Posts by sdeyoung

    I started experimenting with running some of my favorite overdrives in front of the input of the Kemper. I bought a Voodoo Lab Hex so I could bring the effects in/out of the loop. I know you can use the effects loop in the Kemper but I found running them into the input seemed to sound a little better to my ears. I’m curious if anyone else is running effects and how you are running them(ie: looper or in the effects loops of Kemper)?

    The idea with the hex is I wanted to use a select few overdrive pedals I like. I know I can send midi changes from the slot in the performance but is there a way to send midi using morphing or any of the effects slots? As far as I can see it’s possible through slot changes but I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

    I don't know a ton about it, but I'd assume that either the Hex has a particular PC numbers that coorespond to the various combinations of certain loops being on and off, or you program it to leave certain loops on and others off when it receives a certain PC number. I'd guess the later.

    But every Rig in every performance mode has it's own independent PC messages it can send. (It can send two of them, so that it could control two different devices.) So any time you create a new Rig, you'll need to tell it to send a specific PC message to the Hex when selected. Otherwise, whatever loops were last open or closed on the Hex will be unaffected by switching to that new Rig. So if in your new Rig you want all the loops in the Hex to be off, you need to program that Rig to send the PC message that cooresponds to all the loops being off in the Hex.

    Kinda what I was afraid of. That means I’ll need to modify all the rigs.

    Hello, searched around and haven't found much info on how to set the midi with the Voodoo Lab hex. I’m able to program loop changes (on/off) using midi but it seems to hold on to the last saved setting for all slots. Example: slot 1 I set loop 2 on. I held both #1 & #6, lights flashed and I was able to recall that when I selected slot 1. I tried to program a different combination with slot 2. Selected 3 & 4 and held down #1 & #6 again, lights flashed so I thought it was good. I can select either slot 1 or 2 and it selects the correct loops but all the other slots retain the last setting I programmed. I know I’m doing something wrong just not sure what. I can't imagine that I would have to turn off the loops and save that setting to EVERY profile I have on my Kemper. That would be way too time consuming. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Bringing this thread back! lol

    So, I finally got myself a voodoo lab hex. I’m able to program loop changes using midi but it seems to only retain 1 setting. Example: slot 1 I set loop 2 on. I held both #1 & #6, lights flashed and I was able to recall that when I selected slot 1. I tried to program a different combination with slot 2. Selected 3 & 4 and held down #1 & #6 again, lights flashed so I thought it was good. I can select either slot 1 or 2 and it selects the correct loops but all the other slots retain the last setting I programmed. I know I’m doing something wrong just not sure what.

    I tried the above setup, doesn't seem to work. I was curious if the Kemper was actually sending out midi so I hooked it up to my interface on my computer and used that midi view program again. I can confirm that the Kemper is sending out midi program changes, mind you when it's set to program change 80 it's actually sending on 79. Not sure if this is normal or the program I'm using is not accurate. Either way, don't think it's going to work so I'll be looking into getting a Voodoo Lab hex or a Morningstar ML5 at some point.

    Thanks for the assistance Ruefus

    I asked if I could incorporate the commander midi controller and got this answer. So it would work, just more pieces to carry around.

    Also yes, it should be possible with Commander in the middle, setup:

    Kemper MIDI OUT => MIDI IN Commander

    Commander MIDI OUT => MIDI IN Pedal Switcher 1

    Pedal Switcher 1 MIDI OUT => MIDI IN Pedal Switcher 2

    You'll want to use MIDI channel 1 and send MIDI Program Change (PC) messages 1-10 from the Kemper to recall Commander presets 1-10 respectively (and the Commander will then of course recall presets on the Pedal Switchers).

    Got a response back from Voodoo lab. Not sure it’s possible.

    In order to control Pedal Switcher with a third party MIDI controller (Kemper), you would first need to send the Pedal Switcher the following (hexadecimal) SysEx* string:

    F0 00 00 07 01 08 10 F7

    Once, this SysEx message is received, Pedal Switcher loops 1 - 4 will respond to Control Change messages 80-83 on MIDI channel 16. And, Pedal Switcher #2 loops 1 - 4 will respond to Control Change messages 84-87 (also on MIDI channel 16).

    *Note: The SysEx message need only be sent once (each time Pedal Switcher is powered on).

    So, I decided to see if I could capture what the commander sends to those pedal switchers. I downloaded a program called midi view and plugged the out from the pedal switcher into my midi in on my computer. This is what is send from the commander to allow the pedal switcher to change patches. Not sure if this is why the Kemper can't change the patches on the switcher? It looks like it's sending on channel 0. Anybody have any experience with this and might be able to help?