Posts by Rickngretsch

    Im neither a Kemper user or an Axe user at the moment.

    For awhile i thought about buying a kemper unit,but then i started reading tgp topics and i changed my opinion and was very close on a purchase of an Axe unit(i even made a pre order on a store where i live,which as now been canceled).
    Lately Mr Cliff has been on a roll over tgp,his kind of behavior shows an incredible lack of faith and trust on his on product.

    When you got o the trouble of saying blatant lies on other forums it just shows how desperate a person is.I have to say that was one of the principal reasons why i abort my pre order 2 days ago.

    First of all i disprove his behavior,it's sleazy and childish(and even worst it's a lack's ethic).Secondly this same behavior like i said shows a lack of confidence on his own product and that for me was the real deal breaker.If the own creator is so insecure about is own product that he needs to resort to this kind of behavior that says a lot.

    That said im again a potential kemper buyer.


    This weekend, I've been testing some of my overdrive pedals in front and in loop (there is an special loop called "distortion loop") with my Kemper.

    In my tests, were involved my Cornford Harlequin, an almost clean profile of this amp and an Hermida Zendrive. The Zendrive works very well in front of the Kemper and in the loop. After some tests, I profiled the amp with the Zendrive in front and, after some tweaks (eq, presence, ...) there was no difference in sound between the profile with the Zendrive in the loop and the profile with both and the second one cleans very well with the volume pot of my guitar.


    Tks for the response Paco!

    Hi guys!I have this question iv'e been meaning to ask for a long time, i hope you guys can clear it :)

    Does the Kemper react to a drive pedal in front of it the same way it does a real tube amp?Better yet ,some of you guys who profiled your personal amps ever tried to to A B your amp with a drive pedal with the profile you made also with a pedal in front o it?

    Does it sound the same?Does it clean well with the volume pot of your guitar?Does if feel the the same way?.

    I'm sorry for what must be a stupid question ,but while i can see the Kemper as substitute for my amp i have some pedals i really like their sound and i would like to keep them if they are still usable with this unit.

    First of all let me say im a tube snob,i have a great amp(really great amp,Swart head) but i had a lot of other tube amps before this one.

    But i live in a apartment and 90% of my playing time is done at home,and like a lot people who live in apartments noise levels is a concern.
    While the amp sounds good at low levels,it doesn't sound as glorious as it does when is really loud and cranked.

    After experimenting loadboxes/di, attenuators etc i had to face the facts and just stop fooling myself because i would never get that sound in these conditions.

    Like i said in the begin of my text im a tube snob so i never had interest or used digital modeling amp gear(i was too snob for that ).
    But i had to face the facts and i came to the conclusion this was the only way i could get a decent sound,so i putted my snobbery aside and searched the market for the best options.

    It's not surprising that the Axefx and Kemper were the first ones to sparkle my interest.

    So for the past months iv'e been reading a lot of information on both units and listening to a lot of sound clips. I must say at first i was a little skeptical about this profiling thing,it seemed to good to be true but after listening to a lot of user clips i was astonished how good and life like this unit sounds.Because in the end this is what mater at least for me,it as to be the most
    faithful reproduction of a tube amp and the kemper seems to this better than anything else.

    But the Axe also has other stuff that it's better than the kemper,im also a guitar effect freak and i love the quantity of effects the Axe have.
    That said im buying in the next months a Keper unit for myself.You guys will find this funny but also one of the reasons beside the unit itself sounding of course so tube amp like were some people reactions to this product.

    Im not talking about the kemper fans,im talking about Axefx fans!

    In other public forums(cof cof tgp cof)some of them sound almost bitter when commenting this unit,and it even get's worst if people say "it sounds so much better then..."then they get really crazy and stop making any sense(if they did any before...).They are trully great fans of the product they have,but by sounding jealous and bitter you can't stop asking yourself if they are truly happy with their Axefx unit.

    By behaving themselves like this in the end they are giving a bad impression of the product they use,i don't think they even realize this.

    So that's my story,forgive me for my bad English and the big post.