Posts by InfiniteSustain

    Back out there playing live tonight, first time adding Empty Rooms to my set, I did a super-long extended version (think Isstadion Stockholm 1987) - here's an excerpt of the first solo, using the Choptones Empty87 rig. I really wanted to make my Kemper Player work, but still I can't make it sound like my stage yet. My performance needs some work, I'm still a beginner and only started playing live in February, but it's such a joy to play. iPhone audio, yeah, it's a bit sucky, but it was fun.

    Again, thank you, that's a great tip. I'll look at that because I don't actually know what that does as I write. My error above was that I thought the master volume control only mattered when you changed it and if you left it alone at switch on somehow you inherited a default volume, silly me. Sometimes, random internet people can really make your day!

    I would say that most of it rests on me, there are an infinite spectrum of great tones, I'd just like to work on getting close to my trusted favorites. The Stage makes me sound better than I really am, I didn't even really have to think too much about it, the Player just surfaces my uncertainty and vulnerability a little bit, but that's the new tech cycle. Clearly it makes great sounds. The Graphic Eq tip was great, more to play with on that. It's also been interesting to see how some commercial vendors have reworked Kemper tones for Player specific packs. It's a process.

    Thank you. You're onto something. So it's not exact but it's more right than I was able to get it. So I am using a ChopTones Gary Moore 1987 Empty Rooms profile which on the Stage is perfect and this really helped me. It needs tweaking but it's closer than I was. Other tips still welcome. Also going to try an old school Marshall Guv'nor pedal into it in a bit when Reverb delivers.

    OK, so I understand the limitations, and the answer could be, trust my ears.

    Trust my ears and stop being so damn OCD.

    Thing is, I have profiles I love on the Stage I can't quite replicate on the Player.

    And I'm so demanding and inflexible. :)

    How would you replicate a Stage Kemper Drive, which available Distortion? Green Scream?

    Nothing sounds "just so".

    In general terms, how are you handling this so you can gig with the Player without irritation?

    Thank you.

    So, I did another thing.

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    Continuing to have fun, more open mics, I even learned how to play standing up. :) I thought I'd continue the conversation with a couple of questions. I play with backing tracks since I am Billy No-Bandmates at the moment. Now I use my iphone connected to the Kemper return and this works reasonably well however sometimes I screw up the levels and don't have an easy way to fix it mid-song. Do you have any app recommendations for this? I saw SoundCue recommended but it doesn't seem to be available on the app store anymore, looking at Stage Traxx but it doesn't seem to offer a precision on the fly mix change easily. Would you use a hardware mixer?

    I did a thing. Short set tonight including “The Loner” and “Parisienne Walkways”. My first time to play live. I'm nobody, small potatoes, but my Kemper Stage made me sound way better than I really am. It was a blast! This is real life. Thanks, Kemper!

    Coming back after a bit of a break, feel like I'm missing something.

    I have an amp/cab rig in my local library previously used on my Stage I want to import into the Player.

    I simply drag drop from local library into a Player bank slot thinking that will bring everything.

    It gets there but the amp and cab list of the player don't reflect the models in the imported rig, doesn't sound at all right, and I have Kemper generic for amp.

    What am I missing?

    Thank you.

    Kind of a newbie question. I've had decent enough results with my Kemper Stage recording but I'm a beginner.

    Typically, I'll take the Master Stereo via SPDIF into my Scarlett 816 and into my Mac and Logic Pro X.

    Lately, as I start to write and record my own material, I got carried away with some plug-ins and I just had the realization I'm screwing everything up.

    Basically, I'm taking the master stereo out and applying effects to it such as compression and eq that you should really be earlier in my signal path.

    Yeah, it does end up sounding like a bit of a mess, forgive me. Or maybe more accurately, just, less than I think it should.

    I should have started this thread with the phrase "a friend of mine" rather than admitting to being a cautionary tale. OK.

    So I want to retain the power of the Kemper and third-party profiles that I love, but what's the best way to route say, my guitar, into logic, use an AU compressor or EQ audio fx unit in logic, the JST compressor suite for example seems to give better results with one button push than the Kemper, then back into the pre-amp/amp section of the Kemper, then back to Logic for say an IR pack - maybe GGD Cali which is blowing up right now (although, thinking, this is overcomplicating it because I do sometimes take the IR from GGD Cali and load it into the Kemper as a Cab preset - and then some how route back to the Kemper for the effects features it offers?

    Question: Is this nuts? Overcomplicated? Can you do that kind of back and forth routing? Is it worth it? Do I just misunderstand?

    Should I simply use the Kemper as signal chain pre-cab and do everything else in logic with plug ins in the post-chain?