Stereo FX send (Mon Out+Direct out) in X slot?

  • To the mighty that consider such things...
    The output router section is already very flexible, with 'Monitor Out' & 'Direct Send' being able to be set to 'Mod L' & 'Mod R'; sending a stereo signal after the Mod block to feed things like an external stereo delay or reverb. A great feature IMO. However, the good thing about placing the loop in the X slot is that I can place a noise gate in the Mod slot and attenuate any noise. At present I don't think you assign 'Mon Out'/'Direct out' as a stereo pair after the X slot, thus freeing up the Mod slot. (I guess this would be 'X Left'/ 'X Right'). (Would be great if the Mon out reverted to 0 db when used in this fashion rather than the +12db boost it appears to currently receive...but I digress)

    Another weird request from a user... why am I asking for this?!
    Well... In a recording scenario I have a collection of pedals and multi FX units (e.g Boss DD20, SL20, Timeline, BlueSky, PodHD500) all plugged in to a patch-bay.
    All are stereo in/out and presently I have to choose one to feed with a mono signal. Yes there are ways around this, but I'd much prefer to keep everything in the signal path in stereo.

    Another workaround (I think it's already been suggested) would be to use the Delay or reverb slot for ANY effect. I could simply place a noise gate at the very end of the KPA before the master outs.

    Just a thought - I realise I'm a weirdo using a patchbay in the effect loop... it just works for me 8)
    Any input or alternative suggestions would be great.


    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs