Posts by r_u_sirius

    Hi folks,

    to test my new MXL R144 ribbon mic I did some profiles today with my trusty old Hughes & Kettner Thirty combo. For some reason I like this amp...

    The MXL mic is a winner for micing guitar amps! It sounds smooth and fat!
    I used a UA 610 tube preamp for profiling, and a Fender Thinline Tele with Bareknuckle P90s for refining.

    Additionally to the clean (which is great for further FX processing) and the lead profile, I did some more with some of my stompboxes:
    -Lovepedal Karl Fuzz
    -Lovepedal Redhead
    -Lovepedal Superlead
    -HSO RustDriver
    -Rothwell Hellbender

    get it here, upload to the Rig Exchange will follow!

    Hope you have some fun with these! 8)

    [Blocked Image:]

    Hi Folks,

    I´m back from my friend´s studio - we had a great profiling session 8)
    On the Rig Exchange you can now find some profiles of my 1970 Marshall JMP Superbass 100W Plexi amp.
    I used the original cab (don´t know which speakers are in it...too lazy to loosen all those screws... ;) )
    This time I used three mics, a Shure SM7b, a Heil PR40 and a no name ribbon cheapo, which added a great dose of warmth.

    I did five profiles from clean to full, and additionally some more with different fuzz, distortion and boost pedals. Btw: this was the first time a Fuzz Face turned out great, 99% close to the reference amp tone!

    I refined the profiles with a Fender Thinline Tele with Bareknuckle P90s in it. I like them with my vintage strat, too.

    Hope you´ll like them! :thumbup:

    [Blocked Image:]

    Thank you all very very much for the great feedback! I´m really happy you find my profiles useful :)

    I´m far from asking for some donations, I like the Kemper system with all those free profiles a lot!
    But in case some of you cannot hold back, I will pass on the donations to my friend, who let me do these profiles in his studio for free!
    Please PM me for my PayPal details.


    wow, thanks for all those kind comments! :)

    Having a separate room for the cab makes profiling so much easier. Usually I have no problem to set an amp to deliver some nice tones, but judging wheather the mic placement is good or not and wheather the refining is successful is almost impossible with the cab in the same room....
    I´m going to profile some more amps in the near future in the same studio where I did the Shiva profiles.

    With which one should I start?
    Fender 1974 Super Reverb,
    Marshall 1970 Plexi on original cab,
    Diezel Schmidt on Diezel 4x12 V30 cab,
    Bogner Ecstacy on Diezel 4x12 V30 cab,
    maybe another try with my Diezel Herbert....

    I could get my hands on these one, too:

    Marshall JCM 800 2 channel top
    Engl Blackmore
    MEsa 1992 Dual Recto
    Diezel Einstein
    Fender Bassman combo
    Peavey 5150
    Tube Thomsen combo


    my latest bad habbit: profiling friend´s amps right before they get sold (the amps...).

    after the Laney top some days ago here´s the next one: a superb Bogner Shiva on a Diezel frontlaoded 4x12" cab with Vitnage 30s.
    I mainly used a Shure SM7B mic with an additional Heil PR40 mixed in to get some more low end punch.

    This time I had the opportunity to profile in a studio with a separate room for the cab - much easier this way! The profiles turned out 99% accurate.
    Hope you like how I dialed in the amp! Get the profiles at the RE.

    btw: hard to let that amp go again, it´s too good, covers almost all the tones imaginable!


    I made some profiles of a friend´s Laney GH 100L amp, which will go to ebay soon. I never played the amp before, so I might have missed some cool settings. Anyway, the ones I chose sounded great in real, and the profiles turned out pretty close!

    I used a MArshall 4x12 1960 Vintage cab with Celestion Vintage 30s and a Heil PR40 mic, straight, pointing to the speaker about 8cm from the middle.

    Have fun with the profiles, you find them at the rig exchange!


    Have you tried it yet?
    Pickup Dummies are not required for most connections, but for low impedance input devices such as the fuzz.

    yes I did, you can hear the results in my sound example number 4! It made things slightly better IMO, but still too far away from the sound of the simple Gtr->Fuzz->Amp signal chain.

    As I already said, the pickup dummy works great for reamping purposes, but between KPA direct out und the Fuzz Factory it did not solve the problems.

    For me, part of the joy of a vintage fuzz is the way it interacts with different guitar pickups and the volume pot. If you have any vintage style fuzz (such as those based on a Fuzz Face circuit) then the whole design of the thing is flawed but in a wonderful way..... It makes a circuit with your pickups. A guitar amp or more modern pedal does not do this.

    For this reason, I think a profile of the amp with no fuzz and then use the fuzz in front of the Kemper. I know this isn't what everyone wants to hear but ultimately the Kemper has a high input impedance and so will not act like a fuzz pedal in terms of your guitar volume.

    Just my 2 cents. Or pennies actually as I'm British ;)

    that´s exactly my conclusion after all these tests und statements ;)

    have you tried a reamping box?
    the price tag is certainly more evolved :) tho I must admit I don't know if they have a different underlying concept than the pickup-dummy.

    Yes, I did try a Radial reamping box. The output was surprisingly low, the results not useable.

    What´s the diference between a line output of my RME Fireface, which I use for reamping with the Radial reamping box with excellent results and the direct out of the Kemper?

    On the rig exchange you can find many profiles of an amp called Kingtech VA15H, made by JOHNSON DU.
    I dig them!!!! Especially the ones with SM57 on axis.
    Anybody here who knows more about that amp? google is as clueless as I am....

    Some nasty fellow gave all of these profiels a 1star rating - bullsh*t!!!! Give ´em, a try! :thumbup:

    Cheers to JOHNSON DU!

    The sound you are after is called the velcro fuzz. Its bias is off and it produces a gated/ripping sound.
    The Kemper can not profile that gate effect.

    Hi Bill, thanks for chiming in!

    Yes and no ;)
    In my example 1 I used the Fuzz Factory pedal with Gate and Comp at zero, and Stab full, which means off! As far as I know with this setting the Fuzz Factory should work like a standard fuzz pedal, for example like a Fuzz Face. The gating effect did not interfere the profiling process.

    ckemper already told us that profiling fuzz pedals is sometimes imopossible because of impedance mismatch, so that´s the problem in the first place. Otherwise the profiling of the example 1 sound should have been possible.

    Of course it would be great to be able to profile a fuzz sound with this special "velcro" quality!

    @ ckemper, I repeat myself: is there a way to make the direct out adjustable impedance wise? Or is this idea just stupid due to my complete technical ignorance? :D

    Maybe there is a device that can be put between the KPA direct out and the fuzz pedal, with which we can adjust the impedance? Something more evolved than my cheapo pickup-dummy, which does a pretty good job for reamping!