Posts by r_u_sirius

    My 'sweetspot' for a ribbon right now is dead center and about 28cm from the grille.

    Where do you position the mic relative to the speaker?


    I placed it slightly off center and about 10cm from the grille.

    When I´m in the studio next time I´ll try to go further away form the speaker, but right now I only could do some tests at home, where I cannot turn the amps up as much as I´d love to ;)

    Any chance you do a profile of your fantastic Shiva (my favorite is the Clean+ setting) with the vintage mike ?

    unfortunately not ;(
    A friend of mine was the owner of the mighty Shiva and sold it literally the day after I profiled it! I know, it´s a shame, but he got himself a nice upgrade: a brand new Ecstacy 8)

    I uploaded another profile with the Meazzi mic, this time I used my little Bugera Vintage 5 valve combo, a very cool amp for cheap!
    The amp´s got a new Eminence 8" speaker some time ago, which sorted out the amp´s only weakness, the really honky sounding stock speaker.
    The Meazzi mic delivered a fat sound again! I like it :D

    Check it out and tell me what you think!


    thanks for sharing!

    I did a quick test, and was slightly surprised! All Engls, especially Fireballs and Powerballs I heard so far(real ones and profiles, the better ones...) had these aggressive high mids, this "chainsaw" sound power metal players like a lot. I myself am not a fan of amps that support higher mids that much.
    In your profiles I even miss some of those mids! An EQ boost at 2,6kHz and 4kHz, and the profiles sound more like Engls as I know them.
    On the bass side there´s too much 300Hz for my taste.
    Did you try profiling without the multiband compressor? I´d rather move the mics slighty away from the speaker to get rid of too much bass instead of using a comp. You used a R144 mic, which is very bass heavy on it´s own - how close was it to the grill?

    I hope you don´t mind my critisism - the profiles are great, especially the crunchy ones. The distorted ones need some EQ to meet my tastes, but that´s fine 8)

    seems like every amp should follow that paradigm!

    so I believe you said somewhere that the Herbert is a main part of your live rig. I'm curious to know...

    What kind of music do you play?
    Which of these profiles would you use, and in which context? (IE, the 3+TS for riffing rhythms, the 3 for leads, etc)
    Do you use any other amps live?
    Links to your music?

    I use the Herbert with two bands. My main band is called Letzte Instanz, which is some kind of romantic gothic (pop) rock with violin and cello.
    We have a heavy rhythm section. I use the Herbert without any booster or distortion pedal. Pedals come into play just for the occasional "special parts"
    here are some videos:
    Von Anfang an
    Profile of choice: Herbert_2+ for heavy rhythm and Herbert_3 for lead

    My other band is called Frogstar Battle Machine. We play some strange and funny hardcore new metal ;)
    Here I use the TC booster additionally, but with just a little bit of boosting, to bring out the attacks slightly more defined. I play an 8-string guitar here.
    here you go:
    you can grab all our music there for free, if you like ;)
    So my profile of choise here is the Herbert_2+ TC, or the Herbert_2+

    The tubescreamer is a pedal I personally don´t like much...some amps need one, Rectifiers for example, to bring out them some definition.
    The Herbert does not need this, it has brutal low mids that never get muddy, which is almost a miracle - all hail to Peter Diezel!!! :thumbup:

    I own some more amps, Dual Recto, Ecstacy, Super Reverb, JCM800, but they are for studio use only - so far....
    I plan a new project, where I will use my Diezel Schmidt amp....I bought this one mainly because my name is Schmidt, too :rolleyes: it´s such a cool little amp, completely different concept than the "big" Diezels.

    Thanks for your interest! 8)

    very nice!

    I also love ribbon mics! :)

    thanks! ;)

    this Meazzi mic needs a very loud source. You have to turn up the mic preamp´s gain very high, to get a reasonable level. Recording for example an acoustic guitar with it gets very noisy...but loud guitar amps are quite allright for the job ;)
    So far this is the fattest mic I ever had.

    thank you all for the nice replys!

    I like to add, that I set up my Herbert with EQ knobs at noon for the distortion chanels.
    The profiles reflect pretty well how the Herbert sounds in reality.
    I met Peter Diezel for service. When he checks the sound of his amps, he sets the EQ knobs all to noon, that´s the sound he has in mind when designing his amps. And this is the sound I like most, too.

    today I made some tests with a Meazzi ribbon mic, which allegedly was a pretty common mic in the 60s. I´ve got it some weeks ago in bad condition, but a "mic doctor" I know repaired it.
    Looks like this:
    [Blocked Image:]

    I set it up in front of my Fender 1974 Super Reverb with original Jensen speakers. Clean sound, vibrato channel.
    It picks up a very fat sound, the typical Fender highs are pushed back quite a bit.

    What do you think about the profile? Does this mic do justice to the Fender?
    I like it with brighter guitars, my vintage Strat sound fat, my P90s equipped Thinlie Tele delivers a nice jazzy tone.

    Have fun 8)

    I don´t get this "amp in a room" sound thing....

    In the studio when recording, reamping, mixing etc. every engineer I know wants bone dry guitar tones. Me too.

    Live engineers always beg guitarists to turn that reverb effect down, so they can "grab" the guitar sound and place it in the mix where it belongs. What you hear them say every time is: "we are already in a room here, no need for an additional one...."

    And for headphone playing, I do exatly this

    add ~5% of a room reverb?

    and it works like a charm!

    my 2 cents ;)

    Definitely worth more than 1 star but I will admit that I find these profiles (the higher gain ones) overly dark, round, smooth...whatever the choice adjective may be. So much so that I wouldn't have much use for them, especially in a recorded mix.

    Just not my cup of tea, though. Everybody's got their own opinion. Thanks for uploading them. Maybe I'll have to try them again with a different cab.

    but that´s how a Diezel Herbert sounds, this round and full distortion with a punchy focus on the lower mids. Quite different that a 5150 or a Engl Powerball.
    The G12K100 cab supports this sound even more.
    I love that!!! :love: 8)

    But you´re completely right, some like a profile, some don´t, and that´s perfectly fine!

    I´ve seen many profiles at the rig exchange lately which got a one star rating right after their release, some of mine, some others. Seems like someone´s applying his method of bashing other´s, whatever...

    Let me thank you all for the nice words and for checking out my profiles. Again, great to hear that some find them useful!


    My latest profiling session with my Diezel Herbert is on the rig exchange!

    I used my Diezel 4x12" frontloaded cab with Celestions G12K100 speakers, which are significantly tighter and way aore focused than V30s. They feel a bit stiff and are harder to play, but I love to use them because of their prescision und deadly punch!

    This time I used three mics, mainly a Sure SM7b off center, and additionally a Heil PR40, dead center, to support the attacks, and a MXL R144 ribbon 30cm in front of the cab to add some warmth.

    I profiled the clean channel (_1) and the second one in "minus" setting (_2-).
    For the second channel in "plus" setting (_2+) and the third channel (_3) I additionally used a Tubescreamer as a booster (TS) and a TC electronic Booster + line driver and distortion pedal(TC)
    I myself am very pleased with the results, so far these are the closest to my live sound.

    So I hope you find some use for these profiles - have fun! :)


    PS: greetings to my trusty one star rater, within 5 minutes after uploading you were able to show your hate for three profiles! Not bad, but I know you can do better! You´ll get another chance in the near future.....

    wow, thanks for the kind words, I feel extremely flattered!

    Next week I´ll again get access to the studio where I did the Shiva, to make a new round of profiles with my Diezel Herbert. This will be my third profiling session with this amp, because I feel the profiles are still not quite there where I want them to be. I played hundreds of gigs with the Herbert in the past five years, so I know it in and out.
    Keep your fingers crossed that it will turn out really great this time :)

    c u later 8)

    that´s an easy one, every good hi gain profile with slightly scooped mids should do it.
    Rammstein are known for using Rectifiers and the PSA-1 Sans amp and allegedly had a Diezel phase, too (I don´t remember on which record, but that one sounded way better to me, than their other stuff...).

    recording two tracks panned hard left, two tracks panned hard right is necessary to get this wall of sound effect.

    Wow i liked them. All of this serie sound great with my vintage stato. Thanks a lot. You make my day.

    you´re welcome! :thumbup:

    If you´re into stomp boxes, there are some more of my profiles on the rig exchange. The start with "Stomp_..."
    My latest profiles of a little Hughes & Kettner Thirty combo also include some with stomp boxes. And don´t get fooled by the one star ratings. There´s some nasty fellow always giving my profiles one star, most of the time literally minutes after I uploaded them...don´t know what I have done to this person ?(

    MXL is a great mic and a relative bargain IMHO. Check out the Heil PR20 if you get a chance, it's great too.

    worth every penny without a doubt!

    A friend of mine has the PR20 and already told me that it´s great for guitar micing! I will give it a try soon!
    I know the Heil PR30 and PR40 very well. The PR40 is my live-mic for some years now, engineers like it very much! Heil is a great company!