KPA RACK Updating analog board ERROR message "Solved"

  • Hi Guys

    got a new KPA rack and discovered during a profile import an error.
    After a restart the system stops and prompts "Updating analog board" an error which has been seen in early KPA Toaster times one year ago.

    Reistallation of OS 1.6 does not help, boot from USB neither.

    Any tips or is there no way but to return the rack to the KPA service ?

    BR McRalfix

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!:

    Edited 2 times, last by McRalfix (March 14, 2013 at 3:33 PM).

  • Manfred from KPAs support team sent a special 1.6 Version, which made this "analog board" error disappear.

    The error came up when I imported 580 Rigs. NO it does not sum up to 1000 including factory rigs.

    I suppose, one rig file was damaged.

    wiKPA Trouble shooting by erasing the rigs and reimporting the factory rigs helped to sort all errors out
    (doing this is at your own risk - better ask support)

    So thanx a lot to Manfred Franzkowiak & Gianfranco di Mareto low down my blood pressure ;) :thumbup:

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!: