Solid-State-Playground at the rig-exchange

  • I just profiled my little solid-state-amps and upped the rigs to the rig-exchange. There you'll find

    • Vox VT-30: 2 clean and 2 crunch profiles from this hybrid valvetronic box,
    • Fender FM25 DSP: 1 clean profile from ch1 without any DSP,
    • Marshall MG15HFX Mini-Fullstack: 1 clean (ch1), 2 crunch (ch2), 1 gain (ch3) and 1 lead (ch4) profile.

    For mics used etc. see the tags of the profiles.
    All profiles were intended for use with single-soils or stacked single-coils (doesn't mean you can't use it in another way).
    Hope U have fun!

  • Sorry everybody for an error I just recognized: The volume of the Marshall crunch rigs is (suddenly) way to low. I could swear it was allright when I last saved these rigs but ... shit happens. :whistling:
    I recommend you to raise the Volume in the Cab-section and the Volume of the KPA to adjust the output.
    The other rigs should be ok. 8)

  • That one rig of your: Marshall MG-15HFX Cl

    Has a HISS in the CAB section that is realistic of a live amp plugged into a Single Coil.

    None of the others have it. I've heard just one other rig have this. I don't know how you did it, but if you can figure it out, do a post on it.

    It's "noise" but it's VERY realistic noise of a live amp.

    Whether deliberate or accident, it's an excellent CAB. I renamed the rig with "HISS" in it so I can use it with other amps if I want to get a live hiss sound!

    Pretty Darned Cool, Cube!

  • Thank you, man! I'm happy that you found something useful outa my profiles. :)
    I did nothing special during profiling. The setup was: A Fender American Deluxe Strat (with N3 noiseless PUs) direct into the amp, a Sennheiser MD421 II on axis as closest as possible for one cab and a Sure SM57 the same way for the other cab (both cabs are single Marshall 10") mixing through a little 6-ch Peavey submixer, no eq-ing, no effects. For the clean sound (and the cab) I found the SM57 sounding too harsh, so I took only the MD421 II for profiling - that's it.
    Have fun!