How much "Room"

  • In a normal scenario with amplifying with a normal cab or a FRFR speaker: none
    With headphones: some, to my liking.
    Recording direct: it depends, room gives a certain phasing which is interesting as it gives a kind of '2 guitars at once impression' that can be appealing for certain effects. But normally I record dry and create the room in the DAW.

  • A good advice is to have just enough room on the guitars that you don't notice it's there when the reverb is turned on, but you notice it's missing when you turn it off. I think that's the minimum of reverb you "should" have on guitars while recording.

    As always it depends on what you wanna do but I think it gives rhythm guitars an even more realistic feeling and depth just be sure to not overdose it ;)

  • A good advice is to have just enough room on the guitars that you don't notice it's there when the reverb is turned on, but you notice it's missing when you turn it off. I think that's the minimum of reverb you "should" have on guitars while recording.

    As always it depends on what you wanna do but I think it gives rhythm guitars an even more realistic feeling and depth just be sure to not overdose it ;)

    Thanks for the good question... and answer.

    My idea is that it mainly depend on the type of song/genre/guitar we want to reproduce.
    I normally take the original songs in the CDs to understand and listen to how much room reverb it could be used, and in general I see that it is always present at least in the way indicated by "KoMa" ...

  • There is only two situations where I would use the Room thing:

    1) Practicing with headphones. And I think this is the main purpose and where it is best.

    2) A gig with live recording made by radio stations. Very often they record all on multitrack but send on air an instant mixdown of the show. In this situation they don't do the hazzle of adding a room situation to the guitar. Then it's better if I do that in the first place. (Especially in this situation it would be cool to be able to assign the Room parameter to only main out, not Monitor Out.)

    For every other situations the Room parameter was not convincing to me until now. Just makes it all more muddy.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.