Posts by guayom

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for some advice on what kind of cables work best for the expression pedals on the Kemper Stage. I was initially planning to get pancake or square plugs, but I've noticed that the input jacks on the Stage are quite close together. I'm worried that this might make it difficult to unplug the pedals, so I'm considering whether straight plugs might be a better option.

    The thing is, I don't want to put together a pedalboard with the expression pedals, which means I'll be constantly connecting and disconnecting them. Straight plugs seem more practical for this purpose, but they look a bit awkward and I fear they might be more vulnerable to being stepped on.

    What kind of plugs have you found work best in this situation? I suppose I could just buy a bunch of different types and see what works, but I thought I'd ask here first to see if anyone has already figured this out.

    For reference, I have the Kemper Profiler Stage and two Mission Engineering expression pedals: the EP1-KP with the switch and a spring-loaded EP25K. So, I need two TRS cables and one TS cable.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Your request implies that RM would actually create the same sounds as the KPA itself. This would involve turning arM into a full blown Kemper plug-in. At the moment RM is just a database. When you make a change to a sound it loads the sound into the KPA edit buffer and makes the changes there not in RM.

    Isn't that what the OP is about? Maybe I misunderstood.

    ``` OP
    How awesome would it be if you could record a few riffs/licks in the Rig Manager and play them again and again whenever your guitar or Kemper is not next to you. So you could create new sounds and experiment with all the kemper effects you want.

    It's actually about just a lib of recordings, but yeah, it would require the computer to reproduce the sounds the Kemper would, so def need a plug-in.
    Or a Kemper mini only controlable through a computer/ipad/mobile?

    but if this is the case then you don’t know enough about what you need to tweak to be able to do it without having the Kemper there to hear the changes. How can you TRY a few different amps or tweak EQ a lot without hearing the results. It just isn’t possible.

    If you know that exactly what you need to do (say boost 3.2khz by 1.4db) then you know enough to do it quickly in the rehearsal. If you don’t know the exact tweaks needed the. You need to hear the changes (preferably in the context of the band mix) so you need the Kemper to audition the changes. I still can see how this concept would work in the real world.

    You are absolutely right. You need to hear it. That's why I mentioned using pre-recorded DIs. But still, this might not be the perfect solution. The backing track you're using might need a different EQ than a live situation. Impossible to argue with that.

    I mentioned a few other examples where that feature is useful.

    lightbox I use option A. But would LOVE option B. 4 Kempers sounds so convenient! Sadly, I don't make enough money with music to justify the expense. LOL. And yeah C is the best. Takes time to get there. I never had a setup where I could boost 1db to X fequency, so I'd be lying if I said I can pin point something so specific.

    So A it is... until I can buy more Kempers or this feature is developed.

    I've done so with my previous devices, I was really loved by all the band :P:cursing::evil::whistling:

    I don't think that it works so nicely !

    Day One : awful sound. Back Home --> Remind all the settings you have to do

    Day Two : Everything's perfect :/

    First, LOL, yeah I've also done that and it has been done to me.

    Well, yeah, that's an oversimplification. The process could take several days. But it is 100% a real scenario.

    Things Iv'e done this way:
    - Achieve a better combination of delays (slapback + longer delay). That takes some minutes and can perfectly be done at home.
    - Looking for amps with different properties. Example of the note: "Look for amps with more low end". What I did: Looked for 3 amps that seemed to work at home, tried them during a song next day and chose one without disturbing anyone.
    - Nail the right rate of an effect like tremolo or phaser
    - Reorganize performances to reflect changes in the setlist
    - Assign several effects to a single stomp
    - Adjust morphing levels for effects

    Of course these are all things you can do if you simply take you Kemper home, which I currently do. But you said you didn't understand the use case. I'm just giving examples of real world use cases because I do think this would be a nice to have feature. Not critical. Just nice. The Kemper is already such a helpful tool that has made my life so much easier... this is not a complaint about a critical feature missing in the Kemper.

    Edward Dixon your advice is good. I think we come from the same place. It’s important not to waste other people’s time. That’s why I’d love a feature like this, that would let me say: “ok, I know what I have to do. I will do it on my own time. Let’s move on to the next song”. A recording scenario is a different topic.

    I will also say that mastering the Kemper takes time. And it’s important to continuously keep improving. I’ve been using it for a few months now. I usually think “yep, now I know everything I need to make this work”, just like you advised Edward Dixon , but then, something I wasn’t expecting comes up and I am in need to do some experimentation/research and learn a little more. That’s part of a learning process. You don’t know what you don’t know. It would take years for to really master every single aspect of the Kemper and how to solve every single problem. How are you supposed to learn all of that if you don’t use the device in real life scenarios? How can you possibly tell that you already know all that you could possibly need to do? I think that’s a bit of an unrealistic standard.

    More than the technical impossibility, i don't understand this need...

    Just imagine you are rehearsing with your band. You take notes of the tweaks you need to do to your rigs.

    After rehearsing you leave all your equipment in the rehearsal room because you will rehearse the next day again.

    You go home, take out your computer and make the tweaks you need. You use DI recordings you had made previously. Store the new rigs/performances in a usb drive.

    Next day before the rehearsal you load the new stuff on your Kemper, rehearse and enjoy the perfection of a digital rig.