Posts by marco

    In reality it always makes a difference what order pedals are in. I don't see how it cannot. If you go through the echo first then the reverb each echoed 'note' will trigger a new verb tail. The other way around the echo will be a fading version of the verbed sound at a certain point. My understanding and experience is that pedal order makes a huge difference. Is swapping the order a hard thing to achieve?

    Of course, it would be a business decision for Kemper on whether it would open new markets or shrink the current one

    I don't know how much CPU cycles would be needed, but just because some, like Guitar Rig, are resource hoggers, it doesn't follow that others have to be. Many apps do get cracked, but there is also high value software about that has escaped this end - a good protection might be a Kemper interface, without which the software won't run. Anyway, just an exploration of the idea...

    OK, seen the other thread now
    KPA desktop version & plugin

    Don't panic Mr Mainwaring, don't panic!

    (Btw - routing out to the KPA for VST-like operation is a great idea)

    Has anyone brought this up yet? I've been wondering about a VST/AU or standalone software version of the KPA for people who only do recording. A decent spec Laptop would provide all the necessary grunt and you would have a lot more screen space for control and config. It could work with either people's own audio interfaces or Kemper could even release an I/O unit of their own

    I would envisage two versions, a full version which can do profiling and an SE version which only loads profiles that you provide for it (kind of KPR Player) This would come at substantial cost saving and through an upgrade path could hook people into the whole nine yards

    Kemper KPR Player >>> Full KPA Software >>> KPA Complete


    Wow, this whole FRFR/Cab thing is a goldminefield in itself. Exciting and fascinating as it is, I'm probably getting a little ahead of myself here. I haven't even tested the KPA for myself yet, although chances are I'll be joining the club. I may go with it even for recording only. Thanks for all your advice - you've given me a good steer :)



    Hi viabcroce - thanks for chipping in (and the welcome) :)
    I get what you're saying - it makes sense. One thing though - I can understand needing a flat response, but not so much the full range bit, since why would you want frequencies outside of the original (and therefore profiled) range? I guess the answer is you can't buy FR without buying FRFR

    So people going the power amp + cab route are not getting the full benefit of the KPA?
    Anyway, could you recommend a nice active monitor/cab for live work around the £600-700 mark? Quite a few people are saying to go for co-ax if possible



    Have to say thanks very much for all the very helpful replies. Much food for thought now

    @ Guitartone - I wasn't aware of these various waves of reaction, I only came across the KPA in the last month or so and have got 99% of my info from browsing here. The samples you linked were very interesting (allowing for the speakers I'm playing them on) Funnily enough I liked the Bad Cat 1 much more than those particular AC30 profiles - wonderful tone and gives me great hope about the KPA delivering the goods

    @ fretboardminer - that's great info and a good reminder that not all magic happens straight 'out of the box' Thanks for making the effort to give a helpful reply (edited 4 times) or perhaps you're just a terrible speller :D

    @ XpennoKPA - that's a very generous offer, which I'd definitely take up if I was a little nearer. I think imall41 is right - i need to find a place with 30-day return and download lots of profiles from here to put it through it's paces

    I'm definitely much more attracted to the amp/cab vibe that Jimmyno mentions. The FRFR thing is a little off-putting for me. I don't like HiFi when it comes to guitar tone and can't really see the point of reproducing freqs that shouldn't really be there in the first place (if you get my drift) I understand what people are saying about colouration though - money is far from 'no object' so perhaps for me a Tech 21 PE 60 (1x12 or 2x12?) might be a good place to start and maybe try it with a Beyma 12GA50 that someone else here suggested.

    There are a whole set of other questions to be answered, as for a lot of other people here, as to what combo or amp/cab solution would do it justice live, without breaking the bank. I'd be really interested to hear best bang for buck solutions from you dudes who've already been there - it might be a good idea to order something at the same time on a 30 day trial so I can check out studio and live performance at the same time

    Cheers and thanks again


    Hi - first post here. My name is Marco and I'm in the UK. The forum has a great vibe to it

    The KPA seems an amazing technical leap forward and has really whetted my appetite - I've been lurking around the forum for a while and although there are problems reported it seems they are steadily being ironed out

    My issue is I'm not quite sure if it's the best route for someone like me who uses primarily clean or gritty sounds (like the stones for instance)
    So think Fender, Vox, older Marshall tones. I have a Pro Reverb and an Egnater Tweaker and also a 70's Traynor combo that I'm restoring, plus access to an AC30 I'm currently only do recording work, although I'm being tempted back into gigging again

    I sense a bias toward high gain amps, of which there seem to be thousands, and any complaints I've read of lack of realism seem to be aimed at the clean amp profiling - can the Kemper really capture the shimmer, jangle, punch and bell-like tones of the classic amps we all love. I have a sense that it is a lot more difficult to successfully profile the complexity and detail of these classic clean tones

    Then when I think of cost, I could add an ac 30 and marshall combo and still be under the cost of a KPA and a good FRFR setup
    Of course all the sounds would be in one small box, but is the convenience worth the compromise?

    I see some people are selling all their old amps once getting the KPA, but I wonder how many of those are lovers of clean(ish) rather than high gain officianados?

    I'm still waiting to be convinced...and would appreciate some balanced views
