Posts by Actovis

    So guys, I tried a lot and got the most comfortable wirth the connection via usb from Kemper to pc. Thank you for all your help and ideas!

    Finally I tried with a normal guitar cable, had the same issue. The volume level was pretty decent.

    musicmad I had no plugins or even effects active in cubase. I recorded stereo via two input channels (left and right), the sound didnt change when I muted one channel exept the volume. There was no other technology than cubase active. Live playing and playback had the same volume, headphones also made no difference.

    Michael_dk I use the KRK V6 as monitors, while recording and playback, I tried different setups with my headphones (akg k141) but the result was the same.

    Bakersounds That video helped me pretty much for the beginning, I searched for some other videos and now the usb is (at the moment) my preferred method.

    Maybe that´ll change in the future but we´ll see.

    Thanks again everyone!

    first of all thanks for all the answers :)

    Michael_dk I used the monitor function included in cubase. I switched later between the monitor function in cubase and the direct monitiring from the focusrite.

    Bakersounds I tried that in the very beginning but honestly I couldn´t mke it happen. Maybe I have to dig a little deeper in how that works... Dou you have any helpful links to threads or videos for that?

    BayouTexan I´ll try that, the gain on fhe focusrite was off to very low and the gain at the profil was like 5-7/10. I´ll try changing that too.

    DonPetersen so you think it´s something different than the conversion? I´m sorry for asking, english is not my mother language :D

    Hey guys!

    Sorry if that question is stupid. I just started recording and am quite new to this.

    My setup:

    Kemper -> XLR stereo -> Focusrite scarlett 2i2 4th gen -> USB C -> PC (Cubase 13)

    My problem:

    I dont reamp, I created an own profile (with a distortion sound) that I wanted to record.

    The sound that I record in cubase is muddier/ not as clear as when I play directly via the "direct monitor" function of the audio interface.

    The audio interface records with 44.1khz, the cusbase setting is also at 44.1khz (16bit). I changed it to 192khz (24bit) and it got a little bit better.

    How do I get the cound as clear as in the direct monitor mix?

    Thanks for tips and help! :)