Posts by mici01


    ich habe seit ein paar Tagen einen neuen FCB1010 mit dem Uno4Kemper Chip.
    Trotz Kalibrierung der Pedale habe ich zwei Mängel festgestellt.
    Die Lautstärke ist dem rechten Pedal und das Wah dem linken Pedal zugeordnet.
    Beim Volumenpedal fällt mir auf, dass kein fliesender Übergang von leise auf laut vorhanden ist. Das Pedal springt förmlich auf laut.
    Bei der Hälfte des Pedalweges hat man schon 100% Lautstärke erreicht. Ein sauberes Arbeiten mit der Lautstärke ist m.E. so nicht möglich.

    Das linke Pedal sollte dem Wah zugeordnet sein.
    Bisher habe ich es aber nicht hinbekommen, einen in der Stompsektion aktivierten Wah Effekt dem Pedal zuzuordnen.

    Muss ich noch etwas beachten o. mach ich etwas falsch?

    Versuch mal im Rig Menü 3/3 den Range der Lautstärke zu verändern, da kannst Du justieren - vielleicht hilft das weiter. Wenn Du allerdings nihct bis -5.0 geht's, funktioniert die Tunerfunktion logischerweise (leider) auch nicht mehr

    Hi Kemper Team,
    I note that there are now a lot of Kemper's fans who use the KPA also live. Now I notice when reading in the forum that pass a fault in the KPA at least 4 weeks to repair at Kemper. Is it going through a dealer, the repair takes longer safe.
    Actually a Supergau, the performances are booked, the KPA backups exist, but no KPA ... .
    I would find it suuuuper when Kemper for registered Kemper users could offer a 24 hour replacement service - so that you have a replacement unit for a small amount is available until the end of the repair.
    OK, I know that is not so common, but would fit well with Kemper;-)


    I want to use the KPA for electric and acoustic guitar Live.
    The electric guitar I want to monitor on my tube amp and the acoustic guitar I want to monitor on my stage monitor (I use it also for vocals). It should not be the electric guitar on the stage monitors and the acoustic guitar is not heard on the tube amp
    I would like to save the monitor routing on each rig.
    Now I need 2 independent monitor outputs on the KPA. Is there currently a routing option that enables this special case?

    Kind regards Micha

    I have a question I can not answer me.
    I place two distortion pedals series, eg take one rig - Fender Bassman - clean
    First Stomp C - Green screamer gain 0 Volume 0
    Second Stomp D - green screamer gain 3 - Volume + 2dB (for example, lead)

    Stomp A, B is not occupied
    Stomp activate C
    -> Output volume is much higher than without Stomp C - despite volume 0?
    -> Stomp D Enable (Stomp C) is still active
    -> Output volume is now lower than when only Stomp C active

    Cleane Sens stands at 5.5
    Distortion sense stands at 0.0

    Kind regards Micha

    The Input Section is not locked.

    Today I have noticed in connection with the issue described an unexpected behavior in the rig browser and can also
    reproduce this by switching on and off of the KPA.

    KPA turn on
    Midi PC 15 to select -> 61 Bassman clean (Author And44)
    Volume changed from 0.0 to 1.0, D Stomp "On"
    store -> replace
    Midi PC 14 to select -> JCM800 Sweet (Author And44)
    Midi PC 15 to select -> 61 Bassman clean (Author And44)
    Volume = 0.0, Stomp "D" OFF -> changes were not saved X(

    Now I want select another rig in the rig browser - (Browse filter "Current Author " is set at the start).
    turn Browse Pot but it just shows one rig (bass man 61 clean), even though I have saved a lot of And44 rigs in the KPA.
    Browse filter change to "All Rigs"
    turn Browse Pot - I can browse through all the rigs.

    Browse filter change to "current Author"
    Now I see all And44 rigs.
    Midi PC 15 to select -> 61 Bassman clean (Author And44)
    Change volume and other settings.
    store -> replace
    Midi PC 14 to select -> JCM800 Sweet (Author And44)
    Midi PC 15 to select -> 61 Bassman clean (Author And44)
    All changes are saved :) .

    It seems to be a context with the failure of the rig browser ?

    I noticed yesterday at the rehearsal that it is not possible for some rigs, to save the changes of input sense and rig volume. After the write / replace operation that runs without errors, changes in rig volume and input sense are not stored in the rig. The sense input is not locked with the lock function.
    Changes to the stomps (eg on / off) are stored in the rig.
    When I save the rig under a different name, I can change the rig volume and the input sense and these changes are stored in the rig ...
    I installed the 1.5.4 release.
    I'm stumped ...

    Kind regards

    Hi forum,

    I would like to be able to turn over one CC# more stomp boxes at the same time to do the same, as in post: "Tip # 13: EQ - STACK - EQ" described
    Following chain switch (example):
    "Stomp EQ (pre amp) -> Stomp overdrive -> AMP ->Stomp EQ (post amp) - Stomp Delay" – 4 Stomps with one ControlChange
    I use the Behringer FCB1010 Flooreboard to control the KPA and so I can turn on/off the sample "Stompbox chain" in the line above with one footswitch.

    latest update
    New day, new luck? NO
    The same error appeared again - absolute silence, but this time after about 20 minutes.
    - KPA reboot - problem not solved
    - KPA system reset - problem not solved
    Switch Off and wait ...
    KPA is working again, but only 10 minutes, then absolute silence again
    last idea ... ?
    Downgrade to OS on 1.0.8_svn7292 (the 1.9.X version I had not included). After the final reboot - KPA worked immediately for the remaining three hours without any problems. Further tests are needed to determine whether the problem is really solved, and the firmware 1.1.0_svn7459 possibly the cause. I will stay again in 1.0.8. for the next time ...
    Something frightened me even when I think about that on Saturday with the KPA I'm on stage ... ?(

    The solution to the situation (if that's what it is), is apparently to unplug and leave off for half an hour before coming back.

    I really hope this gets fixed so it doesn't happen anymore, cos if someone were out on tour and had a set with many rig changes and lots of midi pedal action, maybe did a rehearsal earlier on and left the KPA on, well then there is no chance of stopping for half an hour, let alone those in a studio where it's costing per hour usage you just can't afford to have kit black out on you for that long.

    The cache handling as a cause of the problem encountered, which can surely only confirm or refute Kemper insider, I'm very doubtful on.
    If this is the cause, but then I do not know why

    • A reboot does not eliminate the problem immediately ...
    • after a system reset, the problem is not immediately removed ...
    • what in the 20 - happened 30 minutes when turned off, the KPA is -

    Should it not be possible, when you turn off and / or reset of the KPA to implement a mini routine that recall exactly solves the problem?

    I've programmed for 5 hours KPA rigs and played and then a sudden stillness.
    The input LED is dark. In Tuner mode, no more rash, the bubble in the water level is very quiet in the middle, although I have at the entrance of the KPA now the radio station (Line 6 Relay 50) swapped the cable and also tried a different guitar. Even the touch of the guitar cable in the input does not help to "light up"
    System reset with no success, no input LED is lit, no tuner function.
    Device switched off and switched on about 20 minutes later and now everything works again.
    What could be the cause of the catastrophic failure, I have shortly the next gig with the KPA ... and I am very worried ...
    best regards

    Firmware: Public Beta