click at the end of playing

  • Yep it happens on all rigs and when it does happen its always a second after I stop playing i can almost predict when and at what point you will hear it. I recorded some the other day, just haven't got round to putting them on sound cloud yet to post a link for you guys to hear. I will put it up on this thread tomorrow. Thanks CK again for chiming in, support from you guys is top notch just like the KPA itself. Its also tne best thing I have ever invested in its worth every penny!!! :)

  • My problem doesn't happen all the time, it's completely random. I'm using a PRS Torero as it's loaded with EMG 81/85 (very low self-noise and gives consistant results) using a £100 Monster Cable Pro 1000 instrument version and listening on Shure SRH840 headphones using the proper replacement straight cable (rather than the coiled one it normally comes with). The Kemper is running completely on it's own wall socket through a Lindys power conditioner. I think the sound quality on my end is very high and can get loud enough to blow my head off. I'm now only using my Torero as the EMG's don't suffer from EMI much (none) at all unlike my Telecaster, Ibanez JEM555 and Peavey signature custom which use passive pickups. The JEM555 being the lowest noise of these.

    I find if the noise problem does happen then it happens with all profiles. If it boots-up fine, then, doesn't usually happen. The inconsistency of the problem occurring in the first place makes it so far unreplicable.

  • Yep it happens on all rigs and when it does happen its always a second after I stop playing i can almost predict when and at what point you will hear it. I recorded some the other day, just haven't got round to putting them on sound cloud yet to post a link for you guys to hear. I will put it up on this thread tomorrow. Thanks CK again for chiming in, support from you guys is top notch just like the KPA itself. Its also tne best thing I have ever invested in its worth every penny!!! :)

    Do the clicks happen, even when you stay on the same rig for a long time?

  • Do the clicks happen, even when you stay on the same rig for a long time?

    Yep i find that they come and go. I can start playing and the click is there, then it might go again for a while and then it will come back. Its not the same everytime, thats the puzzling thing.

    The other day i was click free for a while and then it came back, its really only there when i stop playing

    i chugg a chord or note, stop and then a second later after ive stopped the pop/click is there but only one pop/click. play some more stop and it does it again. but then i might play some more and it wont happen the next time, very inconsistent. but it is there more than its not there if you catch my drift

  • @ CK: here's the recording of my issue which, in part, resumes Raoul one:

    strange noise

    if you follow the recording you can clearly hear my strange issue, a sort of hiccup on the sound. Best heard with headphones..........

    this is not something related to a guitar. I can dig the click at the end of the chord: this might be dependant to a guitar high output or similar. but the 'hiccup' I really doubt. It sounds like a sort of loop that starts and finishes after some seconds.

    now if you asking me if, in my case, the click is linked to the hiccup, I will answer I don't know.

    today did some additional tests and as I could examine this hiccup comes only at high gain rigs like from 8.0 +. could it be related to a sort of threshold? I'm just guessing here. but I need this thing figured out
    in addition I found it even when playing into a mesa power amp, i.e. without cab.

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Guys, we are probably lucky!

    We had little success of replicating this click.
    But by coincidence - while I was working on a different topic - I was able to reproduce that click and eventually solve it.
    We'll have new firmare soon.

    Michael, Raoul, please send me your email addresses by PM, for a quick check of the version.

    Thanks for your help!

  • cool to read this !
    I had some similar clicks today for the first time !
    and some kind of "tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...ti..ti..ti..ti..tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...ti..ti..ti..tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" too !
    (read "teeeeee" if you're english speaking people ;) )

  • Really looking forward to this next update!!! You 2 are so lucky to be able to test early. CK, your approach has made me very confident re my purchase. You're up there with Justin who codes Reaper daw. Thanks!

  • I'm getting clicking also when not playing. I tried different guitars and profiles and same thing.

    I can see the Master LED flickering with the clicks. I turned the clean sense to zero.. no help.

    If I turn the volume off on the guitar the clicking stops. Seems to be some type of input signal.

  • Ah, I checked here and I'm getting the same sounds as in the audio file michaelmellner posted. Three types of sounds: the "click", the "ping" and the little "volume dip". Seems it is related to low input volume. I could only replicate them when turning down the guitar volume or let the note decay until the level was low, and the sounds would appear. Higher amp gain just amplifies these so that they are more audible.

  • +1000 with Trazan
    I have the same : when clickings occurs, if I raise the input gate threshold very high so there's no input signal, or if I unplug the guitar, clicking stops as soon there's no more signal of any kind...
    It really seems it's triggered by (very) low input, or noise-level background signal..As if the dsp would start to process it, and stops, and starts, and stops...

  • @ Raoul: yeah! like it...........

    I'm happy about it but I am more happy about the fact that they could replicate the issue. it is soooooo frustrating when you reckon a issue but cannot explain nor show to the others. that's the story of my life: I have an issue with my car. I bring it to repair but the issue is happens all the time.

    now at least we are talking the same Language and they can work it out. consider that I have already had contact with the service and they told me they played for hours and no clicks. duh!

    so far, though, here's the status (of my case at least):
    1) the clicks comes immediately after playing and closing the volume on the guitar
    2) the majority of the times after the clicks I get this hiccup like sound audible by gently strumming a chord at low guitar volume
    3) the hiccups noise seems to repeats itself at definite time lapse
    4) the hiccup noise seems to disappear after some seconds
    5) apparently the clicks and hiccup come only with high gain rigs with the gain at and beyond 8
    6) the clicks and hiccup sound/loop happen even if the kpa is used with a power amp thus with cab off
    7) the clicks and hiccups happen even with the USB not inserted and with different guitar.
    8 ) the status just mentioned was witnessed with the kpa used in the best conditions possible: voltage supplied by a furman ar230 power conditioner for a stable and constant 230, played in a cool/fresh environment studio, and so on.

    let's hope the thing is solved soon.

    I might have some problem in trying some solution though. next friday I have a gig and next monday I'll be out of my studio (thus without my KPA) until the 16th of july. Raoul: you'll be my eyes and ears......and my kpa. :D

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • definitely it's a must to say excuse for playing endlessly!!

    I will see to it, but as mentioned, I have an upcoming gig, so I don't know if I want to test try a new firmware just now. in case I'm getting new issues I will be forced to cancel the gig, which I don't want of course.

    let's see...........and let's wait to kemper's direction: it might be a painless update in which case I might as well try the beta solution

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • ok. did other tests and found out that the clicks comes ONLY when the gain is not from 8+ as stated before but from 7.5 up. with rigs having gain from 7 down the clicks never comes out nor the hiccup sound.

    Raoul, can you try this please? Let me know if you get the clicks with moderate distortion rigs. or better: when you are playing a rig that gives you the clicks, stay on the same rig but lower the gain know to 5 and test again. than raise the gain to 6 and later to 7............let me know

    At this point I can say I'm 100% sure it is a software issue otherwise it would happen in every gain setting. this is good because we don't need to ship it to service.

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music