
  • There's no way to know how much work into 1.6.1, simply because it may not (appear to) contain any new features doesn't mean that there hasn't been major internal restructuring and bugfixing happening. Even then if we assume that there really hasn't been much work put into 1.6.1 that still opens up a world of possibilities for where the work has been happening (editor/librarian/footcontroller etc). So I wouldn't give the mouth of this gift horse too much scrutiny.

  • There's no way to know how much work into 1.6.1, simply because it may not (appear to) contain any new features doesn't mean that there hasn't been major internal restructuring and bugfixing happening. Even then if we assume that there really hasn't been much work put into 1.6.1 that still opens up a world of possibilities for where the work has been happening (editor/librarian/footcontroller etc). So I wouldn't give the mouth of this gift horse too much scrutiny.

    I wasn't saying 1.61 means this is where all the work was being dedicated to preventing other work being done...simply that if a larger firmware were imminent, it would seem more efficient to package all the maintenance stuff in 1.61 with the larger release. IMHO, 1.61 means we're probably at least a month or more away from the next "goodie" firmware update.

  • It was a general comment Will not a response to you or anyone in particular, merely an attempt to throw a different perspective on things.

    So is anyone else getting horrendously slow speeds and drop outs from the server trying to download this (it keeps ending the download at around 5mb here)? Hell the whole site including this forum is running ridiculously slowly today.