Posts by RobStar

    Hey Mike!

    Yay for you! Congrats. I'm just setting mine up for the first time this afternoon and gave a quick listen via headphones to a clean and a dirty profile; both sound really nice with just a little bit of EQ for my mini-humbuckers.

    But I'm distracted a bit smoking 14 lbs of jerky today while turning knobs and pushing buttons on the new rig(s).

    When I was stepping away I was searching around for the "standby" button and then was like... doh! ;)


    Hey Everybody!

    I finally unboxed my my new Kemper Profiler this morning that came in from the fine folks at British Audio who loaded it up with Michael Britt packs for me.

    Thanks again to everyone here who answered my stupid questions the last few weeks... don't worry though; once I get this registered and fired up I'm sure they'll be plenty more! Meanwhile, here's a link to the short and sweet unboxing video. (hopefully the Vimeo link will work.

    Starling Kemper Profiler Unboxing <<< CLICK IT<<<<

    Thanks! ~Robert
    Orlando, FL

    Thanks for all the advice!

    I bought the Remote with the Kemper and fully intend to use it. I was more asking whether I should start with it right out of the box.

    As for my TV Mr. Burkhard, anything would be simpler than our home theater that at any given time requires at least three remotes and sometimes my iPhone to operate! ;) Thanks so much for chiming in and your support! <3


    6). In case of a power failure on stage, can you reboot profiler and get right back yo your profiles in a couple of minutes? I had heard in can take up to 20 minutes.

    Good morning BayouTexan!

    Good questions! My Kemper will be delivered today so I'm just a bit ahead of you but no hands on experience yet.

    As for the power failure scenario, perhaps a good quality high capacity Battery Backup like an APC Pro 1000 or larger might be a solution. I have those on all of our video editing computers and while they are not meant to power things for extended periods, they do allow us to save an edit and do a proper shutdown and they withstand the afternoon Florida thunderstorm momentary drops and spikes... so far. If you had more than a blip in power during a live gig, pretty much everyone else other than the drummer will be hosed as well.

    Like I said, I'm totally brand new and no hands on yet so YMMV and someone else here may correct me.

    Good luck! ~Robert

    RobStar I wasn't suggesting you should considering selling them - I just wanted you to know that they are something special :)

    You must have mowed a lot of lawns!

    Understood! In 1974 it was $354 new. I got anywhere from $5-10 to push mow a yard and my Dad made me maintain his mower I used so it was probably 50-60 yards after expenses. Same with my first real SLR camera; I dreamed of the $129.95 Minolta SRT 101 but the mower kept breaking and I could only get to about $105 so I bought the Argus Cosina STL-1000. (early 70's). Now, we own digital cinema cameras that the bodies only, no lens cost $75,000 and some of the individual lenses cost that much and more. Needless to say my parents taught me how to work and there's no free lunch.

    As an aside, look at what the same year guitars and amps like your’s have recently sold for on You are likely to find out they are more impressive to people than you think :)

    Thank you Paults,

    Those guitars are family heirlooms as far as I'm concerned and to me they're priceless, especially my Dad's acoustic; that's the guitar my brother and I both sat on his knee as toddlers as he started teaching us about music. Basically when he passed, he only had two things of value left; the 1953 Gibson L-3 and his hunting guns. My brother got the guns and I gladly accepted the guitar. The 1974 Les Paul Deluxe, I purchased with yard mowing money when I was 16 and still have the receipt and original everything.

    My attorney set up a prenuptial agreement before I got married to protect my businesses and those three guitars.

    I appreciate the kind words..


    Hi and welcome, Robert! :)

    It looks like you're thinking of plugging guitar directly into the Mackie (using "instrument" inputs) and feeding the Kemper from there whilst possibly recording the DI signal simultaneously.

    That's fine, but if you have sufficient inputs on the Mackie I'd suggest you feed the Kemper's Main and / or Monitor as well as Direct outs to the desk and plug your guitars into the Kemper itself. This will allow you to achieve the same thing but it's IMHO a more-elegant, simpler approach.

    Thanks Monkey_Man,

    No, I'm plugging the guitar direct into the Kemper and then the Kemper to the mixer. The MS Word chart templates all sucked and this was the best out of about 15 I tried. By the time I was done I could have done it in PhotoShop. I was trying to put a box for the guitar above the Kemper but the whole thing was FUBAR so I went lazy and adjusted the text to say "Guitar to Kemper in one box.

    Thanks for taking a close look at my crappy graphic!


    Hi folks!

    My Kemper head ships tomorrow (Friday 9/4). I'll have it Tuesday! Until then I can't join the private sections.

    It's probably geeky but here's a graphic of my proposed setup. I searched the forum here for other people's setups and only found one or two. It would be great if some of you owners would look at my simplistic signal chain idea and comment.. be gentle... I'm just playing for me these days.

    I'm a 62 yo Cinematographer for film and television, mostly commercials. My parents were musicians, as were my brother and sister so there was live music in our home every night. I gave it a good 11 year run in bands but frankly the money was better and easier in film and TV.

    I've fallen way down the rabbit hole for nearly two months now and selling my tube amp.

    Current guitars:
    1974 Les Paul Deluxe Gold Top (orig owner)

    1953 Gibson L-3 (formerly my late father's)

    1978 Fender Musicmaster (formerly my late brother's")

    Marshalls, Sound City, Mesa and for the last few months I've been trying out a Fender HRD4.
    Genelec 8020's

    Nothing super impressive but it makes me happy and my wife loves my singing and playing still. She's okay with the reasonably high volumes but I'm not so much interested in shaking the walls anymore and protecting my already damaged hearing. 8o

    Thanks so much and I'm looking forward to at some point being able to contribute here.

    ~ Robert - Orlando, FL

    Dangerous ground... as you say both are well respected and great profilers so you will find fans of both here in the forum......

    Okay fair enough and thanks for the heads up. Kemper rookie mistake and I should know better! Nearly two months of YouTube Kemper videos trying to break my glowing tubes addiction! ;)

    I’ll start with the Britt load and get the gear ordered and come back overwhelmed and confused with real Noob questions in a week or so. Thanks! ~Robert

    Good morning.

    I'm finally ordering my Kemper head tomorrow from British Audio.

    They have a choice of it pre-loaded with "all/full" MBritt or ToneJunkie profile packs for the same price as other dealers have with only factory Kemper profiles. Which is most versatile considering the following:

    My interests are Classic Rock, Blues and Blues Rock 70's-90 but I do like and aspire to an occasional Robert Cray'ish clean / Fender tone. I fell down the Kemper rabbit hole six weeks ago and have looked a lot at both MBritt and TJ packs and videos and I know both are respected. The amps I've owned in the past were a 70s 50w Marshall and 50w Mesa Boogie combo. I've been trying Fender HRD4 for four months and love the cleans but dislike the dirty sounds when pushed unless I have KOT or BB Preamp up front.

    My main guitar is a 1974 Gibson Gold Top Deluxe with Mini Humbuckers. The Kemper will play into Genelec 8020 Studio Monitors

    Thanks! ~Robert

    BTW, I did search the Forum and did not find this answer

    Thank you so much Mr. Finally!

    I know it probably seems like a silly question, but now that my wife is working from home and on Zoom calls all day, I have to mind my manners and keep my office / practice room doors closed; thus the heat builds up in the room. We're still mid 90's F here in Florida so the AC is working hard already.

    Fortunately she loves my playing and doesn't mind a bit of volume but her colleagues, staff and clients probable don't want to hear me working through sections of songs for their hours-long Zoom calls. Frankly, I'm surprised it doesn't drive her nuts but I've been playing and singing for her for 26 years and she hasn't tossed me in the wood chipper yet!

    I don't know the exact temperature, but it's not even in the ballpark of what you're dealing with. The amp in the Kemper only needs to do as much as your ears and neighbours can handle.

    Hi there, I'm ready to order a Kemper with amplifier to replace my tube amp.

    My practice space is small (12x13 ft) and my tube amp notoriously overheats the room when the doors are closed and I have it cranked and running through the attenuator.

    The amp heat is in addition to that generated by my iMac Pro, dual monitors, hard drives etc. The tube amp puts the temps over the top beyond what the AC can keep up.

    I believe the Kemper with amp turned off will work fine via my studio monitors but I'm getting the amplified Kemper just in case I end up needing a Kone Kab for the speaker in the room feel or just to jam out.

    Can anyone give me a relative comparison of the heat generated by the toaster unit when running the amplifier and also NOT running the amplifier? How does it compare to a cranked tube amp? I know "hot" is relative but if you have tube amp experience you know what I mean. Is it too hot to touch? Warm to touch? Similar to a computer or TV?

    I would appreciate any comments and experiences you can share.



    Orlando, FL