Posts by dacop1313

    Its interesting as I think this is the same with guitar cabs...this "missing element" also adds restrictions/smoothing...

    I use a powerhead with a real guitar cabinet V30s. I sometimes shut off the Kemper power and use the SD 170 instead which still sounds very similar to the power supply on the Kemper powerhead. If I use a tube poweramp with that same V30 setup, its a totally different ball game, but again many profiles do sound the same. If I use an FRFR speaker with the Kemper power section, that adds yet another huge change in tone to what the same profile sounded like the other way around. Many options to be had with the Kemper.

    I agree with the "carry around" posts, may as well bring a tube amp in some cases. And also agree that the SD Powerstage power amps sound great with a Kemper. However I do believe tube power amps sound better with the Kemper, but one thing I did notice when using tube power amps is that it tends to make profiles within the same genre sound the same.

    I have to be honest, I tried those Kone speakers and they went back the next day. I get better results with the Celestion F12-x200 FRFR speakers or just running the power head into a real cabinet with CAB off on the head.

    you can use "pure cabinet" option while cabin section off. There are two pure cabinet option in kemper. One is in the cabin section the other one is in the main output settings, and second one is general. Applies all ou

    they are actually the same one with two different ways to control it not two individual versions. The one with the highest setting takes precedence.

    Yes...I was aware of the two locations, but I dont think either of them come into play when there is no Cab involved such as using the Kemper power head into a real cabinet...or does it? I dont hear it.

    So you are using a non-powered Kemper with a 30w SS power source into a 1x12 cab with a Cel g112m speaker, with the CAB option ON which will enable you to use Pure Cabinet? If that is your scenario wouldn't you want to use an FRFR speaker like the Kone speaker or Cel F12-X200? Having the CAB option ON when using a non FRFR speaker will most likely not sound very good regardless of how you set the Pure Cabinet option. Unless of course that Cel g112m speaker is pretty close to an FRFR.

    I did those to test a theory that Tube Power amps make the Kemper sound better.

    My Triaxis sounds pretty crap straight into the desk or as a Direct Profile. However, when profiled with the 2:Ninety it sounded great. The question in my mind was whether the KPA could capture the impact of the power amp.

    I used the Triaxis straight into the 2: ninety driving a single EVM 12L.

    I then used the Triaxis into a DA profile of the 2:Ninety and the Kemper power amp with the same speaker. If I recall correctly, I had the Triaxis going into one side of the 2:90 and the EV with the other side going into an FX return on the KPA. Then used an A/B box to change between the two while playing.

    To me the Triaxis with 2:ninety profile sounded and felt just as good as Triaxis directly into the 2: ninety (i.e. the KPA captured the power amp very well indeed so no need to use the real 2: ninety ever). Those were my findings others may (and do) have different opinions which is totally fine too.

    Bro...these Mesa 2:Ninety power amp Profiles are great! I put a simple Joyo Preamp House pedal in front and in the loop as you suggested above and I was VERY impressed with the results. Just for kicks, I will throw my Helix into the Kemper with that Mesa 2:90 lol. Great job!

    I would just put it throught the Front Input and turn off the Stack section on the KPA unless you want FX from the Kemper in front of the PreAmp pedal.

    The other alternative would be to configure one Stomp or FX as a Loop and put the PreAmp in the Loop. That way ypu could use Stomps in front pf the PreAmp and FX after it. As long as the Kemper Stack os turned OFF you will effectively be using it as a multiFX with power amp.

    Thanks! I will give that a shot.

    Question...I have a preamp pedal that I want to send through the Kemper Powerhead's power section, just like I do with a real tube amp using it's effects loop return. Is that possible? I tried all the ports in the back of the head but could not get a signal. Thanks

    I have the Powered Head and a remote on the floor. I use real cabinets. It works for me and live setup is still a breeze. I like to be able to make adjustments without bending over, like a real amp. Now...I also have the SD170 power unit that I use with a Helix, but have tried it on the Kemper, shutting off the Kemper power section of course. To me it sounded the same.

    As for power, you can use any amp with an effect loop for powering the Stage (return port), tube or SS but tube sounds best imo. You can also consider the very popular Duncan solid state units or the Orange pedal baby, also solid state. I personally prefer tube power and just ordered the Fryette ps2, so I can use that for live instead of carrying around a tube head.

    I have the powerhead and use it with a 2x12 cabinet and it sounds great for live gigs, CABS off in the profile of course. But imo the Kemper does sound best with using the power section of a tube amp (effects return). But I rather not carry around another amp/head so I just use the Kemper power.

    Thanks! Yeah, I leaned from the last couple albums I mixed how much of the tone is decided by speakers, and how completely different amps through the same cab can sound nearly identical. That's my thing is that when playing live, I don't need a plethora of different tones - just a few good ones I like. Recording, of course, is a whole different beast.

    So it sounds like the tl:Dr is that Kone / Kab is good for getting variety and more accurately representing the original profile's sound. Real cab is better for that real cab feel if you don't care about the above.

    "how completely different amps through the same cab can sound nearly identical" hit the nail right on the head...this is so true! This even goes for Kemper profiles. I can take a Marshall Jubilee profile using a real cab V30, and a ENGL Fireball with that same V30 cabinet and they will sound nearly identical with a few minor tweaks...sometimes none.