Posts by RobStar

    Hello there,

    Can Effects Buttons 1-4 be setup to work globally in Browser Mode like a stomp box?

    I'm fairly new to Kemper world in that I've had it a year, found a handful of Rigs I like and have not really done much else. My Remote has largely sat on the floor plugged in but unused.

    I've been searching off and on all day, including reading the Remote manual and the Profiler head manual, searching the forums here, watching Kemper's videos and any other video I could find.

    I've had my Remote for a year but have barely used it frankly. I know how to assign Buttons 1-4 to an individual Rig. However, in Browser mode, as I try out each rig, I have to go in and assign my "typical" Effects individually for every rig I try.

    Either I'm over thinking it or am guilty of still thinking about it in a traditional amp / pedal board scenario. But, if I took my former pedalboard and wanted to test 10 real amps in a store, I'd just plug into another amp and have my entire pedal board, rather than having to add one at a time etc.

    Thanks in advance, and my apology for being so new to it.


    Welcome to planet Kemper!

    I just joined about two months ago with a Profiler Head and Remote and haven't touched my tube amps or pedals since then. This forum and the range of online videos have helped a lot but frankly I've barely scratched the surface in rigs, effects and fine tuning things. Instead of falling down the rabbit hole even further, I've opted to dial in and play some of my favorites old-school classic rock covers.

    Other users here are super helpful and the depth and wealth of knowledge is incredible. Have fun!

    I doubt there is a nut welded to be panel, as this would increase the cost of manufacturing and is not really essential since the panel gauge is sufficient.

    Thank you Bob!
    You were right, there's no backing nut and the case enclosure metal is threaded. I was being lazy!

    The Kemper Remote rubber feet screws are 4mm x .70 threads. I found similar but wider rubber feet but had to stack them and get a slightly longer 12mm screw that just sticks out the back of the stacked feet enough to grab but not poke through too much. This is not perfect but for $1.99 gives me a little better angle. Photo below

    i seem to recall they are 5mm thread.

    ** SOLVED **

    ** The bottom of the Remote housing is threaded for the rubber feet screws

    Before I take my Remote cover off, are the screws that hold the rubber feet onto the bottom of the housing with a loose nut on the backside? Is the backside panel threaded or is there a nut welded to the panel? Basically, all I want to do is add longer rubber feet to the back so it tilts up bit more.

    If there's fixed threads there in any form, I don't have to disassemble the bottom but I'd like to know ahead of time.


    My understanding was the factory supplied Remote cable was just a plain Jane ethernet cable. After reading some breakage threads, I ordered a 10 ft EliteCore ProCat5 off Amazon for $28. To my surprise, when I unboxed my Remote this morning, the factory cable is nearly identical to the EliteCore cable. Both have Neutrik XLR/Ethernet connectors on the Remote end and both have a metal cased ethernet connector on the Profiler end. About the only difference are the boots and the cable itself. Here's a few photos for

    I only need the 10ft for my office / practice area so I'll just keep the original as a spare that I hope I never need. 8)

    check if you have the amp stack deactivated and locked

    First, thanks so much for the quick response here as well as via the online tech support request! THANK YOU!

    This resolved it. I'm not sure how I turned the amp off but on Friday night I was "familiarizing" myself a/k/a clicking on random icons in the bottom screen of rig manager and I must have done it then. I did see on the Profiler screen yesterday when I was teching this the AMP OFF. But in my newbie mind, I'm thinking of course the amp is off because I didn't buy the amplifier version.

    Thanks again! :)

    Before I dive into a factory reset...

    At some point today or last night my Gain knob quit working. I can only get the Gain LEDs to light momentarily if I switch to Perform and quickly back to Browse; they flash for a moment and then go out. Otherwise, no matter what rig I select, there's no lights on the Gain Knob and there's no gain even from obviously high gain amps.

    My Profiler head is on: Release 7.5.4. 19312
    Rig Manager is: Version 3.0.136 (16375)
    Are there other details I should include here when requesting assistance?

    Steps so far:
    -Restarted several times

    -Unplugged twice

    -Checked that the Power, XLR and USB cables are all tight and unplugged and plugged all of them

    -Restarted my computer (iMac)
    -When I restart and all the leds flash on, NONE of the Gain knob leds flash on
    -I have selected high gain Rigs from Rig Manager and also via Profiler direct.

    I've been playing clean all day and really didn't notice the Gain knob not lighting up / working until I was trying to dial in a little bit of gain on one of my clean rigs.

    The unit is only two weeks old and this is my first issue so my troubleshooting knowledge is zero. I searched here for anything Gain knob related and this issue didn't come up. I'm not sure if I've accidentally changed some global setting or ?

    Any ideas?


    And what do you think of the Clean Tones you’ve been playing with?? I’ve heard tons of great things about the dirty EVH tones and such but what about the warm Jazzier tones and things down those roads?!

    Also did you try it with headphones? That looks like the path I’ll be starting off with since i dont have any cabs or monitors to run thru atm..

    I started with headphones before the mixer got here and they're fine. I have a pair of ATHM50x headphones on backorder so I used some Sony 7506 that we use professionally for film and video production field mixing and recording. They were fine frankly.

    So far, I've only been using a factory provided Vox AC Clean with some light chorus and reverb as well as a DUMBLE C OTS and a Plexi dirty tone from MBritt. All good so far but I'll tell you I'm thrilled to have so much "all in one box". There's plenty to explore still and I will.

    Meanwhile, there's many 10s of thousands of happy Kemper owners and probably a few who are not like anything else. What sealed the deal for me is a very long time friend who is a studio mixer for 30 years doing work with large acts. When I was telling him my amp delima, he said
    "Just get a Kemper" before I even mentioned Kemper. He loves them in the studio and sees more and more in there all the time.

    Every day you don't have a Kemper is one more day before you hear how awesome you will sound! ;)


    So I’ve been salivating to buy a kemper powered toaster and Kabinet for months now, but have lots of questions. I’ve watch endless videos on youtube, im totally in love with this thing, but I want to interact with the KPA faithful! I know i have so many more questions but for starters:

    Is there really still no white powered toaster??? (Bummed!)

    I really have zero experience with integrating my laptop into my guitar playing but I’d LOVE to. Any recommendations on daws and software and such to do so with the Kemper and windows?? Or is this something not worth throwing more money into

    I understand the ‘profile’ concept.. but does this really leave us simply choosing profiles and therefor rarely tinkering with EQ?? Theres a lot of cool lit up knobs and buttons on this thing my inner child will be begging to interact with!

    Hi Tom!

    I'm just a tad ahead of you and received my Kemper head and set it up last week. I also bought the Kemper Remote and will integrate that this week. After four decades of tube amps and a half dozen pedals I will tell you I could not be happier so far. It took me a good 45 days pre-purchase to wrap my head around the move. I'm still just using one clean and one dirty profile and am trying to focus on playing and not falling further down the rabbit hole of all the profiles. It seems like most people here in the forum settle on a few to maybe a 100 favorites.

    I'll try to post a photo later but my setup is:
    Guitars > Kemper & iMac backing tracks & vocal mic > Mackie ProFx6v3 Compact Mixer > Genelec 8020 Monitors

    For me, being able to mix my guitar and vocals perfectly into the backing track is over the top amazing...way over the top as in the best practice setup I've ever had.

    As for EQ; there's tons of EQ work to do with your setup, the raw profile gets you into the ballpark but for me, my 74' LP Deluxe with mini-humbuckers is very bright and I just dial that back a bit and resave the profile.

    At this point I'm not into recording or a DAW yet as that's yet another rabbit hole to fall down.

    I don't know if you're here in the USA or not (it may not matter) but I purchased my Kemper and Remote from British Audio in Nashville. They have a great deal where if you buy a Kemper from them you get your choice of full MBritt or full ToneJunkie profile packs added at no additional cost. That's a major savings IMHO. After some inquiries here I went with the MBritt option but I think either way, you'll have more to play with than you'll have time.

    I swore when I decided to "go Kemper" I would avoid at all costs having hundreds of profiles on my Kemper Rack. The thing that terrifies me of devices like Kemper is falling down the rabbit hole of constantly checking out new profiles, tweaking old ones, etc., so that you spend 100x more time tweaking than playing.

    So far, I'm having a great time with just a clean and dirty profile as I learn my way around and that was the basis for my earlier question about plugging the Kemper Remote in to start... and I still haven't. BUT, I can now feel myself wanting to start setting up performances even with the two profiles I'm using.

    I'm definitely having to EQ a bit on every profile I try for my '74 LP Deluxe and it's very bright mini-humbuckers. I'm pretty sure there's a way to set that EQ in the front end so I don't have to tweak every new profile but that's a How-To chapter and video for another day. Doing my best to stay out of the Rabbit Hole I fell head first into deciding to buy the Kemper this summer!!!

    Lastly, it seems to be more common here to refer to them as "profiles" rather than the book/factory reference as "rigs". Can anyone clear that up for me?


    British Audio sent me the "full" MBritt library and I have not even unzipped those yet so I don't know how many are in there.“

    That was nice of them.... I hope Mr. Britt gets compensated somehow...

    When you buy a Kemper from British Audio, you can choose either MBritt or ToneJunkie as part of the package as listed on their website. I'm sure they have something worked out as both Mike and HW shoot some of their vids with BA signage or maybe in their studio space. And yes it was awesome to do business with a small business level shop rather than a faceless online retailer.

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Just actually watched your vid....very cool, I hope you sorted those boxes out!

    Can we exchange answers to your questions with smoked ribs? Im sure they will survive postage to the UK :)

    Thanks man, I appreciate you watching! As for the smoked ribs.... last of leftovers tonight but if you're ever in Orlando, Florida, stop by and I promise you won't go away hungry! I did 15 lbs of jerky on the smoker this weekend as well.


    I just got my Kemper set up yesterday and this was the thread I was looking for... I THINK? 8|

    I was originally searching for how you folks store the rigs/packs on your physical hard drive or Dropbox which I'd still like to know. DB would be great and I searched for that here in the Forum but all I found was the zip files had to be extracted first, which is fine. I'd think for drive storage of rigs, I'd use Author as the folder name bare minimum.

    My Kemper came with 287 from the factory and I just added three TJ freebies as a test so now I'm at 290.

    All Rigs: 1587

    My Profiler: 290
    Local Library: 3 (the ones I just did a test import of)

    Rig Packs: 1294

    British Audio sent me the "full" MBritt library and I have not even unzipped those yet so I don't know how many are in there.

    After reading through this thread, I logically will need or want end up with probably a dozen or so rigs I like to use or use regularly. Am I thinking right about this? I guess the daunting task will be at some point to start removing some of the 290 rigs from the Profiler itself and be juidicious about what I add going forward, right? I'm not a fan of clutter at all.

    I have an iMac here at my desk with RM but I'll almost certainly want to add RM to my MacBook Pro for portability and I assume that is possible or I can just load what I need from DropBox.

    All questions, comments or suggestions would be appreciated. The sooner I get the housekeeping part of this figured out, the sooner I'll have more time to play. If there's a must read thread or threads, let me know.

    Thanks! ~Robert

    You must be so excited after the build-up. 8)

    You bet I am Mr. Monkey_Man!!!!

    Last night I was on headphones only and this morning I did direct connections to the Genelec 8020 monitors and played along to some backing tracks for over three hours! JEEEZZZZUUUUSSSS it sounds so AMAZING with just one of the AC clean rigs and an MB Plexi Klon rig!!! Adding a Chorus to the AC Clean rigs gave me exactly what I wanted. The only thing I've had to open the manual for so far is where to find the Snapshots.

    For now the cabling is all over the place and I have not yet put it all through the mixer. Right now I'm waiting on the last 8lbs of jerky to finish up and then the ribs go on the smoker. Once those are on, I'll have another 3-4 hours to play and neaten things up.

    Over the top pleased and I'll be putting my Hot Rod Deluxe IV on Reverb this week as well as some pedals. All I'm keeping is my KoT, BB Preamp and Peterson tuner.

    Thanks! ~Robert

    Welcome to the group!

    I just set up my Kemper today, registered, did the updates and have put in over an hour playing and playing with it so far but only through headphones. I'll hook it up to my studio monitors tomorrow. Hopefully your seller will get you set up on your own in a timely manner.

    Mine went through either 2 or 3 levels of updates. It was manufactured March 2020 and I updated current as of tonight.

