Posts by Animus

    hey all,

    Finally decided to upgrade Rig manager from 1.31 so I can check out the new firmware features. All my rigs in the local library are gone, the organized folders they were all in are still there but are empty. OS is Windows 7 64 bit current with the latest updates. Everything seems to still be intact in the AppData/Local folder. Thinking something might be corrupt I restored from a Ghost backup the whole database folder. Nada. Then I tried to load a kpa backup file but Rig Manager doesn't even recognize any of the backup files even though there are a bunch in there.

    So I restored Rig Manager 1.31 on the desktop and tried that and all rigs showed up properly. Tried to open 1.5.16 again and they disappear.

    What am I missing?


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    Here is one....nothing special..not really a mix...just backing track and reamped guitars.
    1x time Pure cab time pure cab on 5....which one is with pure cab and which one do you like more? ;)

    First clip sounded cleaner and tighter which I liked better.

    Well, this is not the whole story, I guess.
    Since the upcoming of digital audio in the 80's the hi-fi connaisseur has been informed in an unsufficient way of how to optimize audio reproduction. Not much has been done since the invention of the belt drive for CD players by Burmester in Berlin.

    How good is the audio playback from computers, when played back from the hard disk?
    Since hard disks became smaller and smaller and the data got denser, the audio quality has really suffered. A bit does not get too much space these days.

    Therefore I run an old 5 1/4' Western Digital harddisk with a 100 Mb only, for audiophile playback. Sounds incredible! Modern hard disks? No definition at all! SSD or USB stick? Cold as ice! It is an incredible neglect that the audiophile scene has never got into finding the best sounding hard disk. Now the best ones are out of production

    And yes, I run my Profiler by a hi-fi power cable.
    And I even use a second one for my PC!
    Sounds amazingly deep and defined.

    Actually people have got all audiophiley on hard drives before. Back when Ocean Way Drums was released the guy from Sonic Reality was saying how Allen Sides likes to record to "fresh master hard disks". Apparently one of the drives failed they had been recording the drum samples to but Allen didn't want to copy over a back up from another drive because the sound is "degraded" when you do that. So they started all the recording over from scratch so the "master" would have fresh uncopied samples.

    It was the craziest thing I ever heard. hehe

    Quoted from "lasvideo"

    I play rock and blues, but with 3000 great profiles I dont feel the need to spend $240 on this pak. $100 would have been acceptable. YMMV.
    If you play rock and blues, you'll miss one of the best profile-paks available...

    I just went down to 340 profiles on my KPA, 70 of them from MW and the rest mainly from Armin, Andy, my own profiles, some from RE and a few from the other vendors. Everybody can decide what to buy or not, but the MW-Über-pak is outstanding.

    You should check out the M Britt profiles. They are really awesome too and I think you would like them too. Sounds nice and bright on electric harpsichord, blends really when I practice with my crystal glass player.

    Quoted from "Pick909"

    Either a profile sounds well without tweaking/adding effects or it's simply not a good profile.

    Probably the fairer thing to say would be it's not a good profile for your particular guitar(s) and/or playing style? It's like saying an real amp is not a good amp if you have to tweak the knobs. :P The demos on the website sound pretty good to me as far as frequency but obviously he has profiled/tweaked them to work with "his" guitars and rig.

    Here's a cue I did with the MW RokPak on bass and most of the guitars. Really liking the mids in these profiles.

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    Sounds amazing as usual Scott.

    Yeah, at one point I had thought about getting a AxeFx just to run the fx for the Kemper but thought it would be too redundant with all the amp stuff, not too mention too many options, so I decided to go for a Eventide H8000 and a Bricasti M7 instead. The Kemper is perfect for my needs, clones existing amp signal paths and it's done; didn't want to get into all the under the hood amp tweaking with tube plate voltage and all that stuff.

    I own both so I have no dog in this fight and I'll just say this. They are both excellent. With Axe firmware 15 I would say the raw amp tones were equal in both units. With firmware 16 I would say that the Axe is now actually slightly better. More natural lows and clearer highs. However I use the Kemper more because I enjoy the ease of use. The difference is small though and anyone claiming that one unit is vastly superior to the other is delusional and should spend more time practicing and less time worrying about their gear purchases.

    Some people should stop getting up in a tizzy when other people say they like something over something else, and perhaps practice more as well. The AxeFX is cool, but as viabcroce suggested, it supposedly sounded "real" back at firmware 4, and now we are at firmware 58 and is even more real than real. And lastly, this is the Kemper forum and people shouldn't get butt hurt or act surprised people here might like the Kemper over another product. As has already been said, this thread conversation wouldn't have been even been possible over at the Fractal forums, the participants flamed and banned and thread closed or deleted.

    Quoted from "lasvideo"

    ... If you owned an Axe FX 2 you would know that since firmware 15 quantum leaps in realism has been achieved by Cliff...

    Enough time wasted on this silliness.

    Did you just one-up yourself?

    Honestly, this thread is getting out of hand. The minute anyone says anything contesting the Axe FX (and this is the Kemper forum mind you), there's an immediate retort that the user must be a Kemper fanboy.

    If the original user could post his opinion, other users should be entitled to it. Again, I'll point out that this is the Kemper forum. If you post the same thing on the Axe FX forums, I doubt you will get as patient a hearing and would no doubt be dragged under and then banned within the space of a few minutes, with the thread deleted too. Taunting us and saying we should go do it on the other board isn't fair: if you'd like to see what happens, why don't you post?

    Please allow everyone to have their say about the Axe FX or the Kemper.

    Just don't say anything bad or the trolls will come out. You don't want to see a p*ssed off Ingolf or viabcroce

    Totally agreed.

    An opinion spoken out of ignorance. If you owned an Axe FX 2 you would know that since firmware 15 quantum leaps in realism has been achieved by Cliff. With new updates that improve things almost every several weeks. The cleans rival Kemper profiles and the software and foot controller surpass it.

    I can understand if you need to feel your toys are the best around. No denying Kemper is very good. But your fanboy obsessing borders on neurotic with some of the silly "mine is better then yours" statements.

    They are both wonders to behold and we are lucky to have access to them. Now go do something positive like make music instead of this silly hardware oneupsmanship you are engaged in.

    Sounds cool bro. Put me on your ignore list please.

    For me it is obvious that Fractal lost a lot of potential sales because of the Kemper, but the opposite is also thru. The difference is that Fractal had no competition in this specific market (high tech amp simulation) before the arrival of the Profiler, so they had to work hard (and they did) to keep up and stay at the top. Top that they now share with Kemper. All of this is very good for the consumers who get a faster evolution of this kind of technologie.

    Except any AxeFX user that gives the Kemper a honest chance doesn't look back as the Kemper is undeniably better. I haven't seen too many Kemper users switch over to Axefx, if any, yet I have seen countless AxeFX converts to Kemper. Axefx had it's heyday with certain name players such as Bulb endorsing it but when it comes down to it is just a "boutique" version of a POD with really good effects. Why do you think the owner of Fractal freaked out so hard and got so aggressive/paranoid and came out so vocally against the Kemper a couple of years ago, bad-mouthing it and spreading blatant misinformation; and eventually integrated more "Kemperish" type features in the AxeFX. It really is in a whole different ballpark from his stuff and he knows it. The Kemper is a game changer and the new leader in digital amp technology. There I said it.

    Quoted from "Animus"

    How are your clients adjusting to the Kemper? Was it their request or did you have to coax them? Or just trick them and tell them it was real amps until they say "that sounds amazing!" then reveal its digital? :)
    It would be impossible to trick them, because they would hear that there is no sound in the tracking room and see no mics setup. But my clients are usually open to my suggestions on what to use in the studio. When we are tracking drums we always use the KPA, since I can't have any noise in the tracking room, because I use the room a lot for the drum sound. So that might be their first introduction to the KPA and it immediately raises their interest and they want to know more about it.

    Even hardcore "Tube" guys are convinced about the KPA, and most of them are now looking into buying one. n.


    Surely the hardcore tube guys over at Gearslutz don't have as open mind as you and us here. There's definitely some hopeless luddites out there, who's default dogmatic view on "digital" is that it sucks, "there's no way a modeler can match a tube amp". One particularly evangelical tube guy over there even picked the Kemper profile as the "real" amp in a blind AB test. It was hilarious, but sadly did nothing to curb his anti-Kemper crusading despite admitting he has never tried one. That's why it's so refreshing to see an old school highly experienced and heralded guy like yourself always staying abreast of modern technology, never discounting things based on learned biases. Rock on.

    Thanx guys (and girls?)

    Some of the high end sounding profiles are made that way so they cut through the mix better. Easy enough to dial out some top with the EQ in the KPA or bring back the gain a bit. I my opinion all sounds need a bit of tweaking for the final mix so they fit each particular song, but I think we nailed the basic tones pretty good. In some cases it works well to use a tape simulator like the Crane Song HEDD, I had some good luck with that machine.

    Andy, glad you like them. Love your profiles as well, very cool sounds and very versatile with the profiles for different guitars.

    I just loooove that KPA, now that I have basically every am in my studio in the KPA, the amps have been cold ever since
    On the current project there is not even a microphone set up for guitar, but we are running the Hammond through the KPA and a Leslie, kicks ass! I wish we could profile acoustic guitars as well


    How are your clients adjusting to the Kemper? Was it their request or did you have to coax them? Or just trick them and tell them it was real amps until they say "that sounds amazing!" then reveal its digital? :)

    Quoted from "mwagener"

    Last day for the $30 discount. Profile Paks are shipping tomorrow.

    So mwagener is shipping the commercial profiles tomorrow. And Kemper still hasnt made the freebies available for those of us that want to try them out before blindly making a purchase.

    Come on Kemper! Its time to make them available!

    $30 bucks difference isn't much incentive anyway.

    Picked up a copy of Antares' Microphone Modeller plugin today at Guitar Center; it's a plugin that tries to turn the sound recorded from any one of a number of classic microphones into any other from the same list. Naturally, dozens of brand names are called out; Neumann, Earthworks, Royer, etc. As part of the install, there's a file called "Mic Mod EFX Disclaimer.rtf". Thought I'd reprint it here. As far as I'm aware, Antares Technologies has never been sued over this product.

    The “Don’t Sue Us!” Disclaimer: All names of microphone manufacturers and microphone model designations appearing in this manual are used solely to identify the microphones analyzed in the development of our digital models and do not in any way imply any association with or endorsement by any of the named manufacturers.

    This product is not guaranteed to produce, and will not necessarily produce, audio results that are consistent with or match audio results that could be achieved using any of the referenced microphone models.


    Wow they are still selling Mic Modeler? I remember playing around with that plugin at least 13 years ago.

    That's too bad Chandler is being silly and seeing the glass only half empty. Like how many people that would "incidently" be using the Kemper profile of the amp would have been in the market of buying the real amp if it wasn't for the profile? Honestly I didn't even know Chandler made guitar amps. Whereas if Wade would embrace the whole Kemper thing and allow profiles it would only serve to heighten awareness and interest in his amp. ah shucks, there's not going to be a Chandler profile, guess I will have to go buy the real amp now. NOT!

    Honestly, without the ability to run dual profiles I can't see profiling two amps together will be all that accurate as it will just average the gain on each amp, which will sound different than blending a higher gain amp with a cleaner less gain amp for example. The Kemper was modeled to analyze one amp circuit and cab. With two amps you have a lot more complexity in the non-linearities and phase between the two amp signals and I don't see how the Kemper can capture that. I might be wrong though. I think it would be better just to manually re-amp twice through different amp profiles and blend them in the DAW.

    I think Till's got an excellent commercial profile set, Chimaira, where he blends two sets of amps with some excellent results. Check out the sound clips, the Kemper can do this as long as you mic up both amps the right way.

    Wasn't saying you couldn't get excellent results, just those results might not be quite as accurate to the real thing.

    Fair enough, I meant $. But anyway, my point is really that I'm just going to wait to try the free ones, which I am sure will be great too:) Although I read MW's reply on the commercial area about the Rokpak saying he's got profiles there that are blends of amps etc, and that sounds pretty exciting;)

    Honestly, without the ability to run dual profiles I can't see profiling two amps together will be all that accurate as it will just average the gain on each amp, which will sound different than blending a higher gain amp with a cleaner less gain amp for example. The Kemper was modeled to analyze one amp circuit and cab. With two amps you have a lot more complexity in the non-linearities and phase between the two amp signals and I don't see how the Kemper can capture that. I might be wrong though. I think it would be better just to manually re-amp twice through different amp profiles and blend them in the DAW.