Posts by Kirr

    Found this in the "Profiler Midi Parameter Documentation.pdf" (Revision 145 Page 5):

    "With firmware 2.3.0, the profiler, if in performance mode, will send back the current performance number via CC47 and the appropriate slot selection."

    Powercab does not respond to CC47, so I don't see how this would work. Can't find anything about KPA sending out PC messages. So looks like a general controller would be still necessary.

    For the two contollers mentioned above:

    RJM Mastermind LT - 7 footswitches, $400
    Morningstar MC6 MKII - 6 footswitches, $230

    Unless I'm missing something, looks like the MC6 MKII is what I need.

    These guys might have what you need?

    Looks interesting, thanks! Their Mastermind LT could be what I need. Will try to learn more about it.

    If The Powercab Plus responds to standard MIDI PC messages, you can send them directly from the KPA to the Cab in Performance Mode, whether you are using a MIDI controller to change Performance Slots or a dual footswitch connected to the back of the KPA.

    It seems that it does respond to MIDI PC messages. But I've no idea how to make the KPA send out a specific MIDI PC message upon switching to a performance slot. Will try to find it in the manual and figure out. Thanks!

    Morningstar MC6 MKII able to send 16 type of messages per footswtich set midi thru on kemper I think youve got what you want

    MC6 MKII foot controller

    Thanks for a pointer, will try to check it out!

    I'm thinking of getting a Powercab Plus to pair with my Kemper toaster. Powercab's emulated speaker models can be selected via MIDI. Question: What foot controller allows controlling BOTH Kemper and Powercab? I.e. single step on a footswitch changes active rig on the Kemper, and simultaneously changes selected speaker model on the Powercab.

    Bonus points if it's not terribly complex to program / configure.

    In fact I don't have any foot controller now. But since I'm starting to gig once in a while, I need to add a foot controller anyway. So I thought I'd rather get the one that can control both things at once, if such controller exists.

    Will appreciate any info or ideas!

    Even with it's current barest minimum functionality, Rig Manager is a huge improvement to my KPA workflow. Clearly it should have appeared years ago, but better late than never. Hopefully the work on Rig Manager will be continue to rapidly fill the obvious gaps. Naturally I hope to see a full Editor some day, but this is all just natural development direction (even if not necessarily easy to do).

    However if I think about what a really ambitious software team might try to do with the KPA, the following comes to mind:

    1. Automatically track amount of time spent on each profile. (Better if only actual playing time is used, i.e., when there is any signal coming through, as opposed to forgetting to switch it off and it leaving it on all night).

    2. Information from step 1 is automatically uploaded to PC database, and from there to Rig Exchange. (It should work offline too, e.g., you go for a tour, KPA keeps track of profile use on the tour and syncs it to PC after coming back, resetting its own counters). Rig exchange shows the total playing time of each profile.

    3. Now the interesting part: Useful social interaction on Rig Exchange. A metalhead's profile ratings (or profile usage time stats) are useless for a jazz player and vice versa. However attempting to bin players into genres won't work, as some people are involved in more than one genre, and because meaningful sub-genres exist and are hard to anticipate. The solution is for Rig Exchange to track preferences of each member, and match your preferences to everyone else's, introducing weights to ratings and time usage stats. Then you'll see meaningful stats - what profiles are liked by people who generally like same stuff with you. (There were attempts to make music discovery services like this).

    4. Additional parameters might be introduced, such as treating differently specialists form generalists (people who sit on one profile all the time vs those who try and use hundreds). Also, automatic clustering can be performed to define genres. Then some profiles can be determined to be genre specific while other may be crossing multiple genres. A lot of fun can be had with the stats like these.

    This may need some heavy lifting on Rig Exchange server side, also some fun math may be involved. The outcome would be supreme satisfaction of the customers, with subsequent market dominance of the KPA.

    Currently Kemper team does not show the signs that they have resources or vision to achieve something like this (within our lifetime). But one can always dream. :)

    The idea is really obvious with the advent of the Rig Manager software. It can work analogous to the Virus TI Snow - small box with minimalistic controls. Of course to fully realize this idea a software Editor is still needed.

    Smaller form factor has plenty of advantages (already discussed before): sturdiness, ease of transporting, pedal format is possible, cheaper, easier to fix, etc.

    I'd say this might be possible in a 2-3 years, given current pace of development.

    Voted for "Play Rigs directly from USB Stick" and "Feedback simulator", but my #1 request is: ANYTHING that improves the Rig management. For example:

    • Profile blending
    • USB keyboard support
    • Full Librarian/Editor on a connected PC
    • Improved Rig Exchange (e.g., a tree view, organized by amp maker -> model -> author, or better by any combination of tags - probably impossible as it would require going through all profiles and unifying amp/cab names)
    • Play Rigs directly from Rig Exchange (requires connected PC with running Editor/Librarian)
    • Anything else to improve rig discovery / management (Kemper engineers have shown they are clearly able to innovate).

    Have been curious for over a year, saw a smoking deal on White Toaster, so took the chance. First impression: Totally blown away. Simply scrolling through preset rigs, not even beginning to download from Rig Exchange. Coming from other modelers (Line 6, Vox Tonelab, Tech21 Character, PC-based and plugins), the difference is undescribable. Played for two days, for two days I walk with an idiot smile on my face. :thumbup:

    Have any other country had this long delay problem, or is just Canada?

    KPA is still not available in Japan. The distributor's (KORG Import Division) reply is usually something like "should be available early next month" or "end of this month". First it was supposed to be April, then May, then June, etc.. Now it's end of Summer, I now wonder if they'll manage before Christmas.

    Well, as big of an issue as this is, and trust me I'm currently pretty frustrated at how difficult it is to do basic rig deleting, you're shooting yourself in the foot by waiting. The way it currently is isn't unusable at all... unless you load up your machine with a ton of rigs. Then, it's pretty much your own fault. I have no one else but me for my cluttered mess. Wee! 8o

    Well for one thing it's not selling yet in the country where I live, so I'd have to buy direct and pay 200 euro for shipping. And if it goes tits up or needs any service (not a remote possibility judging from crash reports and from generally accepted "beta" status of the KPA) I'll have to send it back to Germany, potentially paying another 400 euro for just shipping there and back (not sure if Kemper GMBH covers the shipping in such cases, I'm sure it's never stated on the web-site).

    For the other thing, KPA costs a bundle of money and for this much it should be near perfect. It's OK to pay this much for a finished product of KPA caliber, but not for entering a beta-testing team. I dig the layout of KPA controls, and the demos, and sonically I believe it's perfect for my needs. I don't have the patience for maintaining a bunch of usb sticks with backup files, for debugging the crashes, doing manual resets, etc... So I'll let all you nice guys and girls test-drive the KPA and when it's more complete I'll join the party.

    What I hope to see in the rig-management department on the KPA is something like this.
    1. All tags editable with keyboard (attached to KPA directly or from a computer).
    2. KPA allows to browse rigs organized into a tree-structure, where each level corresponds to a given tag (any tag).
    3. Typing a word on a KPA-attached keyboard immediately recalls list of rigs containing this word (or phrase) in any tag.
    (Knowing close to nothing about the KPA I can't go into details, but the idea is to make rig sorting and managing as effortless as reading and posting on this forum).

    Rig exchange web-site can also do much better than dumping on you a huge flat list of 1700+ profiles.

    I don't think I'm the only potential customer watching the KPA development, I suspect most non-owners simply don't post here. I just wanted to impress that improving the KPA won't only make the current owners happier, but probably improve sales as well. Kudos to Kemper team for this amazing concept, but please don't slow down!

    I often see comments like "You bought a KPA - take it for what it is and don't complain about missing features". So for what it's worth - I haven't got a KPA yet, and I'm planning to get one. In the meantime I am closely following the development. State of the art rig management is important to me - I'm not a pro who gets to fiddle with his gear all day. I like what the KPA can do in terms of sound (based on clips, reviews, etc), but I also need the convenience of a modern digital unit.

    So, a big +1 to this request from a potential owner.

    I don't own a KPA yet (First post here, hi all! :) ), but I'm closely following the development and looking into buying one after it gets power amp, rig management and after it's available in my country.

    With that said, if you like to count my vote, I'd prefer the larger foot controller.

    Also, if possible, I'd appreciate larger spacing between switches. 77 mm center to center would be perfect, like on my Tonelab SE (I have large feet).

    BTW, this community rocks. :thumbup: