Posts by Jeffible

    Thanks for replying JSJSJS,

    I didn't think anyone would reply. I haven't been able to read your full description of a "Lock per Performance" function so I am not sure if it would be something I could support. I am going to post a new request asking if anyone has found a way of "emulating" the behavior I described without Rig Manager running and connected via the USB connection.

    I want to be able to use the Kemper Head and Remote as if the Rig Manager software is running and connected via USB but I don't want to bring a computer to gigs.

    This is due to the different ways that the system handles changes to a rig/slot when Rig Manager is connected and how useful that is during live performances, as opposed to a different bank or set of slots for each song.

    Any ideas anybody?


    Hello All,

    I am restating this request from some years ago. I begin with a quote from page 285 of the Kemper Main Manual, version 8.5;

    "As soon as you load another Slot from your foot controller, or foot buttons of the PROFILER Remote or Stage, any former modifications within that Performance are interpreted as temporary tweaks during a live performance and will be discarded immediately. If, for example, you had activated a booster in module B, or increased Delay Mix via pedal, any such changes will be lost if you switch Slots remotely. This way, you can always be sure that Slots will be loaded in their original, predictable state during live performances.

    However, there is an exception to this practice: While Rig Manager is connected, any modifications are interpreted as editing and maintained during Slot changes as long as you stay within the same Performance."

    I propose that the behavior exception listed above be made switchable to operate *without* Rig Manager connected. By switchable, I mean that a global selection be added that would enable this behavior or disable it, (to act as it does now). Changing to another Performance would discard any temporary modifications, just as it does now.

    This, of course, begs the question, "How do I select the stored/saved (rather than modified) version of a Rig without changing to another Performance?" I further propose that a long press on a slot button recall the stored/saved version of the Rig assigned there. This "reset" function could be useful in many cases and need not be switchable.


    Hello Barry,

    I just enjoyed your video about the difference between a modeler and a profiler. Very informative. Then I came upon a post about wear on the RJ45 connector that you had also posted in. There is a company called British Audio that offers several Kemper mods that include a fix for this problem on the toaster head at…ducts/kemper-profiler-mod. Maybe they can offer something similar for the rack.

    Now for a change of subject. Have you noticed the difference in the way slots are loaded via the Remote when the Kemper is connected to Rig Manager through a USB compared to when it's not? I refer you to this forum post, Remote Slot Loading - Profiler Remote - Questions and answers - Kemper Profiler Forum (, where I describe some of the differences and I suggest a feature option that allows the behaviors to be selectable without Rig Manager connected. This seems to have fallen on deaf ears so I am currently asking if anyone has found a way to "trick" the Kemper with Remote into behaving like Rig Manager is connected when it is not. Any thoughts? Thanks

    Hello Barry,

    I just enjoyed your video about the difference between a modeler and a profiler. Very informative. Then I came upon this post about wear on the RJ45 connector. There is a company called British Audio that offers several Kemper mods that include a fix for this problem on the toaster head at…er-profiler-mod. Maybe they can offer something similar for the rack.

    Now for a change of subject. Have you noticed the difference in the way slots are loaded via the Remote when the Kemper is connected to Rig Manager through a USB compared to when it's not? I refer you to this forum post, Remote Slot Loading - Profiler Remote - Questions and answers - Kemper Profiler Forum (, where I describe some of the differences and I suggest a feature option that allows the behaviors to be selectable without Rig Manager connected. This seems to have fallen on deaf ears so I am currently asking if anyone has found a way to "trick" the Kemper with Remote into behaving like Rig Manager is connected when it is not. Any thoughts? Thanks

    Several months ago I posted about how the slot loading behavior is different when Rig Manager is connected compared to when Rig Manager is not. Some have mentioned that this might be called "edit" mode. In my earlier posts I was suggesting a feature addition that would allow this behavior to be an option with, or without, Rig Manager. This request seems to be difficult to explain, easily misunderstood, and probably not in high demand. Therefore I would like to ask a different question. Does anyone know how to "trick" the Kemper Head into behaving as if Rig Manager were connected without actually connecting it through a USB cable to a computer with Rig Manager running? Thanks

    It has been a while since I read this thread and it is good to see that a discussion has ensued. Allow me to explain my vision and reply to some of the comments. First, this has nothing to do with A/B-ing sounds or creating more banks or saved slots but rather flexibility when playing live as Wheresthedug seems to understand. You may recall in my original post that part of my feature request was that an option for this behavior be available (that you don't have to use) and that when engaged a long press on a slot button would recall the stored version at any time. So for Dynochrome and others, you could not use the option, or use a long press to have the same behavior we have now. What I am requesting, when the option is enabled, is that the behavior that occurs when Rig Manager is detected at USB-B occur without Rig Manager present and that a long press on any slot button recalls the stored version, thus overriding that behavior. Changing banks would override as well, as it does now with Rig Manager connected. If it helps, one could think of it like a pedal board that has a set number of effects in which the on/off condition of these effects can be "memorized" temporarily to be recalled whilst in a bank to accommodate different songs or parts of songs rather than creating new banks and slots with different combinations of effects. When a slot button is long pressed or the bank is changed and a slot button is selected the stored version of the slot is recalled. In one of my earlier posts I detailed a possible scenario so I won't repeat it here. Thanks

    Thanks all for your thoughts. Wheresthedug, yes, live is a different place and the reason I bought the Remote. Ruefus, I was so hoping someone had discovered a method as I am not getting any traction as a suggested OS update. I am about to install OS 8 but I don't hold out much hope. Happy Holidays All!

    Back in August I posted a feature request under the subject thread "Slot loading behavior using remote within a performance". The following is an excerpt from that request and then I will ask my question for this forum;

    Currently I have observed two slot loading behaviors. The first, as described in the manual, loads the *stored* version of the slot in a performance whenever a slot button (1-5) is pressed. The second behavior, currently only available when the Rig Manager software is running and detected by the Kemper unit at it's USB-B port, loads the *last* condition a slot was left in and not necessarily the *stored* version.

    Now for a question; has anyone found a way to produce the second behavior noted above without connecting a computer via USB running Rig Manager to the Kemper Head? Thanks

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    As a way of keeping this feature request alive I thought a clarification might be useful. I personally think mostly in terms of live, or immediate, performance so this request has to do with the way the Kemper Remote loads slots within a performance. Currently I have observed two slot loading behaviors. The first, as described in the manual, loads the *stored* version of the slot in a performance whenever a slot button (1-5) is pressed. The second behavior, currently only available when the Rig Manager software is running and detected by the Kemper unit at it's USB-B port, loads the *last* condition a slot was left in and not necessarily the *stored* version.

    To illustrate; slot 1 has a chorus effect on effects button 2 that is off in the *stored* version but I have turned on for a particular song. Slot 2 has a boost effect on effects button 1 that is off in it's *stored* version but I have turned on for the solo part of that same song. In essence I have set two buttons into "custom" and temporary conditions that are NOT the *stored* versions. With the Rig Manager software detected at the USB-B port of the Kemper unit I can now switch between those "custom" setups. If RM is not detected each button recalls the *stored* version of each slot without the chorus or boost effects turned on.

    My feature request addresses the switchable use of these two loading behaviors by suggesting that a setting be added (perhaps a System or Rig choice entitled "Sticky Slot" or "Load Last") that, when deployed, would allow the first short/normal press of a slot button (1-5) to load the *last* condition of a performance slot, which could be "custom" or *stored* depending on what condition it was last set to or utilized. A second short/normal press on the same button would activate morph mode as it does now, but a long/extended press at any time would load the *stored* version of that slot, allowing easy reset-to-default at any time. Moving between performances and selecting slot buttons (1-5), long or short press, would always load the *stored* version, as it does now. For those who wish to continue the current slot loading behavior they would simply not deploy the System/Rig switch that allows this modified behavior.

    I, of course, have no idea how difficult such a software improvement would be to program and distribute but I strongly believe it could be a meaningful change for those of us that play live and want to extract the maximum versatility from an already versatile, well designed, and great sounding Kemper system. Thanks

    I recently noticed a change in the way slots are loaded using the Kemper Remote and found that it had to do with Rig Manager being detected via USB. I very much like the behavior and hope it can be incorporated in future updates. To summarize this change in loading behavior I would simply say that instead of loading a slot with the saved/default effects off/on settings it would load a slot, within a performance, with the last used effects off/on settings for that slot even if it was not the saved/default. I understand that many times a person may want a slot to default to it's exact saved condition but sometimes they may want it to retain a "temporary" condition as described here, and happens when Rig Manager is connected. My suggestion is this; a setting that would allow a short/normal press on a slot button to load the last setting of that slot, within a performance, while a long/extended press loads the saved/default. This function/behavior could be a remote setup choice for flexibility, possibly even per rig. That way a person simply has to use a long press to reset and load any button to it's saved/default condition and a short press loads the last condition, no matter if the last settings were modified or already the saved/default. Moving to a different performance would load the saved/default as it does now.

    Thanks to all who responded. Very helpful. This morning I began experimenting with long and short presses of both slot buttons (1-5) and/or effects buttons (1-4) with no effect. Then I read Shuldi's and Kemper Support's posts and sure enough Rig Manager being connected produces the behavior I experienced before and would like to retain. It also left me with a question about the two lights above each slot button on the remote. It appears that when you first press a slot button the lower light of the two illuminates. If you press the same button again before pressing any other slot button the upper light illuminates and the lower de-illuminates. What is that about?

    NOW FOR A SUGGESTION: I understand that sometimes a person may want a slot to default to it's exact saved condition and sometimes they may want it to retain a "temporary" condition as I originally described, and happens when Rig Manager is connected. How about a setting that would allow a short press on a slot button to recall the last setting of that slot while a long press resets it to the "permanent" saved version? That way a person simply has to use a long press to reset any button to it's saved condition and a short press recalls the last condition, even if it is the saved condition. Moving to a different performance would always recall the saved versions as it does now.

    I recently noticed that when I was using the remote that, unlike other times, it was retaining the effects on/off status as I switched between slots. In other words, when I set effects ON that were NOT saved as default on for button 3, then switched to button 1, I could come back to button 3 and the non-default effects would come on as I had left them. This seems very handy to me as I play a variety of music and it is useful to setup a button with a specific set of options that may not be default and be able to return to it within a song or piece. I might then setup that same button with a different set of non-default effects for a different piece, and so on. I would expect that if I change banks that each of the buttons would return to it's default settings. Unfortunately this only operated this way once and I don't know why. Does anybody know how to initiate this behavior? Thanks

    Thank you both for the helpful answers. I should have mentioned I have a PowerHead and that I have discovered how to copy a single effect from one rig in Browse Mode to another in Browse or Performance Mode on the head itself using the copy and paste buttons. However, some of the ideas presented in this conversation seem a bit unclear. Do I understand that the technique described here is using Rig Manager to lock the amp/cab parameters and load another rig to bring in the effects group, or is it about locking the effects and load another rig to bring in the amp/cab? Thanks

    I am new to Kemper but I have the time to dive in. I did manage to erase all the Rigs, Presets, and Performances by re-initializing which I now consider a blessing in disguise. Yesterday I previewed all 287 packs in the online "Kemper Factory Content 7" folder and stored about 115 of them back to the unit. I have some packs that I purchased and acquired free as well. I am now creating performances to be triggered by the Remote. How can I copy individual, or all, effects of one Rig to another? How can I copy individual, or all, effects of one Rig in the pool to another Rig in a Performance? Thanks