Posts by coipu

    I run it in a VM then set the system date back a year after the first mention about this and I'm still using the first RM and haven't seen a message yet. I don't use the latest one as it seems to do something to parallel paths that buggers up the sound.

    Ultimately if somebody "tweaks" somebody else's profile why is their creativity worth any less than the first blokes?

    Nobody owns or can enforce anything to do with profiles here, this bloke can do whatever he wants and if you want it you can buy it, if not don't (all you've done here is advertise for him). Until someone is successfully prosecuted it's all just an opinion and not fact. This has already been done to death in the other "isn't this awful, and shouldn't we hang them all" thread, and as 95% of the commercial profiles are already out there it's already too late. I bought the AF rock pack that interested me and it was okay for thirty quid I suppose, but there are also lot of commercial profiles that are sub standard (I know because I bought quite a few of them too and ended up deleting them and using the free Ruppert Marshall as my base rig) and personally I feel the people trying to make money out of the profiler (Kemper excluded ofc :) ) violate the spirit of fraternity and creativity that the Kemper had naturally created, and have created an almost bitter division between some users. I have more than enough fun exploring the rig exchange with rig manager, and am surprised by how some of the best profiles out there are free and uploaded by completely unkown peeps who have only uploaded a couple of rigs.
    Anyway this (dodgy(in my opinion)) business model has all but gone, people are buying these now and sharing, so as soon as you sell one profile a large percentage of your customer base already has access to it. Nothing has changed really, if you want to buy them you can, if you want to "steal" them you can.

    Not sure where to put this but as a SSD user I'd like to control where Rig Manager installs to and stores its rigs, and like any DB Editor I'd like to see a search for duplicates option. Sorry if this is wrong spot, awesome job so far.

    I might be doing something wrong but it doesnt connect or list to anything from rig exchange, even though it says ok when i test connection and i'm running as administrator. anyone ideas please?

    Well it's out there now, love it or hate it, it can't be taken back. The whole business model is shaky at best with no way to secure your product (I mentioned this waaay back when the profile makers were sussing the market out on here). As previously mentioned enforcing T&C's is probably the only route for recourse, even though I highly doubt these are enforceable.. in the UK at least. There's certainly no way to make it out to be a copyright issue as you haven't done anything other than place some mics and use a Kemper, nor will you hold any rights to the magic that happens inside the Kemper. The best thing to do is delete all mentions to it on here, because it's just advertising it to more people.

    Yeah thanks folks, it might be the room (never thought about this room being the problem) as its wood floor. I'll see what it's like at volume tomorrow at practice. Size isn't a problem as its tiny compared to my old JBL eon g2s. Just wasn't sure where to set set the switches on the back, and wondered what concensus was, love the headroom though.

    Without a shadow of a doubt, the current "paid for" websites do not offer the opportunity to preview audio samples of the patches and are reasonably poor in design and information on profiles (To be fair it's gotten better recently but long way to go), which brings these problems to the forefront. I have bought some packs and have liked some profiles whilst finding others lacking. (A better website with comprehensive info and preview would encourage me to buy some more profiles for sure). I would do whatever you feel you want to with them, there are no ninja profile police about to swing through your studio window and kick yer head in. Making any kind of business model outta this is pretty naive to say the least and won't last as Kemper becomes ever more popular, five minutes with Google just now led me to the pack I paid forty quid to get, so as well as feeling a bit sick, it's all just slamming that stable door shut after the horse has bolted.