Posts by elfredo

    I'd like to start my own board. Do you mind sharing some more infos on where to buy which components and the schematics?
    Or do you want to go into business with the board? I totally understand if you don't want to share, but I thought I'd ask.


    You can also pm me. Yours is not enabled yet.

    i'd guess that you would have phasing issues between the magnetic and piezo signal since both signals are coming out of your guitar in phase. both are converted to digital (we assume it takes the same amount of time delay). but the magnetic signal already got manipulated in the stomp and amp sections (which takes processing time) when it gets mixed with the piezo signal.

    the author (and some others) didn't get that the kpa is sold as a "profiler". the kpa's duty is to profile a guitar-amp-cabinet-mic-room-signal chain and to recreate that exact sound. it has some more options like adding effects and changing that sound in particular ways. and kemper is so kind to give away profiles for free to begin with. if you don't like them, make your own.

    the author compares the kpa to a modeler which can be judged by the accuray of it's sound replication of known amps.

    the kpa shows the world how difficult it is to create a good sounding guitar in a recording mix. it shows that the magic of a good recorded guitar tone is a result of a recoring engineers competence and isn't a matter of a 1-minute-setup. so thanks to all the great sound engineers that made, make and will make good guitar tone! :)

    I might actually contact him and talk to him about the conclusions he drew from his own user errors.

    everyone is entitled to their opinion, but publishing false info as facts (high latency) is not o.k., I think.

    hi don, how much is the kpa's latency actually and officially?

    latency between guitar strumming and hearing the sound through the speaker (sitting directly in front of them). Of course you have to add 0,3ms each m of distance between ear and speaker.

    ?? i use the switch 1 jack on the kpa's back with a volume pedal to control the kpa-wha... so you should be able to run 4 expressions at a time (2 fcb, 2 external connected to the switch jacks)

    oh cool. i, too, thought that different pus have a different impact on the profiling result, since they - beside their different eqs and dynamics - map different string/wave harmonies relative to their position on the guitar, which would be the input for the refining process.

    but ck knows that stuff better.

    i got a tc electronic g-system with a spdif-output only (no input).

    is it possible to put the g-system into a stereo-loop (mono send, stereo return) in the kpa's x-slot using the analog send and the digital spdif as stereo return?
    this way i could avoid da/ad-conversions with its' latencies.

    doing it all analog would use the following conversions:

    ad: kpa-in
    da: kpa-x-send
    ad: g-sytem-in
    (da: g-system-out)
    (ad: kpa-x-return)
    da: kp-out

    if all conversion stages were similar in latency (1,6ms), it would sum up to 9,6ms of overall latency. :S

    The volume pedal can serve as a booster since day one. It does not take a slot.
    When the RANGE is set positive, it boosts from the actual state, rather than attenuating.

    thank you for taking the time to respond and discuss.

    there are many possibilities to realize a boost function in the rig. but they all are based on sacrificing another important function.

    if we used the volume pedal for boosting (heel: normal volume, toe: boost volume), we'd loose the volume-swell-option. if we tried to use all functions of the volume pedal (heel: no volume, something in the middle: normal volume, toe: boost volume) there'd be a problem finding the right "normal volume", since a foot-based pedal does not give tactile feedback about the actual position (in contrast to visual feedback on keyboards' volume pots).

    a simple boost option (0-10db) with cc-switching in the amp/eq section would be a big benefit for live performances. :thumbup:
    an additional boost-eq would be the icing on the cake for some.