Posts by blund69

    Someone asked to define "pushing air" - I remember when CD's first came out - I thought the sound was too sterile i.e. 2D vs. 3d - depth, richness, open sound of quality vinyl. For me, the Kemper reminds me of that - it sounds like a flat 2D digital tone vs. 3D open tone - so again for me 3D translates to "pushing air" or Analog vs. sterile Digital. This being said - I do hear videos where people have seem to have achieved this openness. My setup typically consists of KPA ==> DI ==> board for gigs and KPA ==> 500 series pre ==> computer interface for recording. Any help you can offer for how to set my KPA up would be greatly appreciated :)



    Can you define "pushing air" a little more for us?

    At the end of the day, your KPA is making a noise and playing it through the speaker. Your guitar amp is making a noise and playing it through the speaker. Speakers don't care where the noise comes from. In theory, the Kemper and the amp should be making the same noise - if they aren't, it might be the profile you're using.

    Define "pushing air" - I'd like to respond here - I remember when CD's first came out - I thought the sound was too sterile i.e. 2D vs. 3d - depth, richness, open sound of quality vinyl. For me, the Kemper reminds me of that - it sounds like a flat 2D tone vs. 3D - so 3D translates to "pushing air".

    Had the same Problem and can produce the same issue when playing clean crispy sounds. (Typical SC)
    I think it is more a matter of volume settings in the profile and not so much the clean sense. (0 must be OK)
    I use an eq with high cut at approx. 8-9 KHz and lower the volume before the stack (or in the amplifier or cab).
    Reducing the Master volume or RIG volume don't help as far I considered.
    What is your output level? I have to set it lower than -20 dB otherwise this noise come easy.
    I can not explain why this help - but it helps. Don't have the Problem anymore. ;)

    So I was playing with these profiles (BTW I am using Bert Meulendijk Kemper Profile Pack, specifically his Bogners and Plexi's that I purchased - and I just want to say - they are worth every dollar I paid, best damn sounding profiles to date; the problems are NOT the profiles or Kemper per se' - just to be clear) - I found out a few things. (To answer some other questions - there are no external stomps these are all "virtual stomps" from Kemper. All outputs levels set to 0)
    1. Turning down distorted sense by 2db somewhat helped - but still had the weird artifact/sound, just not as loud.

    2. I have a compressor in stomp slot 1, which had it's output set to +2, the Distortion Plus is in stomp slot 3 (this is what I like to use for drive). When hitting a power 'A' chord or 'F' chord, the compressor, I guess, is driving the 'Distortion Plus' into some weird harmonic overdrive, not every chord but - really, really, really sounds like shit - totally unnatural - totally digital & computer sounding - turning it off and/or down seemed to resolve the problem but I loose the smoothness of the compressor. However, this is confusing because with the overdrive stomp turned off and compressor stomp engaged I do not hear this but when I turn the Kemper Gain Knob up to 50-75% I hear the exact same artifacts. Why?

    I really think this is strange behavior because when I use my Whampler Ego in front of my OCD Overdrive into my Physical Boogies or Marshall's I never hear artifacts like this only smooth tone - thoughts?

    3. Gain staging seems to be the problem here, I think, but not 100% sure - since there are no overload indicators on the stomps there is no real way to determine if I am overdriving another stomp, but question still stands what is this compressor doing that would cause weird/added harmonics even when the gain control is increased???

    4. You cannot treat your Kemper stomps like you would your analog gear - Kemper sounds amazing, no doubt about it, but at the end of the day - it is still a computer. You need to really tailor your sounds to your axe and playing.


    Hi All, perhaps you can help me straighten out my sound, our sound man say's that when I kick on my drive stomp, it sometimes sounds like a "A Bag of Potato Chips Crushing" not all the time and never on lead, only chunking certain places. I don't hear this when performing, in fact what I do hear it great punch and creamy drive. However, this morning to went down to my studio and plugged it in to my board and just started playing and holding power chords. I did not hear potato chips, But I do hear strange, added harmonic frequencies (not good ones) when I play certain bar and open chords with the drive on - not all - but like A major - bar at 5th fret 6th string A gets sounding a little weird. To me it almost sounds like it finds the A note, kind of, but is uncertain of its tonality and the computer is trying to search other note upper and lower intervals (not sure if you catch what I am describing). I am tuning my "distortion sense" input for my guitar down -2db and I think that is helping. My PRS, New Les Paul and Strats all have really high output pick-ups, which I think is creating more output at specific frequencies. I initially had the Kemper setup for my older LP, which has old P-90's and much less gain.

    Anyway, is this the right use of distorted sense? not sure really what lowering or raising distorted sense does to the input of the stomp? do I need to setup both senses every-time I change guitars? I think its really cool that Kemper understands different pickup output voltages and provides a path to correct.

    Previous sense settings: Clean 0.0 db Distorted 0.0 db
    Current adjustment: Clean 0.0db Distorted -2.0 db

    Kind Regards,

    The big ones that I see missing is CC for turning the MOD and X on/off ; I see Delay and Reverb but not the MOD or X section - not talking about stomps. Also I have a stock 1010 controller board and programmed the pedals for volume and wah but the do not seem to have any effect - I am sure those tricks are here on the board - just haven't found them yet ;)

    Hi Brett
    Thank you for the reply - however this is not a clean/distortion sense issue. There used to be a way to trim the input signal going into the Kemper - but it seems to have gone missing now - that is a "global" setting and is used to adjust for different guitar pickups. Anyone out there remember this? my signal from my Strat which has "active" pickups are super, super hot - where as the signal from my 56 les paul gold top with P90's is super low, my other les paul is very hot and turns the input signal bright red - but my ES335 sounds and play just right - HELP ?(


    HI All
    I remember when I first got me Kemper there was an adjustment that I could use to trim my guitars' input; since I have some that are hotter than others - but I for the life of me cannot seem to find it now using 1.5.2. Any ideas where this is - I am totally over driving the input now


    This is exactly your problem, use the main outs or spdif if you can. The latest upgrade has optimized the monitor out for use with power amp and cab (with cab off on the Kemper) and has added a complete new eq section to the monitor out (press and hold Master to access the Output menu and scroll to the Monitor Out page). At best you need to adjust the Eq there to get back to where you were before the update. Monitor out is meant to be used for monitoring purposes, not as main signal in to your DAW.

    Humble apologies - not Monitor out 0I am using Master L/R output - sorry

    the internet is more realer

    I may not be a "BIG" name, but I am a very accomplished guitarist and producer 8) - I am not a pimple faced 17 year old ( I wish) :whistling:

    Question, were these guitarist and producers "given" a Kemper for an endorsement? because if that is the case - of course they would not give any bad PR publicly. ?(

    Look - the fact is I love my Kemper - but as my post says I think I am not really in the FAN category anymore - I was looking at an Axxe and /or Mesa Boogie Rig when I stumbled on Kemper and fell in love :love::love: - I blogged all over the internet and FB - but lately it seems like the Kemper team has forgotten about the user base, customer base - sure we have FW upgrades appreciate that, and love the new rig pack - but come on an editor should be something they could knock out on a Saturday afternoon - and WHY no performance mode? I have also provided a few suggestions of improvements and / or features but never saw a reply - now I am really not expecting a reply - and just because I would like to see new features does not mean they make sense or even apply - I get it!

    Maybe I drank too much wine last night when I posted original - but I was playing my Kemper and was a tad upset

    You guys, this forum and Kemper are great Truly!!! :D

    I only wonder what exactly is the purpose of your post?
    Do you have a problem you want to get fixed? - Apperently no. <== you did not read my post sir - customer service is the main gripe
    Do you want to adress the manufacturer directly to tell them what you don't like? - No. <== please read the letter
    Do you you want to improve the unit by discussing things that aren't good? - No
    Do you want to offer to sell your unit to anybody here? - No <== no

    I'm all for criticism but you are just whining, sorry.

    I think a customer - any customer - has a right to ....whine, complain or vent... I love the idea of Kemper - just thought we would see more by now

    I am Hardly childish folks, as you imply! save that line for kids who buy Line 6 crap...I am quite frustrated and this is a great place to vent! besides being called childish - I have actually seen a number of responses from equally frustrated individuals. When you say the manufacturer does not owe me (or you) anything and has never made promises! that's a load of crap IMHO - I, just like you I suspect, paid a BUTT load of cash for this device - they have been promising performance mode from day one - hell there is even a switch on the box for it - yet every rev of FW does not address it. As for an editor - someone said they could code it in a few minutes - please do - if you are going to put out a "software" based device then in my simple thinking, an editor should be a no brainier - even TC Electronics and Axxe have editors - makes life so much simpler.

    My comment about "being in Germany" was only to say - non-USA - agree bad choice of words on my part did not mean to offed truly sorry about that - I love Germany - lived there for better part of 10 years - non-military related :)

    As for making my Kemper sound worse - hmmm... I noticed with new release - it sounds very different - not always better - I am hearing "digital artifacts" and I can't hear anymore - so if I am hearing it then its gotta be there! I really dig the Uwe Vox amps - but after I upgraded to new FW - it sounds harsh and digital :cursing:

    Seems like there are no more updates or communication relative to improving feature sets for Kemper i.e performance mode! . Yea sure got the latest beta download - actually made my rigs sound worse IMHO. TO me this seems like a very expensive passing "FAD" - I now wish I would have spent the money and purchased an new Trans-Atlantic or similar amp - its been months since many of us have requested improvements or a f***ing simple Computer interface to help with manage patch controls - but no they cannot even produce that! . I do not think Kemper has the ability to deliver customer requests in a timely fashion and thus I am going to put my system up for sale - this really sucks! I really thought these guys had the answer but instead they are just another company looking a some big wig company to give them a bizzilon dollars to buy out!!!! I have been monitoring for more than 4 months and I have have seen zero - zip nothing!!!! w/r/t the solving the issues many of us have!!!!

    why no performance mode why no interface why no reasonable answers Kemper - forget for one moment that you are in Germany and focus on the fact that this is a global effort - can you do that?!!! :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing: