Posts by mba

    Absolutely right, I used Emagic-software ("Notator" later "Logic") many years ago on an ATARI ST. Apple bought 2002 the whole company, here's some info.

    Some other German inventions: the first free programmable computer (1941 Konrad Zuse), MP3 (1982 Frauenhofer Institute / Karlheinz Brandenburg), first video-recorder (1961 Loewe), TV (1886 Paul Nipkow), the first car (1886 Carl Benz), airbag (1951 Walter Linderer) and much more.... finally the first profiling amp (2012 CK) ;)

    About the computer : things are really more complex than that and i'm afraid that the Z3 is lost in the history of computers. Charles Babbage in 1833 already proposed a programmable machine based on the Jacquard system.

    About Mpeg Layer 3 : it's an european project driven by Hans-Georg Mussman
    To sum up the companies involved in the royalties are Phillips (dutch) TDF, Technicolor and France Telecom (french), IRT and Fraunhoffer IIS(german).
    All these people worked on Mpeg.

    About airbag :

    About TV : i agree though we are far from the final system.

    About car : you are wrong by far. You have to define what is a car. If a car is defined as an automotiv system which can move alone the first car was painted by leonard de Vinci.
    Then the first car was made by Joseph Cugnot(french) in 1769
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    In 1860 Etienne Lenoir (french) patent the first engine with internal combustion (2 cycles) and he build 400 of them
    In 1862 Alphonse Beau de Rochas (french) patented the engine with 4 cycles
    In 1872 Niklos Otto, Eugène Langen and Gottlieb Daimler found the Gasmotoren Fabrik Deutz AG
    In 1873 Amédée Bollée (french) built the first car with 12 places which goes up to 40km/h
    In 1878 Amédée Bollée built and sell another car called La Mancelle
    In 1881 Amédée Bollée built and sell another car called La Rapide which is the first one to goes up to 60 km/h
    In 1881 Gustave (french) Trouvé showed the first electric car at the International Electric Show of Paris
    in 1882 De Dion & Bouton (french) build their first cars
    1883 first car with gaz engine (4 cycles) Etienne Lenoir
    1884 first patent for a car with an engine driven by petrol Edouard Delamarre Deboutteville (french)
    then 1886 first car with engine (internal combustion) built by Carl Benz. He was not the first one to build a car. lol (perhaps the first german)'automobile

    About first video recorder : you are wrong by far againétoscope

    The end :D

    You're obviously not up-to-date on your facts. I have no problem with Japanese vehicles, but you should read about the huge recalls that have been made by manufacturers like Toyota in the last one-two years, some of which were on account of fatal accidents. Broken engines are a problem, fatalities are worse.

    Also, comparing Japanese cars with German? Are you serious? They're nice cars, alright, but seriously?

    I don't have to be up to date as i said that is based on cases in Europe.


    Big fails in latest history ...

    France: Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle

    A lot of small issues which have been all solved now. What do you expect on a 10 billion euros project?
    But you are right and there has been a lot of jokes in french newspapers about that.
    French people are not complaisant with themselves. we are at the opposite of germans always unsatisfied.

    By the way it's a nuclear carrier and we are the only ones with americans to be capable to build nuclear carrier in the world.
    It is smallest than american ones but two times bigger than the Uk, Spanish or Italian carriers.

    Absolutely right, I used Emagic-software ("Notator" later "Logic") many years ago on an ATARI ST. Apple bought 2002 the whole company, here's some info.

    Some other German inventions: the first free programmable computer (1941 Konrad Zuse), MP3 (1982 Frauenhofer Institute / Karlheinz Brandenburg), first video-recorder (1961 Loewe), TV (1886 Paul Nipkow), the first car (1886 Carl Benz), airbag (1951 Walter Linderer) and much more.... finally the first profiling amp (2012 CK) ;)

    The betas are buggy, not the official FW's, I played my KPA on several tours, not one single problem. I had several PODs and always some problems.

    German quality? BMW, Mercedes, Audi / Neumann, SPL, ADAM / Steinberg + Logic (both originally from Hamburg), Native Instruments, Ableton Live, Melodyne ect.... ;)
    And now the French ones...

    Lol and i forgot to talk about the issue with the lights. Germans are champion for saying they are the champions...that's for sure.

    Concerning cars, you probably want to talk about the famous Porsche Boxster 986. It suffered from a severe problem wich led to many broken engines.
    The quality of german cars is a myth.
    That's what conclude the UK insurer Warranty Direct based on 50 000 cases and they are not the only ones to get this conclusion.(i can't find the european institute which make the count of car's cases)
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    The japanese cars have the best fiability.
    Now if you tell me that french cars look ugly, i agree, though the last ones look better.(The french old cars looked really better Delahaye, Dedion Bouton, Panhard Levassor)
    French are not involved into music industry, just the IRCAM and Flux ( but does it mean that french don't know how to do it?

    German don't like comparaison with always ended bad...for them. That's the drama.

    So basically you have companies which build audio plugins using a 200 year old french technology (Joseph Fourier).
    Now what do french for example.

    We decided in 70s to keep our technology and worked alone on our fight plane. The result is the Rafale 100% french (engine made by Snecma).
    Germans build with english and italians the Eurofighter. The Eurofighter can't compete with the Rafale. The Rafale do all. It's a bomber, an interceptor and there is a marine version. The Eurofighter can't fly as the Rafale is able to do.
    It wins all the time against the Eurofighter in real tests, he even won against the F22 that's why the Pentagone classified the Rafale as a classe 5 GEN.
    The Rafale is not a BMW i'm sorry for you.
    We build our own tanks, submarines and boats. You can check the two ones built for russian government (1 billion each one) which are suspended actually due to ukrainian crisis.
    We build huge cruise boat too for american companies.

    Now let's talk about reliability. The ESA use Arianespace's service for launching his satellites. Arianespace is french and has the leadership in satellite launching with more than 50% of the world market.
    We have our own nuclear plant technology that we sell all around the world and recently we developped a technic which allow to know exactly the pressure inside the uranium sticks. This should allow to use them longer and safely. Sorry but it's unique in the world.

    Last year the CARMAT company has built a fully automatic (and autonom) heart. This heart uses organic tissue and you don't have to take anti inflammatory drugs. It's a mondial event. It is still tested and has been used 75 days by the first patient. The older faculty of medicine in europe is french, based in Montpellier (10th century). It is the older in activity in the world.

    Now let's talk about math. In 1956 Laurent Schwartz won the Field's medal with his distribution's theory. This theory is used today all around the world by all engineers mathematicians and physicians every days in every fields.
    By the way the one who found E= MC² was the french mathematician Henri Poincaré in 1900 not Einstein.
    At this time Einstein was looking for help for doing maths.
    In 2003 the conjecture of Poincaré was solved by Grigori Perelman who won the Field's medal and refused it.
    I could go on and on...
    We don't need any help in mathematic, physics or mechanic. The elites all around the world know that.
    (the metric system that you use is french, made in 1789 during the french revolution lol. It is used all around the world except by american and english people)