Kemper MetalPack

  • Bought the package... killer sounding profiles, I even like the Rectifier profiles in the mix (I usually hate that amp).

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Figured I'd follow up now that I've spent a couple days with the profiles, FANTASTIC job with your profiles man! A few on there weren't really my thing but there are a ton of incredible profiles in this pack! Nicely done, I'll be following your upcoming stuff as well, it would be great if you offer discounts for repeat customers but even then, it came out to a little over $27 with the conversion rate and I feel that was money well spent! :D Kudos dude, lots of high gain goodness in your profile pack and I currently have a 50w EVH 5150 III head that I'll be listing because the profiles are spot on! :thumbup:


  • Thanks SteveStrummerUK!

    And thanks HighGain510, really cool to hear.
    The next profile session is in a few days and we will think about discounts/ goodies and further pricing, aswell as the release date :rolleyes:

    So more infos coming next week.

    Thank you all for the support and feedback :!:

  • These profiles are amazing. Better than all the other paid high-gain ones I tried (for me, anyway). Different ones work better with different guitars/tunings but this is the first pack where the amp-cab combos sounded really good for what I was looking for in tone. I also like how the TS really shapes the sound in the profiles. I have yet to get to the point of tightening up a tone with a real TS in front of the Kemper or the built in ones like these do, so congrats.

    I really hope you consider trying and adding some other TS's/OD's to go along with the Ibanez you used to add to the profile packs. Not that any other ones would sound better, just that you have seemed to nail using them in a profile and more variety would be better for a lot of people and get some more awesome tones out of the amps. Maybe a OD808 and a couple others. I'm supposed to have a Misha Mansor Signature Protone on the way, and could be willing to send it to you for a bit if you could get some high-gain profiles with it. Here is a demo of how it changes the sound.

    Sorry I know he is using an AXE, though its the change in sound for the demo that matters.

  • I bought the pack last night and so far I am quite disappointed. I purchased after reading a lot of reviews from here. I don't want to be to quick to judge so I am going to play around with them a little more. I will give a proper review later on.

  • Great job!

    well I just tried out the profiles. In my opinion there are some really fantastic profiles in this bunch! I am very happy and will buy more profiles as they come availiable. So far in my opinion these are some of the top metal profiles I have found for the Kemper. I have most hi-gain profiles you can buy and these are right up there with the best. I ran through a handful but the punch, clarity, heaviness, it's all there and I'm very impressed. I can see some of these becoming my go to profiles.

    Any hints on the next amps that are profiled?

  • I am a little confused with the Mesa profiles. It says Peavey 6505 for the amp under all the Rectifier profiles. Is this happening to anyone else?

    I loaded all the profiles by creating a "shared" folder on a usb thumbdrive and imported them all. 30 total profiles were added.

  • I am a little confused with the Mesa profiles. It says Peavey 6505 for the amp under all the Rectifier profiles. Is this happening to anyone else?

    I loaded all the profiles by creating a "shared" folder on a usb thumbdrive and imported them all. 30 total profiles were added.

    You shouldn't have to create a shared folder. You stick a blank USB in the KPA and let it create the file structure and format.

  • I have to check it, a mistake is possible :whistling:

    Sry for the circumstances.

    The main tag is always what the combo is.

    How do you work?
    Have you checked the guitar sound alone? Did you've put it in a mix?
    The profiles are recorded to fit in the mix. Of course they'll can benefit from some additional KPA EQ to fit the mix/guitar better, stylewise.
    Please let us know how you get along...

    In general, we hate it when the profiles are already packed with a gate, comp, KPA EQ, chorus and stuff like that.
    The first move is always to disable all the FX and stuff to know how the profile really sounds.
    If you need FX's you already know what you wanna ad to the sound.

    Just the amp sound, you can colour it from the start, in your way.

    Thanks VictorRattlehead, cool to hear.

    Really glad you dig the sound horribleman. :thumbup:

    Thanks for the offer and the awesome feedback K3MP3R.
    Our session is finished for now but we def think about it, thanks for the input.


  • Purchased this yesterday. Thick Heavy Tones. Really, really awesome. I like the fact that they aren't loaded down with a buttload of fx. Loving the 2 mic rigs. My mesa's are also claiming that it is a 6505. I am guessing it is just a tag error, since they do sound different.

    Keep up the good work.