Posts by Zachchapel

    Curious to see if anyone found a solution to this. Mine does the "gathering data" directly after I save and when I try to start scrolling again I have to wait about 3-5 seconds. When trying to make changes to multiple profiles, this slows things WAY down...and even crashes my Kemper at times. I realize the column view is an improvement, but I really wish this problem would get fixed. It definitely didn't used to do this.

    If this has been answered, I'm sorry. I searched but couldn't find a thread or I just wasn't wording it correctly.

    When I switch from Browser to Profiler, the profile that was selected in the Browser becomes the "Kemper Amp" in the profiler section that you use to A/B the Reference amp with before profiling. My question is why does the tone of said profile change so drastically when switching between Browser and Profiler? A lot of times, it's like a blanket is taken off the profile and sometimes it's almost desirable, but I can't replicate it back in the Browser section. This is with everything flattened out on the eq's, no stomps, effects, parameters are all normal and even the Reference Amp is muted.

    Any input is appreciated and if we need audio for reference, let me know and I will supply it. Thank you!

    when you make a Profile of a patch cable (Send -> patch cable -> Return),

    does it come out o.k. (clean, no error mesages)?

    Yes, I’ve tried this before and it turned out fine...which I don’t understand.

    I’ve also had this happen with more than 1 type of head. There’s literally nothing to my signal chain.

    Guitar into Kemper/Kemper DI into Boost (tried it without the boost, too)

    Microphone xlr into BAE Preamp, preamp into Kemper. I’ve also tried bypassing the BAE and going straight to the Kemper.

    I’ve been searching this forum but keep coming up on threads that never got answered. I randomly get a message that says “Noise gate detected,” when profiling and there is no noise gate anywhere. There is no built in noise gate of any kind on these heads and the profiles always turn out sounding like, when you A/B the profile with the actual amp, it’s laughable how awful it is.

    Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!

    For the best explanation, I suggest looking at "Working with Amplifier PROFILEs, Cabinet PROFILEs, Power Amps and Guitar Cabinets", beginning on Page 78 of the Kemper Profiler Main Manual 7.0

    Thank you for the insight. It doesn't exactly say WHY we shouldn't do it via the FX loop or slave it, but they suggest we don't. However, it did explain how the profiler works with the process and why to do it via the DI box. Thanks again.

    So, I'm sure this topic might have been covered already in some form or fashion, forgive me if I'm kicking a dead horse by asking it again.

    I was considering getting one of these but, here's my question regarding the Kemper Profiler DI box...

    Lets say we have an all tube guitar amplifier head.

    If the speaker output of the guitar amp is going to the input of the Kemper Profiler DI box, isn't the signal still being colored by the power section of said amplifier? I had read somewhere that the kemper can differentiate between the preamp section of the head and the power section as it profiles from the DI box, but call me skeptical.

    Would it not make more since to profile the preamp section of the head without including the power section? I ask this because lets say you run that Direct profile we just made of said guitar amp into a tube or solid state power amp and then into a cab...the signal would be getting colored twice at that point by the original amp the profile was made from AND whatever power section that's being sent into.

    Would profiling the head via the Effects send or Slave Out (like on mesa heads) going straight into the kemper's return and attaching the head to a speaker cab or load box not be more effective than depending on the DI box if you're just trying to capture the preamp section of the head? Has anyone tried this? :S

    So the good profile is the one made with the 5.x release and the bad one with the exact same hardware and 6.0?

    I do agree that the bad one sounds really bad. It is not out of the question that something has changed with the newer software in terms of profiling with gain. Hopefully one of the Kemper guys will chime in.

    Both were done with the newest software. I messaged Kemper directly regarding the problem and we're troubleshooting now. Could be my profiler is on the fritz but we'll see.

    So, I have a unique problem that I've only started really having with the latest 6.0.0 update. I'm having an issue with profiles being inconsistent. What I mean by that is, I realize if you make 3 profiles in a row of the exact same set up, the might differ in sound slightly...but generally, they will have the same feel...but this is not what's happening. I'm talking "night and day" difference.

    I've been having issues with my profiles sounding like the definition has been turned to -10 all of the sudden (which is obviously not what's REALLY happening but just what it sounds like)...and it's happening more frequently. I made a profile of a set up with a boost in front (I know you're not normally supposed to do that but I've been doing it with the kemper for years and have had good luck) and then I decided to try another boost from the same company, just a different model...and again, had the same problem with the resulting profile being absolute trash. No amount of "refining" can save these. So, I went back to the original boost and tried another profile and again, and all of the sudden, I'm getting terrible results. I've tried changing EVERYTHING under the sun to figure out if a factor has changed and the only thing I can think of is the firmware update is causing the problems.

    Check out the audio files in the dropbox link and listen to the difference. This is the same set up, same boost, same volume, same EVERYTHING...and the only difference is how the kemper has profiled them both. Anyone else having these problems? If so, solutions? Any and all ideas are appreciated!!!…ivs_ZbJfoa?dl=0