Boot up and no rigs! Anybody seen this?

  • Last night at rehearsal, I go to boot up the KPA and notice it boots a bit faster than usual. Thinking this was an improvement with the 2.0 upgrade, I move on. I play the first number go to change the rig (the rig it booted into was the right one for the song) and BANG, 0 of 0 rigs. However it kept the rig that was last used before shutdown. I rebooted it a few times and still the same. Luckily I have many many backups in many different locations, but I wonder if this has ever happened to anyone else and if so, what was the reason?

  • I don't want to offend you or anything,but did you check if you had the option "all rigs" selected?Sometimes mistakes like that may happen(to me stuff like that happens all time,sometimes my brain goes on vacations ahahah).

    Anyway it's always good to make frequent backups,and always have the the usb pen backup with you(specially if your playing live).