Posts by Marmoset


    I use the Kemper now for several years and have my own since early 2020. I’m perfectly pleased with single coil cleans to mid gain sounds, but I REALLY struggle to find something THAT good for high gain tones.

    The notes don’t « sing » and it’s always a little bit too much fizzy. Even when I push the mids it’s always like the fondamental profiles are V shaped.

    of course many amps have that pronounced highs, so it’s from the profiles. But I can’t get any profile that sound like a nice high gain amp. I mean it’s powerful and saturated but rarely harsh and fizzy.

    I follow Bret Kingman and Leon Todd on YouTube and those guys can have high gain tones within minutes of small tweaking… so maybe should I get an AxeFxIII and compare both myself side by side (I already had an AxeFxIII but in bad conditions, could only listen to it with earbuds and with a 7 string guitar and found the clean sounds a little bit to sterile at this time)

    And of course I tried sinmix and have pretty all the best profiles on the market.

    Just my 2 cents.

    I have the profiler since 2020.

    I had the AxeFxIII before.

    Now I also have the QC (3 weeks now)

    I’ll be simple.
    Kemper is the best of all for amp sounds.

    AxeFxIII was better for effects but I don’t care, I use pedals now (you can’t find a dimension C in Kemper or AxeFxIII without a lot of tweaking and it will never be the same, and drive stomp just sound better and fuller)

    QC had harsh frequencies on highs. A kind of hissss I can spot on ALL the captures I made. On clean tones it’s « ok » but with drive sounds it’s definitely here.

    The thing is that I find it uninspiring and worse = ear tiring. The only things that aren’t ear tiring I had are AxeFxIII, Kemper, Amp1 and the ISP theta. And of course real amps.

    Now I want 2 things from Kemper =
    - a stomp sized Kemper I with Bluetooth or wifi to edit with iPad

    - a true stereo amps and USB audio Kemper II with better effects (please better chorus and phasers, they aren’t that good right now but also the reverbs, lack of meat…)

    Ok, the influencers videos try to convince guitar community that the new Kemper is here and is called Quad Cortex. Smaller, more power, newer,wifi updates, no need for a computer, iOS app, audio interface, no need to refine captures, and some new more hazardous benefits like touch screen... and APPARENTLY a more accurate amp recreation.

    (Even if I still believe it had too much aliasing and noises, especially in highs, but that’s just my 2 cents).

    what will be the next step for Kemper?

    Will Kemper stay the same, ignoring the competition?

    Will Kemper OS have a major update to refine the profiling process and offer more accurate profiling?

    Will Kemper work on a new Kemper to be even better than the QC specs and keep its place?

    Of course Kemper has a huge ecosystem with many professional profiles makers who constantly promote the product as they make videos to sell their own profiles.

    Of course the Kemper sounds good as it is now. (Just want more Chorus CK ;)

    But what you guys think would be the best for Kemper?

    I will not hide my disappointment about the Access Virus Story.

    People loved it and CK let the product just survive without anything new, letting the competition slowly take its place.

    I don’t want this for the profiler. That’s why I take the time to write it and ask what is your opinion, what do you want as a customer and what would you do if you were CK himself (or if your are the actual CK himself hahaha but no doubt Kemper II will not be announced in this thread!!!)


    Quad cortex has always this « sshhhhiiiiiiiii » fizzy harshness added all over the spectrum.

    Even if for same aspect it came closer to real amp, it’s not more convincing. Audio pro studios will not like it like they already dislike the neural plugins.

    Found why the demos are fizzy =

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    but is the Kemper free of that « alasing »?


    Just saw this video on YouTube from a YT channel that reviews a lot of guitar plugins (but apparently the guy dropped plugins review for a Kemper!)

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    He’s explaining why some plugins sounds harsh, fizzy and have an ear tiring effect.

    it’s very interesting as he offer some links about the neural DSP capture tech in the description and prevented me to buy another Neural DSP product for now. I had that ear tiring effect when using Fortin and couldn’t figure out why. Now I think I understand.

    if somebody could do the same for Kemper it would be cool. I don’t have those tools. But I don’t have ANY bad treble range using my Kemper or some plugins like Scuffham Amps...

    Hi, I have crackeling noises using my Kemper as slave SPDIF mode « auto » rather than « internal »

    I have my Kemper Head 2020 updated to last public OS, and focusrite 8i6 with last firmware update.

    - using 2 coaxial Cordial digital cables good impedance

    - using same same sample rate for audio interface/Kemper SPDIF output/DAW

    - focusrite is on « internal » (set as master clock)

    - Kemper SPDIF output is on « auto »

    - crackeling noise occurs more frequently when I increase the sample rate of all devices

    - changing sample rate on focusrite control doesn’t change sample rate on Kemper in auto mode (not sure Kemper is able to detect and modify that but could help)

    - using only the focusrite without daw to just SPDIF from Kemper to headphones out of the focusrite has the exact same issues

    - the crackeling noises disappear when coming back to Kemper master clock mode (Kemper « internal », focusrite « SPDIF » sync instead of Kemper « auto » and focusrite « internal »)

    it’s annoying and thinking about retuning my Kemper because of that.

    Opened a ticket but still no reply. As it’s already 2 weeks I use the Kemper I’m not sure it can be useful in master spdif mode for my set up an planning to return it...


    Having issues running properly my new Kemper head 2020 as slave mode spdif aka « auto » with my focusrite 8i6 3rd Gen with 2 coaxial cordial spdif cables (yes they are audio digital quality cables) with all sample rates tries matched each time of course for Kemper and focusrite control and checking in audio MIDI setup in iOS.

    I start to think my unit is defective...

    This SPDIF as only option for digital recording is harassing :(

    Doesn’t work flawlessly for a lot of users and I’m an advanced user (15 years using Logic Pro, and various high end equipment)

    What should I do? Return my Kemper and wait for new version featuring usb as audio interface?
