Posts by AaronJ16

    I love that USB audio interface capabilities are coming. Would it be possible to pass audio over wifi to the kemper? Imagine being able to send audio from your phone to the kemper. What a powerful practice feature that would be!


    Curious - if I wanted to output the full Kemper signal chain into a guitar pedal, like a reverb or a delay, should I take any step to set the level to instrument? If so, how? I'm curious if I can maintain the full integrity of the sound in such a scenario. Are there other approaches if this one is not the best?


    (To the mods, I finally got around to registering my KPA. I suppose this post belongs in the private forum, but I can't post there yet.)

    I'm a Fractal fan, FM3 owner, and current and past AxeIII owner. I gotta say, their latest firmware is another step change improvement in modeling. It sounds really good, and it's fun to play. Wow, it's so good, and kudos for the rapid innovation. I played it for about an hour this morning and had a blast. Then I did what I always do - I plugged my KPA in to directly compare, side by side. And I found what I always find - Kemper is better. Kemper sounds better and feels better. Much better. Kemper wins.

    Hey all,

    I think/hope this will be an easy “yes.” I looked around the forum and couldn’t find a similar question.

    - Is it possible to run dual KPAs with one of the two being the Stage? I would like to use the Stage as the controller for both units. This would make it very convenient to switch back to a single KPA when playing out (grab Stage and go), but allow me to have a dual setup at home for personal enjoyment. In theory, if it works, I could also run the Toaster as a single KPA and just use the Stage as a remote. Having owned a Toaster in the past I know its nicer sometimes to be able reach for the dials on my desktop vs. using the editor.

    Is this a good strategy?


    I think I learned a useful trick from Burkhard. It’s easy enough to implement. I had been missing the ability to disable all stomps on the Stage and now I know I can simply toggle them on and off with an external switch.

    I’m probably very nit-picky with my tone but I think external pedals sound slightly better into the input with stomps disabled. Thanks again!

    Hi Burkhard,

    Thanks for the reply. Ok, I now realize the problem only impacts a few profiles. Specifically, these are profiles I haven't loaded since I sold my old rack version. I do remember occasionally disabling the stomp section. Is that the issue?

    Restarting my stage hasn't helped. I am running the latest OS build that was release (8.6.6).

    Any other thoughts on how to recover these profiles...they are fantastic and I'd hate to not be able to use the stomp section!


    This! I think that‘s usually the issue. Problem is that in my experience the studio monitors are much closer the PA/FOH sound than what comes out of the Kabinet (kinda self evident since you get the sound of mic‘ed cab). So I don‘t see much reason to „tune“ the profiles to the Kabinet, unless you use it as your main sound source on stage/rehearsal.

    I dont do much tweaking to my HS8 monitors. I tend to leave profiles as-is in that respect. Having shuffled through more than a hundred quality commercial profiles, the average profile sounds multiples better through my monitors vs the Kab, even in FRFR mode. To my ears anyway. A good profile is created with the intention of sounding like an amp would on a recording, or otherwise hitting the listeners ears directly in a live situation. So I’ve come to expect great amp tones at my desk…just puzzled as to why I dont get seem to get that same sound quality in FRFR mode…


    I'm struggling to get a good sound and good feel out of my powered cab. I'm very accustomed to playing through my studio monitors and getting nearly (subjectively) perfect tone. I thought the Kabinet would be a logical extension of my setup for getting amp in the room and for personal monitoring in gig settings. I though it would be at least as good as the sound out of my monitors. But I'm just getting, well, comparatively very crappy tone out of it. Its not even close to the quality I get out of my studio monitors, even in FR mode. And it doesn't feel nearly as good to play. I think I must be doing something "wrong." I tend to trust the wisdom of the Kemper crowd and it seems like just about everyone else loves it. I'm on the verge of sending of it back...

    Has anyone else had this experience? Also, wondering - the manual says to use an instrument cable for the powered kab. Is that actually correct, or should it be a speaker cable, or perhaps a microphone cable? Has anyone found that the type of cabling matters?


    Using a DAW would make this terribly simple.

    Yeah for sure, but my goal is to keep everything in the Kemper and not use up an effects slot (so valuable, especially with the parallel delay/reverb option). I can't carry my DAW to practice or when I play live, or downstairs where a Kemper Cabinet will be...

    Hello routing experts,

    My goal is to be able to send only my main/monitor output signal to my Apollo twin and monitors (or any other monitor set up, like my soon to be delivered Kemper Kab) together with an external looper and a drum machine, capturing my fully processed guitar sound in an external looper (e.g., play it back via Aux). The reason is simply for the expanded functionality over the onboard looper, especially quantization. I'm trying to avoid the two alternatives that I know will work which include either using a stereo effects loop (hence giving up an effects slot), or sending my main/monitor output to the looper and drum machine, and from the external gear on to my monitoring system. Again, my goal is to keep everything in the Kemper and send both my on the fly loops and other sounds, like a drum machine, through the KPA to my external listening system.

    So far, I'm not having any luck. Well, I can get sound back for certain, but not without a lot of phasing and excess volume. Here's my current attempted routing:

    1/4" Main output (also tried monitor outputs) to a Ditto Looper, Ditto Looper to Returns 1 and 2; Aux In --> Main

    XLR Main output to Apollo

    Is there a way this can be accomplished?


    Interesting and sick! I am especially surprised about all the pre stuff. How do you use the EQ and what are your experiences? How does the pre boost behave, especially in comparison to the internal boosts of the Kemper?

    As for the fm3... wow, I don't think there are many human beings who use it only for Revebs and delays :D.

    Thanks! Its actually a bit more versatile than I originally described. I have a couple of amps that I run through a reactive load into the FM3 when I want that sound, although I'm always left feeling like I should just sell the amps because the Kemper sounds the same (or better)! The FM3 can run stereo IRs which sound incredible and also eq, compression, chorus, trem, etc., and I also use it for acoustic guitar.

    The main advantage of the Fromel EQ, aside from its simplicity and perfect frequency selection is that it has a super high quality buffer. Hence I can run a bunch of extra cabling through pedals and not experience any appreciable tone loss, or loss of feel. I don't fault the Kemper's EQs or boosts at all. They sound fantastic and on some profiles I do use the parametric EQ after the stack for a bit of volume boost and tone shaping (especially the 'cut the mix' preset). I think the Kemper takes external boosts and drives just like an amp as long as you understand how the amp as profiled would naturally respond to boosts and drives...which is perfect for me because my drives and boosts each do something special.

    I recently swapped out the POG for a Jackson Broken Arrow drive. I have found that the Kemper's pitch shifter is actually very, very good and mostly does what I want from the POG.

    My biggest learning from years of experimentation as mentioned in my original posts is that the Kemper's reverbs don't work for me. For lack of a better way of putting it, its almost like they "smoosh" the amp profile and degrade the original tone and feel of the amp capture. And also the stereo and mono loops similarly mess with the feel too much adding a kind of unnatural digital stiffness. All my perception of course, others may disagree, but this is what I've found. My results with the Kemper are so incredibly satisfying set up this way that I would recommend anyone to give it a shot, e.g., put your time based effects and modulations all post-Kemper and see if you don't love it even more!

    And I would add, it's actually not so crazy to have something like the FM3 dedicated to effects. I mean, if you own a Timeline and a Big Sky you're basically into the cost of the FM3 anyway, but the FM3 does WAY more, and it also probably sounds just as good, or better...

    Since you already have 2 devices (Profiler & FM3), try dual amp setup with what you have and see if you like it. Personally, I absolutely love it but I'm sure it depends on what you like. For example, I like a brighter cleanish amp (just at the edge of breakup) combined with a warmer, slightly darker amp with some crunch. Adds loads of "depth" to the sound and is fun to play with finger dynamics and guitar volume knob.

    As I said above, just try it. :)

    Ha, that is true! Actually I used to own the FX3 and played around with dual amps. It was cool, but in comparison to the Kemper, it could never keep up in terms of tone and feel/dynamics. Hence and forevermore the FM3 is strictly relegated to effects only. I'm really just curious specifically about the dual Kemper concept, but thanks for your reply!

    I'm currently a Stage owner, thinking about picking up a Toaster for use at home (possibly at church) to experiment with dual amp sounds. It seems like it'd be super cool to run a '63 AC30 on one side and a 60's Twin on the other side and blend them together. For reference I run my KPA out into an FM3 for effects, so presumably I just feed left from one Kemper and right from the other into the FM3 and do the mixing in the FM3.

    Any thoughts from the folks who have tried a dual Kemper set up? Pros, cons? I'd certainly be a customer of a dual KPA v2 if it were on the horizon. Wondering if the Kemper is going this direction. Any hints? Should I wait and see?

    Thanks All!