Playing Backing Track Through the Lunchbox

  • I've tried to connect my Tascam Guitar practice MP3 player to the KPA AUX in. Did a search in the manual and Gianfrancos bibel and could not find the description on how to turn it on.
    Please, someone point me to the right source or give the clou. :D

    EDIT: Darn, wrong section, Mods, please move... Thank you

  • Hi!
    it has been introduced with 1.6.1
    from the Site:

    ''User Interface
    - added: Aux In via Return and Alternative In; volume control in Master/Output Section; mixed into Master Stereo signal''

    in the manual Addendum 1.7 pag 12 more info
    i can't copy n paste?!?! 8|


    at pag 134 of Wikpa a proper use Suggested


    [brattcave] With the new Aux in feature I currently run a continuous backing track of applause and scream-ing adulation through the KPA as I play. I use this tape all over really - although I have had objections when I've used it in the bedroom... still, the tape helps to drown out the horrified screams."

    Brattcave I want Your Audience! how long is the backing track?

    Edited once, last by Sollazzon (May 11, 2013 at 8:55 PM).

  • Brattcave I want Your Audience! how long is the backing track?

    Ah well... it has limited use. I had them all chant my name you see. Some of them might have been tied to a chair at the time of recording. So it's a sort of a scared chanting. It goes on until they lose consciousness. Some lasted longer than others but it works as a sort of natural fade out... :whistling:

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • :thumbup: thanks for the Tip!.. I know Someone that could help me to record my version! :evil: Satanic Laught!) MuahHAahauahua :D :D

    Times ago...prolly the first demo rec i did with my first band, we used to jam in a rehers room, with a tape recorder in the middle of the room, pressin REC n' PLAY togheter ..
    than.. in post production hehe, I added the Audience at TokyoDome for GNR show in 92...the only Audience I can grab at that time and i use it to cover the thread between the end of the first part of the song and the real GRAN FINALE.. Double Timed and Hard!

    I'll Never forget by drummer face wher it heard it the firsr time!



  • I've finally got it to work! Surprised about the MP3 quality from the TASCAM device! It sounded always shitty and the built guitar SFX were always a turn away...
    What is rule #1? If things don't work check the :cursing: cables! 8o
    Thank you guys for the hints!
    Now I need to steal some applause! :D

  • Hey Guys...talking about playing backing tracks trough KPA..[EDIT and steel some Applause...]
    Yesterday I did a sort of pubblic Apperance performing 2 song in a 'Country Style Beer Fest'.
    I just asked to the mixerist two channels and I Improvise Above two songs played by a CD Throught Aux In of KPA.

    it was just an Insane Idea to Fill the time between 2 bands.. I was Around Playing in the PA.
    Great Idea to Capture the Audience Attention Away from Stage's View and Bring them Near the.. How do You Say??
    Spine della Birra. humm.. thorns of beer.. At the counter? Well..

    That's what it was Supposed to happen but, (operatively just tested at home with Great Restults)
    Unfortunatly I Forgot to bring a cable to connect th CD played into KPA!!!

    so I gave to the Phonic the tracks digitally (I had a USB copy of the Songs and he Got on his Desktop) and the He playback them from there..
    Ok No problem!.. I'm A stupid I forgot the cable but I had a USB copy (I'm trying to Explain this to Myself Actually) But..ok We found a quick Solution!

    But in the Mixer, He Already Have Busy All the Mixer's channels and so the KPA..I suppose he used an exernal multi bus device, maybe the same he use for his laptop.. I don't Know Honestly Where the Main Out of KPA was putted ..BUT there was a Sensible Latency in this and, Since we Didn't do any Soundcheck, It Was A Lot Frustrating/Challenging to Try to Play in Time on a track.. in such a Chaotic Situation.!!!

    Anyway It woudn't Happend if Played KPA straight in to the Mixer.