on the AxeFX (signal coming back from the KPA) to somewhere between 10-2 o'clock. Setting the Output2 (signal feeding the KPA) to max; then on the KPA, setting the clean sense to about +8.5 or so.
    I'm trying to keep the volumes at unity gain in as many places as possible to avoid future issues with bringing in other patches that may be set differently.

    I guess you took the +20db tip in the FX LOOP Block from my post: Axe FX II + Kemper together (Kemper in the Axe FX II FXLOOP), the ULTIMATE TONE RIG!!!!!!

    If you have the Kemper loaded with profiles at "regular" volume, the signal is not too hot, same thing if you have the level outputs in the Kemper set right.

    I tried your configuration and your level settings and I can assure you that you are losing a lot of dynamics (specially in the clean/overdive profiles) because you are feeding the signal going to the KPA(thru Axe Output 2) too much.That is basically your guitar signal, so, turning that signal up , will make all your guitars or pickup configuration sound the same, as you are feeding the KPA with a boosted version of your guitar signal, so your original guitar tone is changed.

    Is very easy to detect if you A/B the guitar with an A/B pedal going thru the Axe with that configuration and to the Input of the Kemper directly.

    Also, as you are boosting the guitar signal, all the guitars will sound kinda the same, even if you adjust the input for each guitar, as long as you are boosting the original guitar signal that is going to the Kemper thru the Axe Output 2.

    I went that road before, and the output 2 adjustment that I explained in my post is the configuration that keeps the original guitar signal exactly the same going to the Kemper thru the Axe Output 2 as if you were going directly from the guitar to the Kemper, tested and A/B'd that with a pedal, changing that Output 2 setting changes the original guitar signal going to the Kemper from the Axe Output 2.

    That's why you have to set the +20db in the FX LOOP block, to equal levels/volumes in the output....that doesn't change any tone, is just a matter of volume, but changing the Output 2 levels in the Axe DOES change the signal and the tone, not just the volumes.

    Well tone can be measured, and the clouds' smell felt! :)

    What lightbox was saying is that you can't probably get "any" possible sound from an Axe-Fx, while you can profile "any" sound.
    My experience is not very deep, but in the hears I've heard many people (users included) talking about the Axe's sound. I mean that they recognized a sonic signature in it.
    This is not the case with the Profiler: if you blindly listen to 50 profiles mixed with 50 (other) real amps you won't be able to tell the Profiler.

    Just voicing lightbox' idea, not trying to bash the Axe. CC is already doing it very well by himself :D

    I was just kidding ;)

    And agree 90% about what you said in last post.

    Years ago I said "Con el Axe, puedes sonar a lo que quieras...pero con el Kemper, sinarás como siempre quisiste". English traduction would approximately be:

    With the Axe, you can achieve any tone you want to....but, with the Kemper, you achieve the tone you always wanted"

    No offense, SteelEdge. Your above statement is just the trigger for my post, hehe.

    I wonder how long it takes for the last Kemper or AxeFX user to accept that the Kemper Profiler has no tones. :)
    That's the main difference to modelers which provide a selection of tones where you add your tweaks on top to get where you want to go. With the Profiler it's totally up to the profile creator to make a "tone". :)

    When I plug the guitar and hit an E chord, I can assure you that I hear TONE.

    Nevermind where did that tone come from, modeler, profiler or whatever.

    What is tone anyway??? Sound??? Frequencies??? Waves???

    What do clouds smell like???? :D :D


    But you as well have apparently fallen into the "this is better than that" trap :)


    When I say better/worse I should have added "to my taste", but I think that was implied in the affirmation.

    In the quality level that both units offer, better/worse is very subjetive.

    For me, the "ala U2" tones are way better in the Axe because of the effects and tweakability of the Amp
    Block, but the 80's hard rock high gain Marshallish tones Are umbeatable in the Kemper.

    Again, IMHO and to my taste. ;)

    I was an Axe user since the very begining (waiting even when the Standard wasn't yet released), I was the first official spanish Axe Fx user, then came the Ultra and the II, wich I got sent by Cliff to my hotel in a trip to NY with my wife.

    Loved the unit, loved the tones....but I tried the Kemper, had both for a while and realized that the Kemper sounded better to my ears and filled better my tonal needs, so I sold the Axe FX II. That was firm 7, I guess.

    After that, I was told that the Axe really improved in firm 15, so, bought one and give it a try, as I did with the Kemper.

    Amazing raw amp tones, as good as the Kemper for some tones, better in other tones, and worse for other tones too.Anyway, loved the unit, loved the sounds and flexibility and, as is not better or worse than the Kemper, just different, I kept both, I guess I'm a lucky guy and can afford having both.

    I have ears for listening opinnions....but I rather use ' em to hear the tones and make my own oppinions.Mostly people who argue against the Kemper or the Axe never tried or had both for a reasonable amount of time, and I really pay attention to the ones who did, because their oppinion is more worthy than the people that are just fanboys of this or that unit.

    What does "better" mean????? Sounds better????? Who says so????? Do I have to like the same tones that him????

    Enjoy your gear, shut up n' play yer guitar!!!!

    Except any AxeFX user that gives the Kemper a honest chance doesn't look back as the Kemper is undeniably better. I haven't seen too many Kemper users switch over to Axefx, if any, yet I have seen countless AxeFX converts to Kemper. Axefx had it's heyday with certain name players such as Bulb endorsing it but when it comes down to it is just a "boutique" version of a POD with really good effects. Why do you think the owner of Fractal freaked out so hard and got so aggressive/paranoid and came out so vocally against the Kemper a couple of years ago, bad-mouthing it and spreading blatant misinformation; and eventually integrated more "Kemperish" type features in the AxeFX. It really is in a whole different ballpark from his stuff and he knows it. The Kemper is a game changer and the new leader in digital amp technology. There I said it.


    [Blocked Image:]

    OK, after a lot of hard tweaking and testing, I finally solved it!!!! There was a problem with the volumes/ signal outputs / inputs of each unit, producing lack of dynamics/clipping/difference in sound.But I finally got it!!!!.Now the Kemper sounds and feel EXACTLY the same as it always have when connected alone as a single unit.....but now hooked inside the Axe Fx II FXLOOP. are the ultimate settings for hooking the Kemper inside the Axe FX II FXLOOP and having the Kemper signal just as it goes out of the Kemper, no coloration, no lose of dynamics, no clipping, EXACTLY the same signal you'd get from the Kemper without going thru the Axe, so you can have the Kemper as a FXLOOP in the Axe and do whatever you want with it, enjoy both units tones and even mis them.

    I call this "SteelEdge's Tone Collusion" !!!!! XDDD

    1 - Guitar into the Axe FX II front INSTRUMENT INPUT

    2 - Axe FX II Output 2 (L unbalanced) into the the Kemper Alternative Input ---> (That takes the MONO signal of the guitar to the Kemper for processing)

    3 - Kemper Main Outputs (L and R unbalanced) into the Axe2 FX Return (Input 2)----> Kemper signal procesed back to the Axe FX II in STEREO, so you can use some of the Stereo posibilities of the Kemper.

    4 - Axe FX II Output 1 (L and R Balanced or TRS Unbalanced, your choice) into the M-Audio Card or the Poweramp Stereo Inputs.

    Kemper Settings:

    INPUT--> Alternative Input.
    OUTPUT MAIN Volume : -17
    SPDIF Volume: -6 (this matches the spdif volume to the output volume of the Axe, so you can compare both signals are exactly the same)

    Axe Settings:

    - OUTPUT 1 Knob: 9 o'clock (this matches the Axe preset average volume output to the Kemper profiles average volume output, so no significant volume changes when going from an Axe FX preset to the FXLOOP with the Kemper profile)

    - OUTPUT 2 : Maximum, 5 o'clock (this makes the guitar signal coming from the Axe match the guitar signal that you'd obtain connecting the same guitar to the Kemper Input)

    I/O Settings Axe FX II in the Audio Menu:

    INPUT 1 : Indiferent
    INPUT 2 : 2,4%

    Main Input Source- Analog (In 1)
    Input 1 Left Select- FRONT
    Input 1 Mode- LEFT
    Input 2 Mode- STEREO
    Output 1 Mode- STEREO
    Output 2 Mode- L+R SUM

    And...the secret ingredient: You have to set the Level in the Axe FX LOOP FX block to 20.Save that as a block preset (I name it Kemper) and you just recall that block everytime you want to put the Kemper as the amp in the Axe layout.

    Is stated that the Kemper SPDIF OUT sounds the same than the XLR OUT.

    Anyway, I'll make a test using the XLR OUT in the Kemper and comparing both tracks.

    Anyway, the difference is very subtle and I don't think it is because of the SPDIF Kemper Out vs. XLR Axe Out...

    Do you guys hear the difference in the track????

    What do you think about the signal graphic difference in the Reaper pic?:

    [Blocked Image:]

    Well...Houston, we´ve got a problem.... 8|

    My main point for hooking the Axe and the Kemper together was this statement:

    1 - I´ve tested that the Kemper sounds EXACTLY the same when run directly (Guitar--->Kemper----> DAW/Poweramp+cabinet) than when I use the Kemper in the Axe Fx II FXLOOP (Guitar----> Axe--->Kemper in the Axe FX II FXLOOP-----DAW/Poweramp+Cabinet).

    Well.....we gotta check that point again....

    Today, I was testing again and adjusting levels, etc and I noticed a difference (very subtle) between the sound of the Kemper when the signal was directly from the Kemper to the Daw than when the Kemper was going thru the FXLOOP of the Axe FX II.

    Last two days I tested with mainly high gain / distorted profiles, and didn´t notice any difference, but today, testing with cleans / ov erdrive tones of the Kemper, I heard tthis subtle difference.

    My test was:

    1- Guitar into the Axe FX II front INSTRUMENT INPUT

    2 - Axe FX II Output 2 (L unbalanced) into the the Kemper Alternative Input

    3- Kemper Main Outputs (L and R unbalanced) into the Axe2 FX Return (Input 2)

    4- Axe FX II Output 1 (L and R Balanced or TRS Unbalanced, your choice) into the M-Audio Card or the Poweramp Stereo Inputs.

    5 - Kemper SPDIF OUT into the M-Audio Card SPDIF IN

    That way, the AXE FX II L/R Output is the guitar procesed thru the Kemper Profile, back to the Axe FX II in the FXLOOP and then sent to the DAW (nothing added), and the Kemper SPDIF OUT is the guitar processed thru the Kemper Profile DIRECTLY to the DAW via SPDIF, so no routing thru the Axe.

    That way, I can record in real time both signals, the Kemper Profile thru the Axe FX II FXLOOP and the Kemper Profile directly from the Kemper.

    Well, watching the recorded signal graphic in the REAPER, the Kemper thru the Axe FX II FXLOOP recorded track (Track 1) looks more compressed, less dynamic than the Kemper recorded directly (Track 2)Please, show your oppinions about that!:

    [Blocked Image:]

    And this is the recorded track, Kemper thru Axe FX FXLOOP track is all panned to LEFT and the Kemper direct signal is all panned to RIGHT.…0Kemper%20R.wav

    I can hear the Axe track in the LEFT more "trebly/compressed" maybe than the Kemper in the RIGHT.

    What would you think??

    Do you think the Axe FX II FXLOOP colors the sound of the Kemper???

    Do you think that maybe is because I´m using a SPDIF OUT in the Kemper and an XLR OUTPUT in the Axe FX II???

    Am I getting obsessed with this??? ;(

    Just keep in mind that you're adding up both boxes' latencies. Also did you try connecting them using S/PDIF connections? I'd give it a shot since that way the signal path doesn't run through multiple A/D/A conversions.

    I can notice any latency at all.

    About SPDIF, is not possible to have both units working together with SPDIF, couldnt use the Kemper "inside" the Axe.

    The rear input is noisier. Don't use it if you don't have to.

    Didn't notice that when I tested, they sounded exactly the same....

    I've readed some posts about noises or signal/noise ratio....gotta check that.

    No big problem...could use front input, but would like to use the rear input because all
    The cables are hidden in the back and I can close the rack.


    Yes I supposed the RED Cable was not necesary.

    About the alternative input in the back of the Kemper, is exactly the same as the front inlut, so is better because you don't need larger cable and is more easy to connect with just wires in the back.

    OK guys, here we go (drumroll :D :(

    I´m finally going to use the Axe and the Kemper together, using the Kemper in the FXLOOP of the Axe with the 4 cable method (thu I´m not sure if I need the 4th cable, I´ll let you know why some lines below and ask your oppinion).

    Why have I taken this decission???

    1 - I´ve tested that the Kemper sounds EXACTLY the same when run directly (Guitar--->Kemper----> DAW/Poweramp+cabinet) than when I use the Kemper in the Axe Fx II FXLOOP (Guitar----> Axe--->Kemper in the Axe FX II FXLOOP-----DAW/Poweramp+Cabinet).

    Why am I saying something that should be obvious????. Well, when I tested the Axe and the Kemper 2 years ago, I noticed that the Kemper sounded different (better) when runned directly than when runned inside the Axe FX FXLOOP.Did a lot of tests, and no matter what I touched, adjusted or tried, the Kemper lost some of his "mojo" when run inside the Axe FX II FXLOOP.Believe me, I A/B´d a lot of times.I don´t know if the Axe has improved the connections of the FXLOOP block or maybe is because in the test I made 2 years ago I was running the Axe by USB to my DAW and now I´m doing it thru the OUTPUT 1 to a M-AUDIO FAST TRACK the only difference, I don´t know, maybe the USB interface "sucked" some of the Kemper tone....don´t really know, havent tried to do it thru USB again and test, maybe is just that I made a mistake two years ago when testing..... I will test that in the next days.

    My test was, one track recording from the SPDIF OUT of the Kemper, another track recording the same signal BUT from the Axe OUTPUT 1 putting the Kemper in the Axe Fx II FXLOOP, blank preset with just one FXLOOP block, so, when I played the guitar connected to the Axe, the guitar was also going to the Kemper and, out from the Kemper SPDIF OUT directly to the DAW and another signal that was procesed by the Kemper and sent to the Axe FX II RETURN, so I could record both tracks at the same time, one recorded directly from the Kemper and another one recorded from the Axe FX II OUTPUT, being the Axe Fx II preset just a FXLOOP, so it was just the Kemper sounding thru the Axe FXII FXLOOP.

    Both signals were IDENTICALLY, so, the AXE FX II FXLOOP doesn´t color the Kemper signal.

    That was very very importanta for me, that was the main reason because I sold the Axe II 2 years ago, as far as it coloured my Kemepr signal and couldn´t use both units together, I decided to stick with the Kemper and sell the Axe II.

    2 - Now that I can have my beautiful / unaltered Kemper tones inside a FXLOOP block of the Axe FX II, I can use all the flexibility of the Axe FX in editing, also use all the wonderful Axe FX II presets / tones without giving up the Kemper tones.And also I´m able to add the wonderful Axe FX II efects to my favourite Kemper raw amp tones.Resuming, I can have the best of both worlds.I can get and MFC for the Axe and also control the Kemper MIDI THRU.I can make as many prestes in the Axe FX as I want using this or that profile, all I have to do is put the FXLOOP block in the Axe (wich is really the Kemper) and assign the MIDI number of that preset to the desired Kemper Profile. EASY!!!!!.And what about "Mixing" and Amp+Cab Blocks of the Axe in paralel with a FXLOOP wich contains a killer Kemper Profile???? 8) Two differents amp in STEREO, Kemper+Axe FX power!!!! Amazing possibilities here, I think I´m getting dizzy :wacko::D

    3 - I can use that Axe FX II + Kemper "ULTIMATE TONE RIG", also known as the "RODNEY KING RIG" (Can't we all just get along?) 8) directly to my DAW or even to a poweramp+Cabinet, disabling all Axe and Kemper Cabinet and poweramp sims off (yes, I know that the Kemper poweramp sims can´t be turned off, but they sound GREAT in my Mesa 20:20 anyway.... :thumbup: )

    Here is a pic of my connection in the back of both units using the 4 cable method:

    [Blocked Image:]

    This is how I use the 4 Cable Method....thu I think I can get ride of the RED cable, please guys, read what I do and help me with that question!

    1- Guitar into the Axe FX II front INSTRUMENT INPUT

    2- Axe FX II Output 1 (L unbalanced) into the Kemper Return input (RED cable)---> I think I can get rid of this cable, because I guess this one just takes the processed signal of the Axe (lets say a Axe FX II Presets with amp and cab) into the Kemper FX LOOP Return, so you could use the Axe FX II inside the Kemper FX LOOP and add effects or EQ or whatever with the Kemper....I don´t want to do that, I just wanna use the kemper inside the Axe FX II FXLOOP, so I can get rid of that cable, right???

    3- Axe FX II Output 2 (L unbalanced) into the the Kemper Alternative Input ---> (Makes sense, that takes the MONO signal of the guitar to the Kemper for processing)

    4- Kemper Main Outputs (L and R unbalanced) into the Axe2 FX Return (Input 2) (2 BLACK Cables)----> Kemper signal procesed back to the Axe FX II in STEREO, so yopu can use some of the Stereo posibilities of the Kemper.

    5- Axe FX II Output 1 (L and R Balanced or TRS Unbalanced, your choice) into the M-Audio Card or the Poweramp Stereo Inputs.

    I/O Settings Axe FX II in the Audio Menu:

    Main Input Source- Analog (In 1)
    Input 1 Left Select- FRONT
    Input 1 Mode- LEFT
    Input 2 Mode- STEREO
    Output 1 Mode- STEREO
    Output 2 Mode- L+R SUM

    So....I guess this is it!.

    I´m exhausted, whole day testing / trying, but I think I finally got it!!!!! :thumbup:

    Share your thoughts / oppinions (and let me know if I´m right with my supposition about getting rid of the RED Cable! :P )

    P.S. Yes, I´m gonna get a 6U rack for putting this shit together..... :thumbup:

    OK guys, here we go (drumroll :D :(

    I´m finally going to use the Axe and the Kemper together, using the Kemper in the FXLOOP of the Axe with the 4 cable method (thu I´m not sure if I need the 4th cable, I´ll let you know why some lines below and ask your oppinion).

    Why have I taken this decission???

    1 - I´ve tested that the Kemper sounds EXACTLY the same when run directly (Guitar--->Kemper----> DAW/Poweramp+cabinet) than when I use the Kemper in the Axe Fx II FXLOOP (Guitar----> Axe--->Kemper in the Axe FX II FXLOOP-----DAW/Poweramp+Cabinet).

    Why am I saying something that should be obvious????. Well, when I tested the Axe and the Kemper 2 years ago, I noticed that the Kemper sounded different (better) when runned directly than when runned inside the Axe FX FXLOOP.Did a lot of tests, and no matter what I touched, adjusted or tried, the Kemper lost some of his "mojo" when run inside the Axe FX II FXLOOP.Believe me, I A/B´d a lot of times.I don´t know if the Axe has improved the connections of the FXLOOP block or maybe is because in the test I made 2 years ago I was running the Axe by USB to my DAW and now I´m doing it thru the OUTPUT 1 to a M-AUDIO FAST TRACK the only difference, I don´t know, maybe the USB interface "sucked" some of the Kemper tone....don´t really know, havent tried to do it thru USB again and test, maybe is just that I made a mistake two years ago when testing..... I will test that in the next days.

    My test was, one track recording from the SPDIF OUT of the Kemper, another track recording the same signal BUT from the Axe OUTPUT 1 putting the Kemper in the Axe Fx II FXLOOP, blank preset with just one FXLOOP block, so, when I played the guitar connected to the Axe, the guitar was also going to the Kemper and, out from the Kemper SPDIF OUT directly to the DAW and another signal that was procesed by the Kemper and sent to the Axe FX II RETURN, so I could record both tracks at the same time, one recorded directly from the Kemper and another one recorded from the Axe FX II OUTPUT, being the Axe Fx II preset just a FXLOOP, so it was just the Kemper sounding thru the Axe FXII FXLOOP.

    Both signals were IDENTICALLY, so, the AXE FX II FXLOOP doesn´t color the Kemper signal.

    That was very very importanta for me, that was the main reason because I sold the Axe II 2 years ago, as far as it coloured my Kemepr signal and couldn´t use both units together, I decided to stick with the Kemper and sell the Axe II.

    2 - Now that I can have my beautiful / unaltered Kemper tones inside a FXLOOP block of the Axe FX II, I can use all the flexibility of the Axe FX in editing, also use all the wonderful Axe FX II presets / tones without giving up the Kemper tones.And also I´m able to add the wonderful Axe FX II efects to my favourite Kemper raw amp tones.Resuming, I can have the best of both worlds.I can get and MFC for the Axe and also control the Kemper MIDI THRU.I can make as many prestes in the Axe FX as I want using this or that profile, all I have to do is put the FXLOOP block in the Axe (wich is really the Kemper) and assign the MIDI number of that preset to the desired Kemper Profile. EASY!!!!!.And what about "Mixing" and Amp+Cab Blocks of the Axe in paralel with a FXLOOP wich contains a killer Kemper Profile???? 8) Two differents amp in STEREO, Kemper+Axe FX power!!!! Amazing possibilities here, I think I´m getting dizzy :wacko::D

    3 - I can use that Axe FX II + Kemper "ULTIMATE TONE RIG", also known as the "RODNEY KING RIG" (Can't we all just get along?) 8) directly to my DAW or even to a poweramp+Cabinet, disabling all Axe and Kemper Cabinet and poweramp sims off (yes, I know that the Kemper poweramp sims can´t be turned off, but they sound GREAT in my Mesa 20:20 anyway.... :thumbup: )

    Here is a pic of my connection in the back of both units using the 4 cable method:

    [Blocked Image:]

    This is how I use the 4 Cable Method....thu I think I can get ride of the RED cable, please guys, read what I do and help me with that question!

    1- Guitar into the Axe FX II front INSTRUMENT INPUT

    2- Axe FX II Output 1 (L unbalanced) into the Kemper Return input (RED cable)---> I think I can get rid of this cable, because I guess this one just takes the processed signal of the Axe (lets say a Axe FX II Presets with amp and cab) into the Kemper FX LOOP Return, so you could use the Axe FX II inside the Kemper FX LOOP and add effects or EQ or whatever with the Kemper....I don´t want to do that, I just wanna use the kemper inside the Axe FX II FXLOOP, so I can get rid of that cable, right???

    3- Axe FX II Output 2 (L unbalanced) into the the Kemper Alternative Input ---> (Makes sense, that takes the MONO signal of the guitar to the Kemper for processing)

    4- Kemper Main Outputs (L and R unbalanced) into the Axe2 FX Return (Input 2) (2 BLACK Cables)----> Kemper signal procesed back to the Axe FX II in STEREO, so yopu can use some of the Stereo posibilities of the Kemper.

    5- Axe FX II Output 1 (L and R Balanced or TRS Unbalanced, your choice) into the M-Audio Card or the Poweramp Stereo Inputs.

    I/O Settings Axe FX II in the Audio Menu:

    Main Input Source- Analog (In 1)
    Input 1 Left Select- FRONT
    Input 1 Mode- LEFT
    Input 2 Mode- STEREO
    Output 1 Mode- STEREO
    Output 2 Mode- L+R SUM

    So....I guess this is it!.

    I´ll start a new thread with all this info for those who want to use both units at the same time (like I´m gonna) do and share tricks / impressions / oppinions. Axe FX II + Kemper together (Kemper in the Axe FX II FXLOOP), the ULTIMATE TONE RIG!!!!!! )

    I´m exhausted, whole day testing / trying, but I think I finally got it!!!!! :thumbup:

    Share your thoughts / oppinions (and let me know if I´m right with my supposition about getting rid of the RED Cable! :P )

    P.S. Yes, I´m gonna get a 6U rack for putting this shit together..... :thumbup: