how to do a factory reset (system reset)

  • Hi,

    You owe yourself to read this phenomenal "unofficial" guide by viabcroce named WiKPA:

    Tips & Tricks for the KPA (wiKPA) - For those who want to get to know their KPA far above what's in the manuals :) The download link is on the first post.

    Your answer is in there or do a search in the forum as it has been answered 100 times.

    Don't want to sound like a prick but you owe yourself to, at least, browse through viabcroce very fine document.


  • Thanks...will do!

    Part of the reason I was asking is that I did search first and in fact have downloaded the "tip and tricks" and did see that I am supposed to "hold the system button as I power on" which I did except it didn't seem to work for me.

    I will re-read and try again :)


  • Hi,

    It's always a very good idea to make a backup of your Kemper before you proceed.

    If you want to erase all the rigs that are there and go back to an empty KPA you need to hold the first button above the screen while turning ON the KPA on the Tuner position. This will bring you to the System Maintenance and Tests mode.

    Once there, select Maintenance then Memory then Init Flash which will erase all the rigs from your Kemper.

    After this procedure, you will only have 1 rig in your Kemper called Initialized Rig or something like that.

    To get the factory rigs again, press the System button and on screen #1 you will see a label "Factory Rigs" top right position. Press that and you will be back in business. With firmware 1.6.0 it should give you around 345 presets.

    Don't forget to upload the Factory Rig Pack 04 that you can get from the Kemper website under Support and in category Rig Packs because it is the only one that is not already included in firmware 1.6.0.

    Hope this helps, Cheers.

    Edited 2 times, last by StealthAMD (February 23, 2013 at 8:16 PM).