Posts by emc_100

    Oh, no, I have that... I was thinking Rig Manager was going to actually show us what note we are tuning to like what was requested by alot of people (myself included) since there aren't any LED screens on the Player... having a tuner without any indication of what note youre playing sounds kind of ridiculous to me... i guess Kemper doesn't agree. lol

    But they let us tune to the earthly 432 hz! THANK GOD! (/sarcasm)


    As the title says, where is the tuner pitch reference? I can't find it in Rig Manager. I love the new strobe and needle tuners on the player though! They look great. I figured the pitch reference would be in the System Tab where the tuner is in Rig Manager; but i could not find it in there.

    Or are the bank numbers on the Player supposed to act as the pitch reference?

    Just wanted to note that I was able to find a work around of sorts programming MIDI through Ableton Live and getting the transpose to work with the Profiler Player.

    All i did was duplicate my tone i was using on the recording, and then saved the duplicate profile/rig with the transposed -5 semitones. In ableton, i would then use MIDI clips to change my banks on the player.

    I really wish i could figure out how to automate CC's, though. Like being able to automate the transpose would be cool AF.

    yeah, the manual says to plug the midi controller in to the USB A socket... that's pretty much it. What about in DAW? wth do you do? I can get everything to light up inside Ableton and that's about as far as things go with it.

    I want to be able to change effects and rigs using midi... set up live set in ableton, etc... videos seem to always skip the most crucial parts of doing this.

    I just got a Profiler Player last week and realized I don't have a way to see which note I'm tuning. lol. ...and i recently gave my only tuner to my niece, thinking "eh, the profiler player should be able to tune within Rig Manager, right? ...........right?" (Spoiler Alert: I was wrong)

    This should really be added to Rig Manager now considering there is no way to see what note you're playing when tuning with the Profile Player. I've got other methods of tuning (listening to a recording of a song i know how to play and tuning to that song/recording and a few websites); but if i were playing a show and changed my strings, I'd be in a tight spot! lol


    is there a way to change my forum name? emc_100 is really annoying lol