Bug? Initialised rig

  • When I first switch to Perf Mode, one or more of my slots say "Initialised Rig".

    Sometimes by moving to the next slot and back, the correct rig shows up.

    Sometimes I have to go to the next Performance and come back in order to get all the slots to show the correct rigs.

  • Yes I can replicate this, my slot 1 profile keeps resetting to initialised rig. The performance is named as fakesnake not default and only has 3 slots filled however, so I might try filling the other two with blanks later and see if that fixes it.

  • It's happened to me about 4 or 5 times. The performance is named and I also only have 3 slots filled.

    Just tried it again this morning and it happened again, first slot says "Initialised Rig" below the performance name (not in the slot). I had to go to Performance 2 and back to reset it.

    I then filled slots 4 and 5 and tried again...this time it didn't happen.

    I notice that all my default performances have the word "slot" in slot 1 and the other 4 are blank. Slot 1 also says "Initialised Rig" below "Default Performance", while slots 2,3 4 and 5 have "---"

    According to the addendum "By default, all slots of each performance are pre-loaded with an initialized rig."

    Quick edit update...TRied it one more time, this time I had shut down with the third slot on a default performance selected. When I switched on, the slot said "Initialised Rig under Default Performance. When I scrolled to another slot and back, it changed to "---". So it seems whichever slot is selected when you go to Perf mode gets set to "Initialised Rig"

    Edited once, last by Gizmo (June 14, 2013 at 3:49 PM).

  • When first switching to performance mode, rig always is an "initialized rig" . Have to change slots or performances to force the correct rig to show.

    This is not major but an annoyance. Thought it might have been fixed in 2.01

  • I keep getting the same issue but i have to browse for the rig to get it back as it doesn't reset when i switch slot or performance anymore. This is still happening and i have just updated to the most recent OS. It's kinda starting to piss me off. Has anyone found a solution?