Hm, don't like the sound from FW 1.6 (Edit Fixed now)

  • This is clearly the saddest point in my presence in user forums in 15 years as a manufacturer.
    Allow me to skip the answer to your question.
    It wouldn't matter anyway, right?

    So you're able to ask such questions of others and nobody else is? Once again very little detail/response from you re any type
    of direct question.

    I'm confused (or misguided) about this user forum and beta testing expectation/outcome and I have some questions/statements.

    • You invite people to join your KPA forum and provide free consulting/feedback amongst everyone and you benefit
      gaining valuable user and market knowledge as a consequence for free
    • You give out Beta for testing and request user feedback in the hope of correcting/improving your product and
      furthering your business sales/goodwill for free
    • People have all paid $ for their Kempers and they're still providing consulting to you for free
    • You receive free, constructive and valuable feedback/comments that you don't like and you respond in a bullish &
      despondent manner
    • You rarely if ever directly answer a question from the paying user after they've put in considerable effort at their cost
      and time to provide such feedback for free

    Strange thing, when you're dealing with changes/requests with actual amplifier companies the kind of response and behaviour
    is certainly different than what "software" houses serve back.

    I thought FAS and its forum was the only place of its kind but now I realise it isn't. The behaviour of its leader and his fanbois is
    strangely the same.

    Feel free to delete my user account immediately as providing my time and experience to people who don't want to or can't listen is
    pointless and I have no need to return. (I'd delete it myself but the profile panel doesn't allow me)

    The above response may now be your worst in 15 years.

  • The internet is a fucked up place...I'd close this thread if I was a forum moderator. This thread is taking a direction that isn't helpful for anyone involved. FW 1.6 basic sound is the same as always. End of discussion.

  • Something I said on TGP:

    Play the AC30 top boost and A-57 Twin Clean and tell me there's a lack of high end. Seriously. I'm so happy about FW 1.6. Let's treat the designer of this fine product with the respect he deserves.

    Any change has been for the better.

    Plain and simple, some profiles sound better than others (and often times, it's largely subjective).

  • The internet is a fucked up place...I'd close this thread if I was a forum moderator. This thread is taking a direction that isn't helpful for anyone involved. FW 1.6 basic sound is the same as always. End of discussion.

    We could kill everyone with a different opinion... or lock them in a cell so they cannot contamine the rest of the world with their opinions.
    [Blocked Image:]

  • So bad it's going this way.
    Honestly I don't think CK meant to be bullish, while probably he looked harsh. But, guys, this is one of the downsides of the web. It's hard to communicate the tone of a question or of a statement.
    By the way I still think that everything is going to be fixed soon somehow.
    Keep it cool guys, let's not waste one year of great community life.

    Ps: get some South Italy way of life. "Piano, piano, con calma" :D

  • Ps: get some South Italy way of life. "Piano, piano, con calma"

    He he! Piano? We play guitar! You are on the wrong forum. :P

    This should have remained as a technical discussion about the differences that are detecting some users to detect the problem or discard that there is a problem. What should not be permitted by the moderator is the mockery or aggression towards those who think differently.

    Edited once, last by pacocito (January 18, 2013 at 9:02 AM).

  • Dear guitarplaying friends.
    CK has stated he does not know what to change to satisfy those of us (I cant) who hear a difference in 1.6.
    Could we all drop it here? Lets instead all thank him for the KPA, 1.6 and wish him the best with the launch at NAMM?
    Product launches can be extremely taxing and we could let him use all his time and energy for that.
    Can we all do this together?

  • The great 1.6 debate. A simple poll.

    132 votes and only 60 think it sounds/feels the same.

    So half of us is crazy, fooled by our hearing or brain - or something is different.

    If all is the same, then all this is a lot of fun and a great pycho experiment.

    If it's not the same what is left?
    a) some hear/ feel the 1db difference Mat shows in his reamped clips - others not
    b) the different latency (can be checked with the new 1.6 latency switch)
    c) the aliasing - some may like it
    d) any more ideas ???

    So, all we need is a switch old aliasing filter / new aliasing filter - done.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • 132 votes and only 60 think it sounds/feels the same.

    The first 2 o 3 hundreds of post are based on wrong test files (played in different moments and maybe with different guitars)... that influenced a lot the common opinion.
    BTW the ones who's saying is different are divided... some say is brighter, some say is warmer.

    So half of us is crazy, fooled by our hearing or brain - or something is different.

    Something is different...that's for sure. If a particular sequence of 1010101010 produces an artifact called aliasing in the digital-analog conversion you have to change that sequence a little to avoid those artifact... I have no doubt.
    The debate is if you can hear the difference by ear.

    d) any more ideas ???

    Some particular guitar with some specific rig make this difference audible to some special people...
    I don't feel anything wrong (except for crackles... but it's a beta, I know)

    P.S. Guitartone
    I'll do 75 ....

  • Shocking video after 1.6 upgrade!

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