Hm, don't like the sound from FW 1.6 (Edit Fixed now)

  • Good news. :) I did a system reset in FW 1.6.0 just after updating firmware (my previous reset was in FW 1.5.4) like Armin. I cannot hear any difference now while playing with the latency switch. I suggest everybody else that noticed the differences to try this and report the results.

    From now on I will do a system reset every time I update the FW just in case.

  • I was so upset that I have put in my order for the rack version as well
    Long live the digital toaster. CK stick me on the Beta list, or should I PM

    Mainly my own built valve amps and Kemper

  • I still think that there's a bug in there somewhere - I have had the same issue - and when I tried to check the Aux-Volume-thing, the Kemper went totally silent - after rebooting, the volume was back to what I think was normal, but then somehow the Noisegate was set to 10.0 - which was playable, but resulted in a very very strange feeling while playing. So there needs to be someone to look into that and fix it, I guess.

  • You just said that a system reset would have been the most obvious thing to do. :huh:

    I imagined that the guys performing the scientific tests would have already done a system reset prior to taking hours and hours doing the scientific tests.
    I think the scientists were so engrossed in proving something that they forgot the most obvious thing to do, after all, we were doing system resets back in January 2012 with one of the first firmware updates.

  • Correct! But we stopped because was not anymore necessary..... At that time I was the one telling everybody to try a system reset for every sh.t! Lol! Somebody from mothership told me to stop because it was messing up the system user data. :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hopefully questions may have been answered and a seeming mystery might be solved. That's always good!

    I hope it's true and actually the case.

    It's really nice to consider the possibly EVERYONE was right about what they were hearing depending on THEIR KPA and something not perfect in their particular FW upgrade process.

    Wouldn't it be nice if CK and everyone else acrually were right regarding what they were hearing from their own unit, or clips which were shared... and if the FW was installed "correctly" and cache < I suppose > succesfully "cleared" the fact IS there's no detrimental tone change in our favorite gear to play through?

    I may well explain how the folks here may well be a bit "crazy", but actually are being honest about what they were hearing. IOW, it's nice if this is the answer. Maybe a lot of angry things were said in both directions but both sides were right about what they were hearing.

    Lets hope the long thread really did need to be this long if an answer
    was found. Perhaps apologies and thank you's are mutually appropriate.

    I'd be good with that. :thumbup: How about you?

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (January 18, 2013 at 11:50 PM).

  • There will always be something not right to someone , that's the nature or the beast .
    But for me I made a choice to download the latest beta software warts n all , it will all come right in the end.
    But I will say its become a habit of doing a sys reset ever time I upgrade .
    I do love the look of thr rack can't wait for them to arive at my dealer UK.
    It's all good

    Mainly my own built valve amps and Kemper

  • Well I suppose I need to be a part of this historic thread before it ends.

    Mine sounds great on 1.6, but I did have a previous version where it sounded completely garbage. I had reset system settings, flash format, reload etc and couldn't get it to snap out of it. I tried recording clips but people told me that's the way it is supposed to sound. Then one day I downgraded all the way to 1.0.4 and suddenly it was alive again. Upgraded back and everything has been happy since. I felt bad because CK wanted a new recording with the correct sound, but when I compared what I had recorded and a new recording I couldn't tell the difference myself. However, it was different when I was playing. I think that is the same thing that is happening here. I hope everyone can get back to going with a system reset so we can move on.

    Poor ManWithGas will probably never be back now he was so upset.

  • I imagined that the guys performing the scientific tests would have already done a system reset prior to taking hours and hours doing the scientific tests.
    I think the scientists were so engrossed in proving something that they forgot the most obvious thing to do, after all, we were doing system resets back in January 2012 with one of the first firmware updates.

    Correct! But we stopped because was not anymore necessary..... At that time I was the one telling everybody to try a system reset for every sh.t! Lol! Somebody from mothership told me to stop because it was messing up the system user data. :D

    Exactly! And you were not the only one warned about it. Anyway, Guitartone, if you have an idea next time, please don't be shy and let us know. If you get lucky maybe you even get a ban warning. :D