Posts by stompman

    I was driving home yesterday and put this track on in my car (one of my favorites of all time) and made a decision on the way home to learn the intro...get home and jump on the forum and there it is. Fantastic job - exceptionally accurate in playing/feel (you've set the bar pretty high for my own rendition)! Tone seems excellent as well, but hard to tell completely from the recording.

    I'd be very curious on what you post to the Rig Exchange for the free rigs - thank you!

    I definitely need to get some Hiwatt profiles and can't wait for and44 to profile DGs rig! This is very exciting news as I've been about ready to buy the current Hiwatt rig (just too busy to enjoy the benefits of the purchase).

    In the meantime...shine on! :thumbup:

    I have been very happy with the Sennheiser 598s I picked up last September. Bar far the most comfrotable headphone I've tried (although I only tried a few of the more popular models). I can sleep in these things. Can pick them up for under $250.

    They are open so there is sound leakage, but as long as somebody isn't in the same room this is not an issue. Even if they are in the same room and are watching TV or something, I haven't had any complaints...yet...

    BTW - I am a high-gain player myself :thumbup:

    Here's some reviews that helped me make my decision;
    CNET review:…7-34335812.html…-hd-598-review/

    Two questions on this subject:

    1) If I only expect to use my amp/cabinet combo as a guitar amp, is there any benefit to getting a FRFR (e.g., Camper 112CX) or should I just stick with FR (e.g., Camper 112)?

    2) If I would like to play both guitar as well as music through the amp/cabinet (e.g., backing tracks to play along with), I'm assuming I'd want a FRFR solution. Would a formfactor like the Camper 112CX (backline?) be ok for this or would a wedge or PA formfactor work better?


    I'm not an audio engineere (far from it), but I'm pretty good at problem solving...Has anybody re-amped the dry signal two separate times through the same rig and SAME firmware? The results should be identical in whatever the appropriate tool is to measure it. If they are not (due to non-linearity of amp, cables, or whatever else) then I'd suggest doing it a few times to see how the differences can vary. That would create a sort of Standard Deviation (for lack of a better term) around the re-amping. The question then would be, does the re-amping through the different firmware stay within that Standard Deviation. You would also need to have several samples of the re-amped signal through the different firmware to compare.

    Anyway, my 2 cents...In the meantime, I'm staying on 1.1 while a bunch of people smarter than me figure this out! :D

    Edit: modified for clarity.

    Has anybody used the Art RDB? $79 through Amazon. Any good???…4210_pe_vfe_dt1

    Another one I'm curious about is the Radial Engineering ProRMP. $99 through Amazon.…4210_pe_vfe_dt2

    I'm considering reamping for fun - so I don't need a pro-level solution. With that said, I also don't want a bunch of static!

    Any other suggestions for around $100 would be welcome!


    Does anybody else here the weird space sounds while in tuner mode or is it just in my head??? When I hit a string I get some warbles etc. Disappears when I go back to normal mode. Not a big deal as I don't hang out in tuner mode very long...just was curious if it's just me.


    I liked the soling in the untitled piece. Had much more feel in phrasing. :thumbup:

    I couldn't quite follow the rhthym guitar. It kinda faded in and out and I lost the progression. Not sure if that was what you were looking for.

    Timing seemed good throughout, although it's always hard to get a good perspective on timing without a drummer/base player holding it down.

    I just purchased a Zoom R8 recorder and I hooked it up to the Master Outs using the TS connectors as I don't have XLRs. My TS cables are ok quality and 10', but not Mogami quality. When comparing the headphone out on the R8 to the KPA, I must say that I was very disappointed in the R8. I couldn't get the volume and I couldn't get the same fatness of tone as the KPA headphone out. My headphones are Sennheiser HD598 50 ohms.

    I need to go back and check the faders etc. again on the mixer and the master out on the KPA as maybe something was screwy...but I don't think this will help. So I'm wondering if there is a difference in quality between the XLR and TS outputs.

    I'd hate to have to buy a headphone amp for the R8...

    I even thought of putting the R8 in the effects loop of the KPA just to see if the unit is coloring the sound at all. Problem is, I don't have two TRS cables and I'm not sure if the TS cables would work well. I guess I could still try the TS cables.

    Any thoughts? I've got 30 days to make a decision one way or the other.


    Great first project! :thumbup: Liked the guitar tones also. Also liked the second half with the arpeggios etc. Very creative addition.

    I'd echo Tyler's comments above WRT timing, rhythm and general mix. I liked your lead but you might work a little on the phrasing. It sounded a little robotic.

    Overall, again, great job!

    I hope to have my first project done soon BTW (Zoom R8 coming this weekend!).

    Can't wait to hear your next!

    Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere (or if I just can't see this functionality)...but I would like to see some additional ways to view the Rig Exchange. Specifically, it would be helpful to sort by the following:

    1) User Ranking (i.e., # of stars with highest on top)
    2) # of User Votes (i.e., a profile with 10 votes would show above one with 9) - would be great to sort by User Ranking within same number of votes
    3) # of downloads (not sure if this is feasible or not - probably not)

    Just trying to another way to slice/dice. Any other ideas?

    Fell free to let us know what you'll come across! Every bit of information other users might benefit from is welcome :)

    Absolutely! I realized you can't just send the output back to the Kemper and monitor the re-amped on the Zoom because you would have a feedback loop. Not sure if there is some way to toggle off monitoring/recording of the inputs while playing back via the outputs.

    However, all is not lost. I came across an article that talks about using the Zoom R8 and R24 for re-amping using the Phones out. Quite a clever solution.

    The R8 and R24 allow you to assign the metronome to ONLY headphones and fade out the other track sounds so you only hear the metronome through the headphones. The unique feature on the R8 and R24 is that you can assign 1 or 2 tracks (if stereo) to be the metronome track in which case it plays the tracks just like a normal track but ONLY plays them through headphones given the above tweak I mentioned. You can also use this to isolate a vocal track through headphones etc.

    So you basically assign a dry guitar track to be the metronome and output that via phone out to the amp input (you can also send this to an offboard effects processor to mimic an effects loop - The Zoom R series doesn't have an effects loop :( ). By adjusting the phone output volume you can set it so you don't get clipping on the amp (AKA KPA). Then you take the output of the KPA to the stereo inputs and there is your re-amped sound for recording and monitoring via the Zoom line output.

    In my case, I can only monitor through headphones so I'll have to monitor on the KPA. I'm still curious as to whether the re-amped sound will be as good quality as the original sound (e.g., is there a mismatch taking a headphone output into an instrument input). I'll re-post once I have a chance to try it. The Zoom should be delivered this weekend. :thumbup:

    Here is a link if anybody else has a Zoom R8/R24. The R16 doesn't support the assignment of tracks to the metronome unfortunately.…oom-r8-and-r24/

    I'm a total novice to this concept, although I understand it conceptually.

    Question: I just bought a Zoom R8 for home recording. From the last post it seems that I can't use the Line Out of my Zoom to feed the Kemper's instrument input. Hence, can I use the USB Out through a USB:S/PDIF converter to go into the KPA's S/PDIF In? Or would I be better off getting an attenuator (or whatever it is called) to change Line Level out from Zoom to instrument level input of KPA?

    I'm not doing any serious recording here...just thought it would be fun to re-amp.
