
  • Anyone noticed this or is it just mine..

    when I'm on cleans or dist, strat or tele.. do a chord with 2 strings, 3, or more, it's kind of like there is an effect in the background.... it gets wavy, ... please can you try this, just do a 3 or 2 string chord or and one note and listen for the waving,

    let me know... thanks


    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • You may know this already but magnetic pull on the strings can cause this. Strong pickups adjusted too close to the strings can create an odd sounding oscillation. It's common in strats and refereed to as "Stratitis" but can happen to any mag pup guitar. The higher up the neck, the worse it gets since the fretted string moves closer to the pickup.

    Just something to check...


  • Thanks, the strat pickups are pretty low really and the Tele hugher but pretty weak pickups anyway...

    none of these had the delay on.. can this still have an effect if it's not being used...


    Leg em down and yackem smackem